Geistlinger |

So, our villains foiled my evil plan... by not doing something I (and Thorn) completely expected them to do.
I figured they would try again this last session, so their former master had planned a trap. He's been scrying them pretty much even since they entered his service, and only recently did they put some defenses into place. They would have found information, but it would have been planted and would have led them to a false phylactery trap.
Instead of using their minions to look for information again, though, they used them to make some money and shore up the defenses of their home base. :|
Then when they got the message from Barnabus Thrane about Sir Richard, they harrowed off after that lead. While there, they decided to use the library and some spells that they learned last level to find information on the (true) location of the phylactery.

Duskbreaker |

Well, last session we plowed our way through the frost giants, grigori who teleported out, the 4 negative energy elemental things, and the 12 graveknights. The frost giant king ate 2 hero points from a party member to avoid death, the elementals cost us 200 gp to get rid of the negative lvls and the 12 graveknights killed another party member. Our group consisted of a 14th lvl vamp antipaladin, and a heavens shaman, a bard, a monk, a fighter, and a artifice warpriest all AR 16. We lost the warpriest afet the frost giants, so the team was down a member through the last 3 encounters. We also haven't had any significant amount of downtime since killing the king. So our equipment has't been upgraded for a while now. I can't see how a party could get to the cardinal in a single day of game time.

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Time for an epic amount of betrayal. Changes I made to WotW--Book 5, part 1.

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Time for a rematch with Vetra-Kali. Yeah, that's all this one is. I can't believe how long this got.
Changes I made to WotW--Book 5, part 2.
As well, mentioned and shared John Hawkins' version of King Markadian V.

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Side quest filler, and the announcement of my second book going to print.
Changes I made to WotW--Book 5, part 4.
Not a whole lot there regarding detailed substance, but then it's all about optional encounters that the PCs may or may not want to go through the trouble of doing, or that the GM may want to work with.

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Changes I made to WotW--Book 5, part 5.
Let's see how the PCs fair in the Cairn. Added my own variation to the linnorm. Chances are most of your PCs could still take it out in one round, if they're anything like poor gustavo iglesias.

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Changes I made to WotW--Book 5, part 6.
Let's check out this temple of doom, and go through each of the rooms. However the big three will be left for next time.

JohnHawkins |

Looking at General Barca there is a reason for his high profession Soldier skill, it is the best approximation for skill as a military commander, and he should be good at it he is the Kings most trusted general. In fact I think the king should really have some skill in the area as he is I believe a succesful military leader

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Looking at General Barca there is a reason for his high profession Soldier skill, it is the best approximation for skill as a military commander, and he should be good at it he is the Kings most trusted general. In fact I think the king should really have some skill in the area as he is I believe a succesful military leader
I have no problem with Barca putting a rank per level into it, but not sink feats into it. Having +24 is plenty for storyline. Taking Skill Focus is just unnecessary. There are cheap magic items that can boost that too. Heck, get a trait. If this was specifically using the rules from Ultimate Campaign's mass combat, then yes, I could totally see it. Especially if he's fighting against the PCs. But it's not. So you don't need to worry about the morale checks.

JohnHawkins |

On the other hand he leads an army (from the rear ) into a aeries of heroically suicidal charges so he must be good at leading them. I also don't expect Barca to be a real opponent he is not really in a position and nor does he have the motivation to really fight the pc's and if he does I give him a round at maximum

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On the other hand he leads an army (from the rear ) into a aeries of heroically suicidal charges so he must be good at leading them. I also don't expect Barca to be a real opponent he is not really in a position and nor does he have the motivation to really fight the pc's and if he does I give him a round at maximum
As do I. Still, if he wasn't worth that much of a fight, he should have just been a warrior instead of a fighter. He's like the troll bait of NPCs. He's an encounter for the sake of one.

JohnHawkins |

As a combat encounter I agree but he has a number of other uses
1) He can explain some bits of Thorns plot the pc's missed and pass on other information the GM may want them to have.
2) He is a useful political pawn, the pc's may want to use him as a puppet, or a way of controlling the Barca nobles or as a scapegoat for the armies failure discrediting both the house of Barca and the house of Darius.
3) Given that he is a high level Talingarde noble he may be useful as a sacrifice to buy favour from some devil or other fiend
Given his importance in the land and his apparent reputation as a competent and trustworthy commander for the army he really should be a fighter or cavalier. I also tend to assume that anyone of about 6th level or greater should be a fighter rather than a warrior and all the earlier high level warriors will have been changed to fighters

Pnakotus Detsujin |

Very well. First, i shall say this. Mr Kevin_video, i'm an estimator of your good work and approve many of the changes you have made. You have done much and, if i may be so bold, I wish to thank you for all your efforts in the name of the forum.
I myself i'm doing a similar work of heavy remodeling the campaign since I'm mastering a Mythic Way of the Wicked (i'm currently a session before the king killing) that involves Cheliax, the "court of Hekkazar" and a lot of extra stuff that would be difficult to explain in details. Let us say book six shall be very busy for the pcs, full of the wages of their sins ...
Again, a good job. About Thorn, mine is ...
a dread lich 10 cleric 10 Cardinal of Asmodeus (from the dicefreaks "gates of hell" series) hierophant 7 that has gained mythic powers by the Hadean signet. This artifact in my campaign is a reliquary of an "Infernal Titan" that tried to take control of half golarion after the sealing of Rovagug and he's buried deep in Talingarde and whose power Thorn needed to not be enslaved by the renmains of the Hekkazar's court. I strongly suggest to look at that prestige class, cause it's very tematic

