A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game/3.5 Compatible Adventure for 4-6 PCs of levels 2-3.
Adventureaweek.com PDFs are fully supported by Hero Lab files (included in download), minimum requirement: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game core system.
Bakinqa is not your typical devil. Influenced by human society at a young age he took it upon himself to learn as much as he could about the “pink skins”. When his first meeting with humans results in the death of his father, Bakinqa swears to find and kill the boy responsible. Ten years later Bakinqa has prepared his plans for revenge. He begins experimentation on human werewolves, turning them into slaves and using them to work his way into human society searching for the boy that killed his father, now a man. When local hunters begin to disappear the mayor takes notice and hires the PCs to investigate.
The PCs search will take them into the dreaded Dark Wood where they battle werewolves and hybrid devil spawn in search of the manipulative devil Bakinqa.
Also included in "Devil of Dark Wood":
All maps by 3x ENnie Award winning cartographer Todd Gamble
New location: The Thirsty Serpent Tavern complete with tavern floorplan map and illustration.
New NPC: Fin Starling, retired adventurer and owner of the Thirsty Serpent Tavern.
New location: Hunter's Cabin in Dark Wood
Three new herbal medicinal cures: Healing Salve, Disease Curing Tea, and Resuscitation Powder
Bonus maps: Rybalkan Peninsula, village of Rybalka, and Hunter's Cabin
Numerous options provided to power up or down the final encounter
New Magical Item: Fetish Dolls
New Magical Item: Tome of Lycantrope Control
Optional open ending to allow GMs to continue the adventure!
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Fulfilled immediately.
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If you go down to the woods today... the surprise will not be teddy bears eating al fresco! Whilst the introduction tells an intriguing and innovative backstory as to who really is there for the GM's eyes, the characters will first be approached by a worried village mayor who is concerned by the absence of a local hunter who was hired by a shepherd who feared that a bold wolf has been snacking on his sheep...
The village has had other problems, the sage's house was broken into and books and alchemical equipment stolen. It seems that something is afoot, and the characters, as passing adventurers, are asked to help. Assuming that they do, a trail will be found that leads into the Dark Wood and whatever it is that lies in wait for them there.
For those who like context to their adventures, this one is located in the Rybalkan Penninsula in Adventureaweek.com's own campaign world, quite near to the first adventure in the series. Naturally, any suitable village near a wild wood in the chillier end of temperate will do fine if you want to set it elsewhere, but the way that this campaign world is filling out is impressive (and well-supported, if you choose to subscribe to the adventures and so gain access to their website!).
The adventure begins with the characters' arrival in the village, with some atmospheric 'read aloud' text and an excellent village map to help you set the scene. It's quite a rough place and filled with 'characters' of the sort that outsiders will call 'interesting' if they are being polite. If you play them to the hilt, your characters may find other terms for some of them by adventure's end! To allow for interaction, the village tavern is mapped out and many of the local bar-flies well-detailed - this provides a useful resource for whenever you need this kind of village, over and above being the starting point of this adventure.
Throughout this interaction phase, and indeed the entire adventure, appropriate skill checks that the characters might make complete with the results should they be successful are provided just where you'll need them. As the characters are led towards the woods, this level of support continues, and when combat becomes likely links to both the D20 and Pathfinder SRDs are provided (with notes at the back of this book if you are not running your adventure with access to the Internet). In the woods, there's a (again, well-detailed with a plan and colourful inhabitant) woodsman's cottage and a cave system to explore...
Rounding up with ideas for further events, lists of monetary and experience awards to be gained, a couple of new magical items and a spell, and full stat blocks under both Pathfinder and D20 rulesets, here's a neat caper in some snowy woods that should keep your group happy.
This is a tale that skalds will sing of, should the characters prove successful and return to tell of their exploits (or of course if they boast a party bard to immortalise their adventures). With a good mix of interaction, investigation and combat, most groups should enjoy this one!
This pdf is 34 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 1 page ToC, 1 page SRD, 1 page back cover, leaving 29 pages of content, so let's check this out!
This being an adventure-review, the following text contains SPOILERS. Potential players might want to jump to the conclusion.
Still here? All right! Set on the Rybalkan peninsula of the setting, a place somewhat influenced by a clash of cultures between standard medieval people and the Viking-like Vikmoderes, the adventure presumes the following: A clan of devils has been stranded on the prime material plane and adapted to the place. Unable to return to the hells, they adapted and bred with humans too often, it seems - essentially, they degenerated and grew into their own secretive sub-race, sans e.g. the power to call reinforcements and with some individuals even leaning towards human behavior. A young devil fascinated with humans named Bakinqa managed to learn their tongue and some of their skills and tried to communicate with them, only to have his father shot in front of his very eyes by a bolt of devil slaying, as the devil (obviously carrying the taint of human weakness) sacrificed himself to save his son. The young devil subsequently plotted vengeance and schemed for years. When he first witnessed a lycanthropic transformation, he knew that a potent tool had fallen in his hands - especially with the rituals depicted in a dread tome of lycanthrope control that enables one to control lycanthropes via fetish dolls and even share senses with them. Unfortunately for the devil, he has yet to find the name and whereabouts of his father's slayer and thus has resorted to stealing a book containing the immigration records by proxy.
