Pathfinder Society: GM 101 PDF

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GM 101 is a course that is divided into four lessons, each lasting approximately one hour. These include "Roleplaying: Bringing Scenarios to Life," Rules: Enabling Awesomeness, Restricting Abuse," "Running the Game: The Science Behind the Art," and "Advanced Topics: When the Unexpected Strikes." These four basic topics will allow a player, new to GMing, to ease into the role, and also feel more comfortable overseeing the enjoyment of a table for a group of four to six players.

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It's existence alone merits 5 stars


My former lodge in Bloomington has frequently used this program to encourage new GMs, which has helped us immensely in avoiding the situation where only 3 people GM every week.

As I begin my own lodge, I intend to use this for the same purpose. It's a great tool, and one I'm glad Paizo produced for its base.

A good training device for GMs


I think this is a very good training tool for new GMs. It has gotten some of the GMs in my area more excited to running games. This is only going to get better as we go.

I've played in games run by two of the contributors to this document, and they were awesome.

Lantern Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is a handy document with some good tips.

I noticed that you can select this and report it for PFS. Is there a reason to do so after you've read it?

Grand Lodge

What if we've run a GM 101 course using these same materials PRIOR to the release of the product? Can we record the credit for the GMs involved?

Grand Lodge Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

dinketry wrote:
What if we've run a GM 101 course using these same materials PRIOR to the release of the product? Can we record the credit for the GMs involved?

Yes. If you have the reporting info, go for it!

Grand Lodge


Lantern Lodge

Do you need to report with a specific character number? There is no Chronicle Sheet, so I'm wondering about the purpose behind reporting it. Does it count towards your GM stars?

Grand Lodge

A follow up to the above excellent would you claim this credit without a chronicle?

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Dinketry, there's two types of credit we're talking about:

  • "I've GMed 'Citadel of Fire 15 times, and I have a single Chronicle sheet for it, the first time I ran the scenario! Next up, I'll run 'Murder's Mark', for which I'll get a Chronicle sheet with 4 XP."
  • "I've GMed 'Citadel of Fire 15 times, and I have 15 tables of credit towards my GM stars. (That would be a first star and change.) Next up, I'll run 'Murder's Mark', for which I'll earn another 2 tables."

This is the second kind of GM credit.

Grand Lodge

So this credit cannot be applied to character, then. Am I correct in that?

Grand Lodge Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

There is no Chronicle sheet or anything to give to a character. This program is to help your local community foster new GMs.

You earn one star towards your GM rating.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Interesting. I have a player interested in learning to be a GM. Maybe I'll set a little something up.

Lantern Lodge

Ah, alright. Thank you Mr. Brock. Do you have a brother named Eddie by chance?

Grand Lodge Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

Rendrin wrote:
Ah, alright. Thank you Mr. Brock. Do you have a brother named Eddie by chance?

No, but I have an Uncle named Eddie.

Lantern Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That's awesome!

The information in the GM 101 PDF is so useful that every GM (maybe everyone) should read it even if you couldn't report it; with that added bonus you'd be extremely silly not to.

Grand Lodge

So, if I understand correctly, someone who runs a GM 101 session for other budding PFS GMs gets to report it for credit. If you as a new GM download the PDF and read it, that's great, but you can't report it for credit for yourself. Is this accurate?

Shadow Lodge

So, does everyone who participates in GM 101 get a table towards their star or just the person running it?

Sovereign Court

It looks to me like everyone who participated gets credit. That's my take on the situation.

Sovereign Court

It would be nice to have a chronicle though

It doesn't appear that "players" receive credit. I tried recording a sample event with my husband as GM and myself as a player and it gave him an extra table of credit, but it didn't affect my tables. (I then deleted the table after testing) I do think it would be appropriate to give players credit since it is just as helpful as running a single table for GM experience.

I think GM 101 is an excellent resource and I would like my group to all go through the material. Unfortunately, I don't think my players will give up a night of playing for a night of talking about GM'ing unless I can find another way to bribe them. While we don't have a shortage of GMs, I think we could all use a few tips, such as adding more immersion and dealing with the occasional socially awkward moment.

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