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@John -- General Barca can have his uses, and I agree that anyone over level 6 should be a fighter. It's one thing I continually make sure to note. However, without giving spoilers, Barca not being taken out is considered to be a less than stellar plan. That said, it's completely up to the GM how they want to proceed with him after the fight.
@Pnakotus -- I definitely agree with the dread lich. I too made that change, and when I post the update I'll be explaining why. I've actually referenced Gates of Hell once before, namely to let others know about the Hellfire weapon property, which I gave Fire-Axe. Good call.
As for mythic, I can't believe how easily it is to convert the AP over nowadays thanks to so many mythic 3pp books coming out. It's still popular.
And thank you for the kind words. I'm glad you're enjoying the series. Given my health issues, which hopefully will be looked at this week right before Christmas, I'll be able to actually commit to getting all 6 books completed by New Year's.

JohnHawkins |

I should have noted that you also tended to replace high level warriors with fighters, I was agreeing with you on that. I have no idea what my group will do with Barca, their current long term plan is to marry the princess off to one of them after killing the king. I am encouraging this plan :(
I am surprised that converting way of the wicked to mythic is practical. I just finished running Wrath of the Righteous and after that experience I put my mythic book at the bottom of a cupboard so I did not have to see it again. The numbers the pc's generated were ridiculous and it would only have got worse with the players I have for Way of the Wicked who are much better optimisers. I had to give the final boss of Wrath 16000hp so he lasted more than 2 rounds

Kryzbyn |

Yeah...my players...
They found the council chamber and the king's notes about the linnorm, and went and found Thorn's phylactery before Chargammon attacked. As soon as they killed the king Tiadora came to take them to Thorn, they convinced her that backing Thorn was a bad deal. She told them they had until the end of that day (loophole in the command) to confront Thorn. She also shared with them what they had been doing to Richard, as they knew he had died in Farholde by Vetra Kali (long story), and they asked. After they kill thorn, they went to find Richard, at Chargammon's lair. After being beaten easily by the party's anti-paladin, this information was given to Richard and pushed him over the edge into falling.

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@John -- That's cool. A slip, nothing more. If they're keeping Barca, it makes me wonder what the plan is for Richard.
I wouldn't say a mythic version is practical. It's definitely more work, and I'm only now adding mythic because of Vetra-Kali needing to literally be a god-like being. Otherwise I wouldn't worry about touching it. I am beyond amazed that a BBEG needed over 16,000 hp to last more than two rounds. That's gross. Granted, this is why I continually reference the Elite Creature template from the d20 Warcraft books. If they party's too much, give the creature max hp and multiply it by 4.
@Kryzbyn -- I am beyond amused that your party went to immediately take down the linnorn before Chargammon attacked the castle. That whole ordeal should be epic for their characters. I know my group couldn't do it. That's crazy.

Pnakotus Detsujin |

I should have noted that you also tended to replace high level warriors with fighters, I was agreeing with you on that. I have no idea what my group will do with Barca, their current long term plan is to marry the princess off to one of them after killing the king. I am encouraging this plan :(
I am surprised that converting way of the wicked to mythic is practical. I just finished running Wrath of the Righteous and after that experience I put my mythic book at the bottom of a cupboard so I did not have to see it again. The numbers the pc's generated were ridiculous and it would only have got worse with the players I have for Way of the Wicked who are much better optimisers. I had to give the final boss of Wrath 16000hp so he lasted more than 2 rounds
I will keep my pcs around MR 4 and no more, also mythic points shall be recovered slower and slower after the peak of the conflict Mitra vs Asmodeus (Valtaerna and the last battle). Also, i put a 66 AC angel at level 13 vs 4 pcs, and they got creative and overcomed it. If i see more than 300 damage per PC per round that i cannot stop using high defences, i'll just double the HP and the triple, and so on ...

JohnHawkins |

JohnHawkins wrote:I will keep my pcs around MR 4 and no more, also mythic points shall be recovered slower and slower after the peak of the conflict Mitra vs Asmodeus (Valtaerna and the last battle). Also, i put a 66 AC angel at level 13 vs 4 pcs, and they got creative and overcomed it. If i see more than 300 damage per PC per round that i cannot stop using high defences, i'll just double the HP and the triple, and so on ...I should have noted that you also tended to replace high level warriors with fighters, I was agreeing with you on that. I have no idea what my group will do with Barca, their current long term plan is to marry the princess off to one of them after killing the king. I am encouraging this plan :(
I am surprised that converting way of the wicked to mythic is practical. I just finished running Wrath of the Righteous and after that experience I put my mythic book at the bottom of a cupboard so I did not have to see it again. The numbers the pc's generated were ridiculous and it would only have got worse with the players I have for Way of the Wicked who are much better optimisers. I had to give the final boss of Wrath 16000hp so he lasted more than 2 rounds
That sounds more practical I did not have a real problem with mythic craziness until sometime in mid to late book 4 of Wrath which was level 14 mythic tier 7 or so

