Adventure Path Iconics: Path of the Winter (PFRPG) PDF

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This is the third installment of our Adventure Path Iconics line, and the eight characters herein are specifically designed for play in a winter-themed Adventure Path. Each character has a full stat block, including campaign traits, a detailed background and personality, and advice on advancement through 4th level. Find one that suits you and you’re ready to play. These characters have been built using a 20-point buy, as many Pathfinder players and GMs prefer it. However, each comes with instructions on how to adjust the stats to a 15-point buy, should your GM wish to use the standard for Paizo’s adventure paths. If your group enjoys an epic fantasy feel for their characters, then adjustments up to a 25-point buy are also available. Whatever your style of play, just a few minor tweaks will have you ready to go.

The iconic consist of four human characters and four unique races from the NeoExodus: A House Divided campaign setting such as:

  • Cavian: Creatures of myth, whispered in legend, lost in the mists of history – and now returned for reasons unknown to any but themselves. Such are the cavians, a race of humanoid rodents noted for their incredible psionic abilities.
  • Cynean: Crystalline scholars of all things arcane, the cyneans are as mighty in mind as in body. While the psionically inclined might expect the cyneans to share their tendencies, these beings of living crystal are masters of magic, not mentalism. On Exodus, which is both their home and their only known haunt, they can ever be found seeking some mystical secret or long-lost spell.
  • Dalrean: Dalrean are a race of sentient, mobile plants. If a treant is a thinking tree, a dalrean is a thinking flower, and indeed, the spellcasters of this race are noted for their astonishing floral ‘spellbuds.’ Dalrean, who live exceedingly long lives, are closely tied to the natural cycles of Exodus.
  • Prymidian: Prymidians are regal, red-skinned humanoids. Their stately demeanor and formidable build impress other races and their learning follows suit. The prymidians are a communication and language-inclined race, dedicated to scientific reason, research, expansion of knowledge and discovery. Their culture seeks to know all there is to know in Exodus, and to communicate that knowledge to others. None know better than the prymidians that knowledge truly is power.
These iconics consist of:
  • Asta Krigersdottir, Female human barbarian (breaker)
  • Viniana Aurcroft, Female human rogue (sniper)
  • Dron Farwalker, Male human ranger (guide)
  • Jarani Zidane, Male human bard (daredevil)
  • Evergreen, Female dalrean witch (hedge witch)
  • Gryn Kynon, Male prymidian gunslinger
  • Chalu Adsila, Female cavian cleric
  • Maqia, Female cynean inquisitor (witch hunter)

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This installment of LPJr Design's series of pregens for APs is 28 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page SRD, leaving 26 pages of content, so let's take a look, shall we?

The pdf kicks off with an introduction that explains synonymous use of terms (to respect Paizo IP) as well as the basic concept of the line - 8 Pregens, 4 of which are human, whereas 4 belong to the rather uncommon races from LPJr Design's own NeoExodus campaign setting. These, btw., should you require their details, can by now be found on's shop. Point-buy-wise, the characters are 20-point-characters, but each of them offers information on how to scale them up or down to 15 and 25 points respectively.

Now that out of the way, let's take a look at our first character, the giant-blooded Ulfen Barbarian (Breaker) maiden Asta Krigersdottir - giant-blooded, raised in exile and in an orphanage and finally adopted by a northerner, this woman is a force to fear indeed - and one that features an uncommon entry: Her prefered ranged weapon would be her...heavy mace. Seriously. Thrown anything, baby. As we've come to expect from this series, Asta, like all characters herein, comes with advice on further char-progression and roleplaying advice. Neat!

Viniana Aurcroft would be the second human - Taldan rogue (sniper) blessed with heterochromia (which I consider exceedingly hot, but that's another matter), she came from a moderately blessed family and actually has no tragedy and a rather intact family, looking for fame and her own way - refreshing among all the angsty heroes out there. That being said, her statblock seems to have two glitches - one, her statblock lists an incorrect trait and two, she wields a longsword she has no proficiency in - that should probably be a short sword.

Dron Farwalker, the Kellid ranger (guide) once was saved by either Desna or one of her agents from darkest sorcery hidden in a cairn and thus loyal to her, is a rather well-travelled and surprisingly nice (for a Kellid) man and makes for yet another cool character - though his statblock lacks the list of traits - the results of the traits are provided, though.

Jarani Zidane, the Garundi daredevil bard may seem like an odd duck in the frigid north, but that may actually be the appeal of choosing this particular pregen - a thrill-seeker and fan of the larger-than-life Ulfen champions from the North, he is journeying wild-eyed to the north, all while talking of himself in the third person and trying to charm with his bravardo.

Now the first character from NeoExodus' exotic races would be Evergreen, a Dalrean (plant-like humanoid) witch (hedge witch) who comes with a weasel familiar as well as one of the signature feats of the race, which allows the dalrean to grow a bud and store a spell in said bud. Appalling bedside manners coupled with a pargamatism make her an uncommon witch to say the least - but honestly, she's probably the odd choice for players who wish for a challenge - dalrean susceptibility to extreme temperatures and her lack of spells/items to counteract that mean that she will have a tough time - still, a cool character. She lacks the trait-list in the statblock.

