Inked Adventures Blocks is a hand drawn printable play aid (to card or paper) for dungeon masters and players of fantasy tabletop games. The blocks are very easy to assemble, reusable and modular, to adapt to the DM's different dungeon maps.
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Models included in this PDF
- 10’ square wall block (10’x10’)
- L-shaped corner piece (10'x10', 5' thick )
- 10’ long wall (10'x5' )
- 15’ long wall (15’x5’ )
- 5' wall / pillar (5'x5')
- 15' steps (15'x5')
- Flagstone floor (grid / battle mat)
- Doors, single and double.
A4 and Letter sized PDFs provided.
The set is based on the standard 1 inch = 5 feet in scale for 25/28mm figures, this should be compatible with other dungeon scenery, floor plans and battle mats. The pieces fit within 1 inch grid squares - width dimensions are slightly shorter than 1 inch per side - this worked much better in the playtests, especially where many blocks were used.
Appearance and use in play
The tops of the wall blocks are dark grey to cleanly divide the room areas, when viewed from above. The dark grey also helps the blocks resemble the impassable areas in the DM's map.
The pieces are designed to be modular, movable and reusable, but players can choose to glue pieces down to make permanent room shapes, or even a whole dungeon level.
The wall pieces are "reversible". When turned upside down, the flagstone pattern means that they can represent walkways or an elevated level. Very useful for those bridges over chasms. A 3 inch (15x5ft) steps piece is provided to link ground and upper level.
The L-shaped pieces are especially handy as corners for delineating edges of very large rooms, even when no other blocks are used.
Printing and assembly
Compared to most dungeon scenery these blocks are very easy to print and assemble. Print onto card or paper on a home printer (A4 and Letter page size formats provided, print at 100% scale). The dungeon blocks print well in colour or greyscale (although the doors are colour). Cut-out the net designs with scissors. The tabs and fold lines are really just a guide - many modellers prefer much smaller tabs (modify as you see fit). Green lines are mountain folds, red are valley folds. Use paper glue or double-sided tape. Ideal for children - with supervision! The flagstone floor tile page is optional – you may already have preferred battlemat. Two to four copies of the sheet placed together will provide an adequate play area for the centre of a game table.
Printing onto white card is preferable but not essential. Hollow paper blocks might not support metal figures or heavy using the “upper level”.
Please Note: This is a print-and-play accessory only. It is not intended for digital editing or use with VTT software.
Compatible with most dungeon floor plan and battlemat products using the 1 inch scale.
Usage and Copyright
Inked Adventures and the artist Billiam Babble retain the rights to the original art work supplied herein. The customer is purchasing this product for “personal use” only – or to share with a small playing group – within reasonable limits. If you would like to use any element of this pack in a commercial or free-to-use product, please do not hesitate to contact Inked Adventures to discuss options. ©Art / PDF contents Inked Adventures/ Billiam Babble 2014
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