Kryzbyn |

Kryzbyn wrote:While i recognize that expert player could well do this in reverse, i wonder what kind of group you have to be able to take both Thorn and the paladin's entourage in a so short timeframe.Yeah...my players...
** spoiler omitted **
The party consisted of:
Arcanist/Alchemist MR 7
Arcanist/Rogue MR 7
Anti-Paldin/Warpriest MR 7
Dragon Knight/Thaumaturge (3pp stuff) MR 7
All of the main story monsters/chracters (within reason) are made of equal MR with max HP.

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Changes I made to WotW--Book 5, part 7.
The last entry for Book 5. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone.

JohnHawkins |

My probable rebuild of the Cardinal. He will probably be guarded by a bound devil of some sort and a Fiendish Iron Golem. Somethings he knows cannot betray him
Cardinal Adrastus Thorn CR 22
XP 614,400
Male human dread lich lich cleric of Asmodeus 8/exalted 10 (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Gods 200, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 188)
LE Medium undead (humanoid, evil, human)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 130 ft.; Perception +48
Aura dread fear (60 ft., constant, DC 18)
AC 48, touch 19, flat-footed 43 (+10 armor, +4 deflection, +5 Dex, +14 natural, +5 shield)
hp 306 (18d8+162)
Fort +23, Ref +15, Will +27; +4 profane bonus vs. fire
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +6, rejuvenation, stable form; DR 15/bludgeoning, 15/good, 15/magic; Immune cold, electricity, polymorph, undead traits
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (perfect)
Melee +4 human-bane light mace +28/+23/+18 (1d6+10 plus 2d6 vs. Human) or
. . cursed touch +19 touch (1d10+9 plus curse and paralysis) or
. . touch +19 (1d8+9 negative energy plus paralyzing touch)
Special Attacks channel negative energy 11/day (DC 22, 4d6), cursed touch, empowered spells, hell's corruption (4 rounds, 14/day), paralyzing touch (DC 27), scythe of evil (4 rounds, 1/day), strong spellweaving
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 18th; concentration +26)
. . 1/day—deeper darkness, elayed blast fireball delayed blast fireball (half fire, half unholy dam) (DC 25)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 18th; concentration +29)
. . At will—master's illusion (8 rounds/day)
. . 14/day—copycat (8 rounds), fire bolt (1d6+5 fire)
Exalted Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th; concentration +18)
. . Constant—empowered protection from good
. . At will—detect good
. . 1/day—burning hands (DC 19), disintegrate (DC 25), fiery body[APG], fire seeds, fire shield, fireball (DC 21), incendiary cloud (DC 26), produce flame, wall of fire
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 18th; concentration +29)
. . 9th—implosion (DC 30), summon monster IX (2), time stop[D]
. . 8th—fire storm (2, DC 29), incendiary cloud[D] (DC 29), greater spell immunity, stormbolts[APG] (DC 29)
. . 7th—extended blade barrier (2, DC 27), disintegrate[D] (DC 28), persistent reach harm (2, DC 29), empowered hellfire ray
. . 6th—antilife shell, greater dispel magic, fire seeds[D], reach harm (3, DC 29), extended true seeing
. . 5th—caustic blood (DC 26), false vision[D], flame strike (2, DC 26), greater forbid action[UM] (DC 26), spell resistance, true seeing
. . 4th—air walk, control summoned creature[UM] (DC 25), divine power, freedom of movement, greater magic weapon, communal protection from energy[UC], wall of fire[D]
. . 3rd—deeper darkness (2), fireball[D] (DC 24), magic vestment (2), prayer, protection from energy (2)
. . 2nd—admonishing ray (2), aid, alter summoned monster (DC 23), invisibility[D], silence (DC 23), spiritual weapon, zone of truth (DC 23)
. . 1st—burning disarm (DC 22), burning hands[D] (DC 22), command (2, DC 22), sanctuary (DC 22), shield of faith (3)
. . 0 (at will)—empowered bleed (DC 22), detect magic, light
. . D Domain spell; Domains Trickery, Devil (Law) Evil (Devil (evil) subdomain)
During Combat Thorn is a powerful, intelligent and fearsome combatant and for all his madness, he fights ruthlessly and efficiently to destroy his foes. His first spell is almost always time stop. With his two guaranteed actions he casts summon monster IX (an ice devil) and greater spell immunity (picking four spells he knows the Ninth favors). If he gets more time he also casts antilife shell, spell resistance and true seeing.
After that, he casts implosion and uses this fearsome spell to destroy one enemy a round while his ice devil and perhaps antilife shell keeps his enemies at bay.
If these basic tactics fail to destroy his foes, Thorn has a great panopoly of spells and powers to fall back upon. He unleashes all hell upon his foes. Remember that Thorn has likely been scrying upon the PCs for almost their entire career. He knows these opponents.
He knows them like his own children. He understands their tactics and their preferred attacks. He will be ready for their usual plans of attack. Feel free to tailor his spell list and his spell selections to match your PCs. Thorn is a creature of inhuman wisdom and perception. He will be ready for whatever the PCs can throw at him, unless they are truly innovative.
Morale Thorn will destroy the Ninth Knot and bring his evil coven back under his control. This battle is to the death.
Str 22, Dex 22, Con —, Int 26, Wis 32, Cha 26
Base Atk +13; CMB +19; CMD 39
Feats Channel Smite, Combat Casting, Command Undead, Deific Obedience, Extend Spell, Greater Spell Penetration, Guided Hand[UC], Intensified Spell[APG], Mortal Visage, Persistent Spell[APG], Reach Spell[APG], Spell Focus (necromancy), Spell Penetration, Spell Perfection[APG], Toughness
Traits former cardinal of talingarde, indomitable faith, suspicious
Skills Bluff +29 (+31 when divine brand is visible), Diplomacy +29 (+31 when divine brand is visible), Disguise +21 (+31 to Disguise skill checks to appear mortal.), Fly +34, Intimidate +29, Knowledge (local) +33, Knowledge (nobility) +33, Knowledge (planes) +33, Knowledge (religion) +33, Linguistics +23, Perception +48, Sense Motive +49, Spellcraft +33, Stealth +42; Racial Modifiers +16 Perception, +16 Sense Motive, +16 Stealth
Languages Abyssal, Common, Daemonic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, Infernal
SQ +4 to save vs. fire effects, ardent vision, deeper darkness 1/day, divine brand, domain (ash[APG]), embersight, hellfire blast, perform miracle, religious speaker, vitality, wall of ashes