The prymidian gunslinger Gryn Kynon is a refugee from another world - and his mugshot enforces that - rather badass, if I may say so, an I'm not particularly fond of the tentacle-using Prymidians! Stranded in the Mana Wastes, he left because he actually hates no languages (unlike his polyglot race) and loves magic - hence making for a cool lone stranger-style character - also due to coming with flare cartridges. He also lacks teh trait-list.

Chalu Adsila would be a cavian cleric - also from another world, a failed apprentice of the winter witches, and thoroughly un-Cavian: Seperated from her racial hive-mind, she actually embraced the antithesis of the deceptionless truthfulness of her kind, obsessing over minor lies and obfuscating things with her harmless, but potentially rather hilarious madness - oh, and she fights with a bladed scarf. Nice, though again, the trait-list is missing

The final new creature would be Maqia, a Cynean Inquisitor (with hunter) - the crystalline being has left her ecclesiastic upbringing to do the work of Iomedae instead of living a life as a living piece of jewelry. Her Cynean race and their particular benefits mean that she is perhaps the most "easy" of the characters herein - at AC 20, with solid melee and range capabilities, she is probably the strongest of the characters herein and could be considered the most optimized. Again, no trait-list in the statblocks.


Editing and formatting are good, though not perfect - I noticed minor stumbles in wording and punctuation here and there. Layout adheres to a drop-dead gorgeous 2-column standard with a blue-tinted background and scroll-like highlight boxes and once again, LPJr Design has to be complemented for oen beautiful pdf. The same can be said about the glorious mug-shots provided for each character - glorious indeed and often enough to make you introduce these characters right away. The pdf comes fully bookmarked for your convenience and in two versions, with the second being more printer-friendly.

Jeff Lee knows how to write compelling characters - that's a given by now. The pregens herein are compelling, offer cool roleplaying opportunities and have some nice ideas for further advancement. Surprisingly, the stories for the uncommon races are the stars this time around - with cool background stories galore, these could well stand as intriguing NPCs on their own as well. Especially the Cavian and Prymidian deserve special kudos from yours truly - cool characters indeed! Now on the downside, I do consider both Asta and especially Maqia slightly more optimized than the others, but that's okay, I guess. More annoying are the minor glitches like the absence of trait-lists from no less than more than half of the statblocks herein. Since the sniper has a wrong weapon, getting trait-lists to properly be able to deduce how those builds were made without too much page-flipping - especially if you're not yet familiar with the NeoExodus-races a clear separation of traits and racial traits would have made modification of these pregens for prospective players easier. Now don't get me wrong - this is by no means a bad offering - but it is also not realizing its full potential and has some minor issues that weigh heavy on a pregen-collection, which is supposed to be ready from the get-go. Hence, my final verdict will clock in at 3.5 stars, rounded down to 3 for the purpose of this platform.

Endzeitgeist out.

And the hits just keep on coming...


Path of Winter is the latest in the Adventure Path Iconics line from LPJ Design providing pre-Lgenerated characters for the popular Paizo line of Adventure Paths. For those unfamiliar you get 8 characters suitable for the AP, 1/2 are usually races from the core PFRPG, and 1/2 from LPJ Design's NeoExodus setting, of which I have little familiarity with, but they provide everything you'd need to run the character. It's easy to read, the characters are well written, and the profile art is nice. If you're looking for some quickie characters for the AP, or any winter/ice themed adventure you could do a lot worse.

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Less than 24 hours release, and we already have a 5-star review. I guess we still got it!

I am working on a solo campaign for my wife. She is playing a Kellid Barbarian, and we have some spring snow mountain passages as well as frozen wastes to travel through. Does this PDF have dungeon maps that would be useful for this? Would a few water-marked, lo-rez sample pages be available for this so we would know what content is within this? It looks like this is just iconic characters of a non-Golarian compaign, which would *not* be what I am looking for, but I'm a bit confused looking at this from the blue.

Thank you for your help!

Romaq wrote:

I am working on a solo campaign for my wife. She is playing a Kellid Barbarian, and we have some spring snow mountain passages as well as frozen wastes to travel through. Does this PDF have dungeon maps that would be useful for this? Would a few water-marked, lo-rez sample pages be available for this so we would know what content is within this? It looks like this is just iconic characters of a non-Golarian compaign, which would *not* be what I am looking for, but I'm a bit confused looking at this from the blue.

Thank you for your help!

No I am sorry we don't. This is just eight all new iconics you could use in your winter based adventure paths.

Thank you for your response. :) I'll keep looking.

Reviewed first on, then submitted to Nerdtrek and GMS magazine and posted here, on OBS and's shop.

Endzeitgeist wrote:
Reviewed first on, then submitted to Nerdtrek and GMS magazine and posted here, on OBS and's shop.

As always thanks for taking the time out to review us.

I also did the one for Skull & Shackles today on my site - that one fared better. :)

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