SAGA: An Optional Story-Based Combat System (PFRPG) PDF

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"Damn," muttered the player. "How many of those things are there, anyway?" "It looks like forty demons of various sorts, plus another 1000 orcs." The Game Master gazed glumly at the large map.

Groans echoed around the table. One of the players shook her head. "This is going to take all night!"

It doesn't have to.

SAGA gives Game Masters an entirely new combat system—one that moves away from the tactical skirmish-level miniatures game forms the basis of Pathfinder Roleplaying Game combat. This new system can be used with the existing feats and abilities, and can be used in combination with the traditional rules—each system governing combats with different emphasis.

In fiction, combat serves to highlight and resolve conflict. The scene shows us something important about the world, the characters, and their relationships with one another. Combat also acts as a symbol for danger, sharpening the tension in a scene by giving us a visceral sense the characters might die.

In a role-playing game, though, combat occurs so often it blends into the background. The scene tells us little about the characters or the world. Instead it serves as a way to work with numbers and explore various tactical options. We play a game of combat in which random chance, character building choices, and tactical savvy stand dominant over narrative concerns.

With SAGA we try to combine narrative flow and the game elements of RPG combat. The players make meaningful choices and face obstacles worthy of heroes in the pursuit of goals that mean something. Meanwhile, the game elements provide both play options and the dramatic tension associated with the possibility of failure.

This supplement contains:

  • An overview of Story-based Combat
  • A detailed new narrative combat system for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
  • A guide to the tools needed to design and manage encounters under this system.
  • A chapter of example encounter templates.
  • Feats and abilities from the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, Advanced Player's Guide, Advanced Race Guide, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, Bestiary and Bestiary 2 translated into the new system—and guidelines for how to translate new feats and abilities from any other Pathfinder-compatible products.

Kiss the 5-foot square good-bye!

The game text in this product is 100% Open Game Content.

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This looks very interesting!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I bought this today, and so far my first impressions are not great. This is 67 pages long, and if you're trying to make combat more narrative based that's entirely too long.

The gist is to basically turn combat into something akin to a skill challenge, with checks dealing damage to an arbitrary threshold (represented in game by minions usually, but sometimes just representing like, time) or to specific special monsters.

I am not sure this was the solution I was looking for regarding narrative combat. I suspect this could have been simplified further.

It's not bad, gonna have to see how it actually plays out in a game. Couple of Editing glitches (EX: Wind Stance on the feat list is obscured by one of the images) but over all I kind of like the way the system is set up.
I'll have a better idea when I use it in my next campaign

Grand Lodge

I am going to try it and will evaluate it and leave a review in a couple of weeks.

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I bought this today, and so far my first impressions are not great. This is 67 pages long, and if you're trying to make combat more narrative based that's entirely too long.

Well, to be fair, when the standard combat system for Pathfinder literally has thousands of pages devoted to it, getting an entirely new system down to under 100 pages IS pretty simplified. :)

Grand Lodge

My initial thoughts after reading through it are that it is overly complicated. I have not seen it in action yet, but the presentation doesn't really make me want to use it. It's a shame because I really like the idea, conceptually.

Been giving it a good few reads and I think I like it. It doesn't seem to be nearly as complex as it looks at first.

Still need to try it out in an actual game though.

One Question that is bugging me right now is how do I treat Animal Companions or Eidolons in this? Are they separate characters with their own stances or do they just act as support to their master?

What about Archetypes that allow multiple companions like a Pack Master or Broodmaster?

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