Combat Gear maximize metamagic rod (greater), quicken metamagic rod, reach metamagic rod (greater)[APG], thanatopic metamagic rod (greater)[UE]; Other Gear +4 mithral breastplate, +4 mirrored buckler, +4 human-bane light mace, amulet of natural armor +3, belt of physical might +4 (Str, Dex), cloak of resistance +4, headband of mental superiority +6, incense of meditation, ring of protection +4, ring of summoning affinity (daemon)[ACG], robe of blending, key to the vault, silver unholy symbol of Asmodeus, zaerabos' amulet
Special Abilities
+4 to save vs. fire effects +4 profane bonus on saves vs. fire effects.
Ardent Vision (Good) (Sp) Gain a detect spell as an at will spell like ability.
Channel Resistance +6 +6 bonus to save vs. Channel Energy.
Channel Smite Channel energy can be delivered through a Smite attack.
Cleric Channel Negative Energy 4d6 (11/day, DC 22) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Cleric Domain (Trickery) Granted Powers: You are a master of illusions and deceptions. Bluff, Disguise, and Stealth are class skills.
Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Command Undead (DC 25) Channel energy can take control of undead.
Copycat (14/day) (Sp) Create a single mirror image duplicate
Cursed Touch (DC 18) (Su) Touch paralyzes and inflicts wasting curse.
Damage Reduction (15/bludgeoning) You have Damage Reduction against all except Bludgeoning attacks.
Damage Reduction (15/good) You have Damage Reduction against all except Good attacks.
Damage Reduction (15/magic) You have Damage Reduction against all except Magic attacks.
Darkvision (130 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Deeper Darkness 1/day (Sp) 1/day use deeper darkness as a spell like ability.
Deific Obedience Purify yourself daily to prove devotion to a deity and gain benefits.
Divine Brand (Su) Gain brand on visible body part that functions as a silver holy symbol.
Dread Fear Aura (60 ft., DC 18) (Su) Foes in 60 ft are panicked (below 5 HD) or frightened for several rds (Will neg).
Embersight (Su) Gain darkvision 60 ft. or increase existing darkvision by 10 ft.
Empowered Spells (Ex) Necromancy and evil spells and spell-like abilities are empowered.
Exalted Domain (Ash)
Extend Spell Spell duration lasts twice as normal. +1 Level.
Fire Bolt 1d6+5 fire (14/day) (Sp) As a standard action, ranged touch attack deals fire dam to foe in 30 ft.
Flight (30 feet, Perfect) You can fly!
Guided Hand May use Wisdom modifier for attack rolls with favored weapon
Hell's Corruption (4 rounds, 14/day) (Su) Touch attack inflicts -2 save vs. your spells and take the worse of 2 rolls for skill checks.
Hellfire Blast (Sp) Cast delayed blast fireball that does half fire damage, half unholy.
Immunity to Ability Drain Immunity to ability drain
Immunity to Bleed You are immune to bleed.
Immunity to Cold You are immune to cold damage.
Immunity to Death Effects You are immune to death effects.
Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases.
Immunity to Electricity You are immune to electricity damage.
Immunity to Energy Drain Immune to energy drain
Immunity to Exhausted You are immune to the exhausted condition.
Immunity to Fatigue You are immune to the fatigued condition.
Immunity to Mind-Affecting effects You are immune to Mind-Affecting effects.
Immunity to Nonlethal Damage You are immune to Nonlethal Damage
Immunity to Paralysis You are immune to paralysis.
Immunity to Physical Ability Damage Immune to ability damage to your physical abilities.
Immunity to Poison You are immune to poison.
Immunity to Polymorph You are immune to Polymorph effects.
Immunity to Sleep You are immune to sleep effects.
Immunity to Stunning You are immune to being stunned.
Intensified Spell You can cast a spell that can exceed its normal damage die cap by 5 (if you have the caster level to reach beyond that cap).
Master's Illusion (8 rounds/day, DC 25) (Sp) Hide self and allies in 30 ft, as with veil but enhanced DC.
Mortal Visage The ritual of lichdom that you undertook did not transform you into an undead monstrousity. Instead, you appear much like a normal human and have mastered moving amongst the living. Only the closest of examination (for example, you have no heart beat
Paralyzing Touch (1d8+9 negative energy dam, DC 27) Touched foe takes dam & permanent paralysis (Fort part). Seems dead unless examined.
Perform Miracle (1/day) Can perform a less powerful, minor miracle as a supernatural ability.
Persistent Spell Foes must succeed at 2 saves or suffer the spell's full effects.
Reach Spell You can cast a spell with a range of touch, close, or medium as one range category higher.
Rejuvenation (Su) Dread liches can return after a few days.
Religious Speaker (Ex) +2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Perform (oratory) when brand visible.
Robe of blending 1/day can assume the form of another humanoid creature, as if using alter self
Scythe of Evil (4 rounds, 1/day) (Su) Touched weapon temporarily becomes unholy.
Spell Focus (Necromancy) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Spell Perfection (Harm) The selected spell can have 1 metamagic feat applied for free, as long as the modified level stays at or below 9. Double the effects of feats like spell focus, weapon focus [ray], etc. on this spell.
Stable Form (Ex) Immune to all polymorph effects except those it casts on itself.
Strong Spellweaving (Ex) A -4 penalty applies to any dispel check made to dispel a spell cast by a dread lich.
Undead Traits Undead have many immunities.
Vitality (Evil) (Su) +2 profane bonus on Con checks to stabilize.
Wall of Ash (20' x 100', 10 minutes/day) (Su) Wall of ash blocks LOS, blinds anyone passing through and reveals adjacent invisible creatures.
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Initially time stop then try to deploy summoned monster, Bladebarriers and the Delayed blast fireball SLA. Then nova as many killer spells as possible using metamgic rods to boost them more maximum lethality.
If he gets a chance to use the Summon monsters from invisibility or before the Pc's deploy to fight then hold the timestop until he is hurt then time stop heal himself and deploy the bladebarriers and Delayed blast fireball.
He has a miracle from his exalted ability which he can also use for emergency healing or to get access to an unusual but useful spell

JohnHawkins |

CR Calculation seems to be counting Lich and Dread Lich it does not worry about wealth and stats so the calculation is wrong . I am afraid I don't worry about the CR , so that is often wrong when I post things.
I may have to customise his spells more , if I have many undead pc's he will need to take some Heal spells instead of Harm.

Pnakotus Detsujin |

I plause your sharing your effort, and as such i shall do the same. Since I'm doing a mythic way of the wicked, posting builds and stats cannot be done without explaining all the story elements that i have added to the plot. So I shall simply unfold my guidelines for chapter five.
But first my players, as they are just before the assault to the Adarium!
Erionel Vestromo - Female dhampir Dread Vampire Antipaladin 14 Champion 3 (Wielder of Hellbrand and the Mantle of Hekkazar)
Vanislav Ophelion Barca - Male half elf devilbound summoner 14 Hierophant 3 (Soon to be high cardinal of Hell)
"Nobby" - Male advanced Mythic Rakshasa rogue (complex history, and soon to be divine)
Dvorak of Urbek - Male Duergar Graveknight Ranger 6 Sentinel 8 Guardian 3 (leader of the iron revolution for dwarf indipendence)
Roam Ak'tannabus - Male human lycantrope (minotaur) alchemist 14 trickster 3 (king of Iraens and sire of a new race of minotaur blessed by hell )
Beside this prominents menbers, the knot can call upon other mythic characters that are involved in the story but not bound by the Pact of Thorns. This guys are:
Melahel the sealer - Aasimar Hellion "cleric" 14 hierophant 3 (Pc replacement for a period)
No'el Vonnarc - Drow noble tactician 14 overmind 3 (friend of Izme and would be conqueror of north Talingarde).
Now about my game, there shall be the following phases
After that, a confrontation is inevitabile. Thorn will send Tiadora (mythic advanced handmaiden devil sorcerer) and a squadron of Advanced Ashmede devils to the pc's door either "convince" them or punish them for their insolence. If the pcs have properly stated "we are gonna destroy you", this flock is backed up by 6 hell-fire mythic kolyarut (I'm using a lot of stuff from legendary games). Now, when the fight is over - assuming the pcs can either win or escape - Dessiter shall arrive and inform the Pcs that the Pit Lord can meet them. If the pcs can convince Tiadora to simply wait a day (or elude her visit), then Dessiter shall appear 1 minute after midnight to call pcs to the Pit Lord.
I've written a lot. I shall do more in the next days

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I plause your sharing your effort, and as such i shall do the same. Since I'm doing a mythic way of the wicked, posting builds and stats cannot be done without explaining all the story elements that i have added to the plot. So I shall simply unfold my guidelines for chapter five.
But first my players, as they are just before the assault to the Adarium!
** spoiler omitted **Now about my game, there shall be the following phases
** spoiler omitted **...
Hmm. I don't hate this idea. Even after his defeat, this could be something that happens as a contingency.
BTW, can you be a tad more specific about "from cerulean sea bestiary". I have a lot of the books, but don't have that one specifically, nor can I find it on the site.
Pnakotus Detsujin |
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Clear. I was referring to the Celadon Shores module of the Celurean seas. The (basic) ushi oni is described there at pag 116 as a cr 19 colossal wicked planar traveler. I'll post the stats here.
CR 19
XP 204,800
LE Colossal Outsider (aquatic, evil, lawful, oni)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 120 ft., true seeing; Perception +35 Racial Buoyancy -25,000; Depth Tolerance: 10,000 feet
AC 36; touch 6, flat-footed 32 (+4 Dex, +30 natural, -8 size)
hp 385 (22d10 +264) regeneration 5 (good weapons and spells)
Fort +25, Ref +11, Will +24
DR 15/good; Immune cold, disease, energy drain, mind affecting
effects, paralyzation, poison, polymorph; Resist acid 15, steam 15;
SR 30
Speed 50 ft., swim 40 ft.
Melee 6 pincers +27 (4d6+15 plus grab), 2 legs +29 (2d10+15), 2 palps
+27 (2d8+15), chin tentacles +29 touch (brainlock)
Special Attacks brainlock, constrict (4d6+15), pronouncement of
Space 30 ft. Reach 30 ft.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20, Concentration +26)
Constant-boiling gaze (DC 18), true seeing
At will-aqueous form, greater dispel magic, greater teleport (self plus 100
lbs. of objects only), murk
3/day-dominate person (DC 21), entrapping bubble (DC 18), frazil ice (DC
20), mass charm monster (DC 24)
2/day-dispel chaos (DC 20), mageboil (DC 19) sea titan form II, water wall
1/day-call red tide (DC 21), plane shift (DC 23)
Str 40, Dex 18, Con 35, Int 17, Wis 30, Cha 23
Base Atk +22; CMB +45; CMD 59
Feats Awesome Blow, Critical Focus, Disruptive, Greater Bull Rush,
Greater Overrun, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Improved Overrun, Multi-Attack, Power Attack, Staggering Critical
Skills Acrobatics +21, Bluff +31, Intimidate +31, Knowledge (planes) +28, Perception +35, Sense Motive +35, Spellcraft +28, Stealth +21, Use Magic Device +31
Languages Common, Dagonite, Infernal, Yokai SQ amphibious
Environment any land or water
Organization solitary Treasure x2
Brainlock (Su): Targets groped by a ushi-oni's chin tentacles have difficulty forming thoughts through the images of horror and suffering they inject into their minds. Victims must make a DC 27 Will save to perform any act that requires thought or planning, including using most skills or abilities. Spellcasters must make a DC 27 +spell level concentration check to attempt to cast a spell, with failure meaning they cannot organize their thoughts. Spells attempted to be cast in this way are not lost from the caster's memory. Once a victim has made a successful save or Concentration check the effect ends.
Pronouncement of Damnation (Su): As a full round action, an ushi- oni may curse a single target. The victim may make a DC 27 Will save to resist the effect; if successful, the victim may not be the target of that ushu-oni's pronouncement for 1 full year. This curse binds the target's spirit to the ushi-oni's own, putting the victim’s body and soul at risk. The victim takes half of whatever damage the ushi-oni takes, bypassing any DR the victim possesses. The victim must make a DC 27 Will save every week, or have their alignment take one step to lawful evil. If the ushi- oni is slain, any victims under this effect may must make a DC 27 Will save or have their soul follow the creature's back to its home plane, as if the victim pulled the Void card of a deck of many things (Pathfinder Core Rulebook, pg 545). A victim may be freed by a wish or miracle spell, or by a good cleric of at least 15th level casting remove curse, and making a DC 27 caster level check. Such a check automatically gains the ushi-oni's attention.
I'm gonna add him the mystic template from 101 not so simple templates and the arc, the dual initiative ability from the mythic rules and make it's total MR 7. He shall not only be followed by his progeny of half-oni (half fiend) steam titans (from the cerulean seas campaign settings, pag 255) but shall also try to recruit a few of the pcs minions by the use of domination or mass charm monster.

Pnakotus Detsujin |

Another event i wish to involve in the plot is the following
I thought of this situation for the following reasons.
1) It shall be a great opportunity for the mythic pcs to roleplay with the only beings that they might still revere and fear at this point. Also, they can find ways to avoid future conflict with beings that can be a great threat for the stability of their kingdom.
2) Assuming the pcs will be smart and support their spawns of chargammon (they got two), they may be able to "legally obtain" the throne of Chargammon, thus removing almost all the threaths of revenge from the other spawns. This will also require the pcs to be able to "make forfeit" the linnorm ad a few other contestants tha can claim a direct line of sussession throught blood from Chargammon.
3) Wanting to see how much the pcs can be greedy: will they try to steal the hoard, or will they try to enslave a few of those dragons? If they want simply to observe, if they are there on the behest of a Chargammon's spawn, no one will bother them (too much), otherwise shall be attacked by all the dragons en masse. If however one of the spawn attacks them while they are part of another spawn's entourage, they shall be free to defend themselves without have to worry of all the other dragons.
3) This will allow me to properly introduce the following characters:
a) My version of Jerathorn, a mythic ancient black dragon and the "natural" heir of chargammon after the linnorm. He's basically the "next" chargammon and will do all that he can to claim his father's domain.
b) The brine dragon godess Benthysara (great wyrm brine dragon with the false gode template form gruesome dragons that shall be upped with the simple mythic divine template to MR 7). She claims to be Chargammon's niece (actually true) and to be there for the hoard and, if pcs are not wise enough to keep an eye on her, shall claim it as soon as the linnorm is dealt with, resulting to the events visioned by kevin-video.
c) An astral projected androginus elf. He's Kar'nargorn, a lost spawn of chargammon (using the stats of a ravaner great wyrm blue/black dragon) made undead by the Nameless Tyrant and currently under Thorn's command. He's my version of Grigori and the twin undead dragons, as he's instead served by 3 dragonwraiths that he was gifter after he helped Thorn to exterminate Antharia's progeny (minus 2). By dragon's law, he cannot claim domain over the place but he's curious of the developments (and wishes for the hoard), so he will gladly chat with the pcs hoping to persuade them to gift him a few dragon souls by having them picking fights for him (since he cannot act, or the judge will banish him). In exchange he might spill the beans about Thorn's next moves and a certain gold coffin location (Thorn could not predict the Ravaner would have met the pcs nor that he knew of the Phylactery, so he has not forbidded him to speak to them about it). Sure, if the party tries anything on him, he'll strike back fiercely.
For those curious of the whereabouts of a certain paladin, he shall make a great appeareance at a later point, basically when - in history - the pcs will expose themselves enough to allow his dramatic arrival.

Pnakotus Detsujin |

I have to admit that, that is way more work than I care to put into this AP. A lot of dragging it out too. That's more like it's own separate storyline.
Alas, i had to reinvent a lot to create proper enemies and mythic plotlines! And I won't bother you with all the changes i had to make to allow the "dwarven revolution" one of the pcs tried to accomply to actually work. Nevertheless, i'm drugged to the wonder this campaign is carrying with, and hope to see your addictions to book 6!

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So, I had to go and edit/revise a previous statement regarding the Skill Focus feat. Our good traitorous Barca, is a half-elf. I even specified that. What I didn't specify was that there's an alternate trait that lets you swap out Skill Focus for a human bonus feat. I've since put that in there, and revised my entire paragraph. Also, anyone wanting to keep Leadership, the Freeport Companion noble class gives it at 1st level without needing to meet the prereqs. So, instead of taking levels of aristrocrat, take noble instead.

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I wasn't sure which book you'd more likely meet this creature, but at CR 15 it's more likely you're going to meet a devil at this point than any other book. Necromancers of the Northwest has released a tax devil, as it's tax month for both Canada and the US.
If you can make use of it, awesome. If not, then that's okay too.

Pnakotus Detsujin |

I wasn't sure which book you'd more likely meet this creature, but at CR 15 it's more likely you're going to meet a devil at this point than any other book. Necromancers of the Northwest has released a tax devil, as it's tax month for both Canada and the US.
If you can make use of it, awesome. If not, then that's okay too.
Already upped the stats to have him in a mythic way of the wicked! The only thing more sure of death in Talingarde is taxes, and this guy shall be a mammonian tax collector. He shall be named Furxas and he's gonna appear in the middle of the fight with the barbed devils to try to steal helbrand from the vampire antipalidin champion of hell ... Yoink!

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kevin_video wrote:Already upped the stats to have him in a mythic way of the wicked! The only thing more sure of death in Talingarde is taxes, and this guy shall be a mammonian tax collector. He shall be named Furxas and he's gonna appear in the middle of the fight with the barbed devils to try to steal helbrand from the vampire antipalidin champion of hell ... Yoink!I wasn't sure which book you'd more likely meet this creature, but at CR 15 it's more likely you're going to meet a devil at this point than any other book. Necromancers of the Northwest has released a tax devil, as it's tax month for both Canada and the US.
If you can make use of it, awesome. If not, then that's okay too.
Cool. Nice to see that he'll be made use of in such an interesting way.

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okay. They're fighting Thorn next sunday.
In the throne room, Thorn, the Ice devil and a bunch of skeletons will be gathered. I'm using screen to
- make the ice devil look like a skeleton,
- make thorn look like an ice devil and
- make a skeleton look like thorn.
Then, I'm using master's illusion to rotate one more step:
-the ice devil that looks like a skeleton, will then look like thorn;
-thorn, (looking like an ice devil) will then look like one of the skeletons;
-the skeleton (looking like thorn) will then look like an ice devil)
They're going to be so smug when they greater-disspel one of these effects. But hey, smug -> smugger -> me...

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Got asked a question on what to do regarding the linnorm and making him more challenging. I pointed out my changes and suggestions on my blog, so I was instead asked how would I go about separating the party so that not everyone took on the linnorm.
I thought about that for a while and I realized how difficult of a question that truly was. After all, you don't want two linnorms, and it makes no sense that there'd be devils waiting for you. Not to mention the linnorm is very protective of his territory so he wouldn't allow anyone to be within 60 ft. of him.
I was going to put this up on my blog, but the question wasn't asked there and it'd look weird to do an entry where it looks like I'm answering my own question. Hopefully that offsets whatever your party was originally thinking they were going to contend with.

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I just found a weapon property, courtesy of Blackdyrge Publishing, that makes it worth it for Thorn to wield a weapon, and might actually scare the characters a little.
All death's kiss weapons are considered to be evil-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. In addition, a death’s kiss weapon bestows one negative level on any good-aligned creature attempting to wield it. The negative level remains as long as the weapon is in hand and disappears when the weapon is no longer wielded. This negative level never results in actual level loss, but it cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the weapon is wielded.
Strong necromancy; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor; enervation; Price +3 bonus

Pnakotus Detsujin |

I just found a weapon property, courtesy of Blackdyrge Publishing, that makes it worth it for Thorn to wield a weapon, and might actually scare the characters a little.
** spoiler omitted **
Your additions are always well received, mr Kevin
On a side note, I wish to know something from the fellow DMs. Does any of your pcs have used the Cairn of the dragon as some sort of base of operation/undead lair/necromancer laboratory?
Cause the mummy witch of my group decided that was worth to study how to drain the place of the "buried knowledge" possessed by the generations of spirits that were buried there by using a modified version of legend lore, and now she has decided to build a laboratory there ...
Also, i wish to know if any party has knocked the Aghatium doors riding the body of a certain, recently zombified, linnorm.

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kevin_video wrote:I just found a weapon property, courtesy of Blackdyrge Publishing, that makes it worth it for Thorn to wield a weapon, and might actually scare the characters a little.
** spoiler omitted **
Your additions are always well received, mr Kevin
On a side note, I wish to know something from the fellow DMs. Does any of your pcs have used the Cairn of the dragon as some sort of base of operation/undead lair/necromancer laboratory?
Cause the mummy witch of my group decided that was worth to study how to drain the place of the "buried knowledge" possessed by the generations of spirits that were buried there by using a modified version of legend lore, and now she has decided to build a laboratory there ...Also, i wish to know if any party has knocked the Aghatium doors riding the body of a certain, recently zombified, linnorm.
Why thank you. I do what I can.
I've ran this game a couple of times before, but no one thought to use the lair of the linnorn as a laboratory. They all had the dragon's secret island because of the better defenses against divination. Also, it's only the current group that I have who has any kind of necromancy magic. I'll be curious to see how they'll deal with that when the time comes. That said, I'm not expecting much since they're all greedy (and I don't mean the characters) and want all the wealth they find to be used to upgrade their gear.

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More lich and necromancer specific items. I very much recommend these for the final encounter in this book.
For the brestplate, if you don't want the check penalty, give it the +1 armor property, weightless, from Rite Publishing Tarnished Souk Xoti the Usurper, and it's a +9 armor equivalent.

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One of my players has accepted Prince Gaius's offer to become a vampire.
By the third feat he loses his con score. But at which point should he get hps off his charisma? At the same time or when taking the fifth feat?
At the same time. Once you lose your Con, you immediately count as undead and use Cha, as per the universal monster rules.

WagnerSika |

That seems logical, thank you.
Have to say that the vampire template is extremely powerful. I am a bit worried he will outshine the others. Fortunately, he is the main melee guy, others are full casters and an inquisitor archer. I'm thinking of moving the vampire pc on the slow track of xp so he would be 1-2 levels behind the others. I also thought of treating his level as level+2 for advancement calculations. So after level 15 he would be 2 levels behind the others. Thoughts?

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That seems logical, thank you.
Have to say that the vampire template is extremely powerful. I am a bit worried he will outshine the others. Fortunately, he is the main melee guy, others are full casters and an inquisitor archer. I'm thinking of moving the vampire pc on the slow track of xp so he would be 1-2 levels behind the others. I also thought of treating his level as level+2 for advancement calculations. So after level 15 he would be 2 levels behind the others. Thoughts?
He is more powerful, but that’s what the feat tree is for. That’s what the balance is supposed to be. Note that he’s also the most vulnerable. Charisma instead of Constitution, the need for blood, inability to heal with positive energy or normal curing, no daylight, etc. Once the good guys realize the PC is a vampire, he’s the main target. Also note that wooden stakes are free. Have a few NPCs be superstitious, and carry 1-2 on their person, just in case.
Casters and archers always take the spotlight in standard games. If you find him being broken, despite the feat tax, maybe slow track for 1 level. Don’t know about adjusting the party level though. Play it by ear.