Brooks Balinger, a shepherd who has lost a sheep to the lycanthropes, couldn't find his usual, now deceased hunters to take care of his problems (they've been killed as well) and thus hired another hunter named Woln - unfortunately for the hunter, he's been captured by the devil and now serves as the infernal creature's guinea pig in creating a new devil-werewolf hybrid.
The PCs, after having a tour of the village (including many paragraphs of well-written flavor-text and a fully mapped tavern that includes even a price-list) are hired to find the missing hunter Woln and additionally, the local sage Yuri Statel wants them to recover his stolen books. The investigation soon yields a piece of pelt and thankfully provides some red herrings with named villagers who also wear pelts. After some minor investigation, the PCs find a victim of the curse, who may be almost insane, but also a possible way to reach the cavern of the true master. Otherwise the PCs are in for a fight with a were-wolf. The ice-cold rain also conspires to make their sojourn rather unpleasant and thus, the cabin of Cual Beartooth, skilled herbalist, is a welcome place to rest. Very cool: The herbalist can craft 3 types of special salves, but also expects the PCs to help improve the fully mapped cabin/do chores - which they actually can! Even better, the salves all come with ingredients, lending a sense of fluff and consistency to them. Unfortunately, no craft-DCs or information on how to replicate them like market price etc. is given. In order to earn their stay in Cual's refuge, they may have to do some chores, though - a nice diversion here!
After their stay at the hunter/hermit, the PCs finally reach the ominously-shaped Devil's Cave, where their adversary, a were-wolf slave and his hybrid - a true climax, and one easily adjustable by having one or more of the were-creatures change sides. The primary antagonist, the devilish alchemist, has access to extracts, bombs and mutagens, which is rather nice, even though I think the creature should have alchemist levels instead of getting the abilities of the class for free just "by having studied" it. As written, the statblock specifies no alchemist-levels. The finale per se is rather interesting and provides ways to adjust the challenge to your tastes. Even better, there's a "it's not over yet"-moment - the devil actually had a fourth fetish doll and thus, a fourth werewolf remains! Two sample ideas for continuing the adventure are given before introducing us to the dread tome that contains the knowledge to create the lycanthrope-controlling fetishes.
What still irks me, even though the origin story of Bakinqa has been vastly improved: The statblock does not use the correct devil-subtype-traits: Devils not only get a range-limited darkvision, they also see perfect in even deeper darkness. They are immune to fire and poison and don't have a paltry resistance of 5 to fire. They have a resistance to acid and cold 10, not just cold 5. Per default, they don't get a spell-resistance. Even if you take the cop-out and argue that this devil has degenerated, the modifications have made the subtype unrecognizable - I get that it's a species of its own. But it should not have the devil subtype. outsider? Evil? Okay, but rules-wise, this is no longer a devil - it shares almost no traits with the devil subtype. I also don't understand why the build does not specifically grant alchemist class levels to the adversary - all the class features are there, why not simply make him a base-race + alchemist-levels build?
Editing and formatting are good, I noticed some glitches à la homophone errors (bare/bear), though, as well as inconsistencies regarding a statblock which may or may not be intentional.
Layout adheres to Adventureaweek's two-column parchment-style standard and has been vastly cleared up - this is so much better and crisper looking than its previous iteration.
The artworks are nice and the cartography is stellar. The pdf comes with extensive bookmarks and herolab-support and comes with hyperlinks to respective areas of Rybalka, Items etc. on the AaW-page. Nice to look more information up if you're a subscriber! It should be noted that said links are optional only and all required information (and plenty of it) is contained herein.
All in all, the writing here is much more consistent than in "Crypt of the Sun Lord" and adheres to a mostly captivating and well-written prose. I particularly liked how herbs and ingredients are mentioned in some salves and the way in which the PCs may use their skills to improve a cabin as well as the sheer amount of detail provided for the village. The overall investigation, while easy to pull off, is well-presented and the environmental complications are neat. I also applaud the use of alchemist-rules. What I don't applaud is the lack of information regarding the rules for the salves introduced. The worst problem of this module was in its prior iteration an accumulation of terrible logic bugs and some clunky supplemental pieces of information, which have thankfully been purged. Indeed, as presented, A2 now actually makes sense and comes with a presentation that further improves it beyond its less than stellar first version to a point where I consider running it a fun endeavor. It is only rarely that one sees a publisher go back and improve a product to this extent and AaW's crew has my utmost respect for revisiting and improving this one. However, aforementioned subtype-hick-up, the weird antagonist build and the minor editing glitches here and there remain. Still, in this, its vastly revised edition, I can wholeheartedly recommend this module as a nice wilderness/investigation scenario with fluff galore for low levels that more than deserves a final verdict of 4 stars. Kudos!
Reviewed here, on DTRPG and sent to GMS magazine. Good news: This is the worst of the adventures I've read by adventureaweek.com - the others are much better.
First of all: Thank you very much for the assessment of my obviously lacking imagination (which, of course, is the reason I've been published) and the classy insinuation of a lack of thought.
Fyi: I re-read every pdf I review multiple times and on more than one day, in order to minize the influence of "bad days".
I'm sorry you don't subscribe to my opinion and you don't have to. To each his own.
If you feel that my review is unfair, please give valid arguements and I'll gladly discuss the topic. I did so with other low-star reviews, extensively and professionally.
Instead of giving reasons WHY I'm wrong, though, you resort to indirctly attacking me and my judgment. Classy.
Updated my review to reflect the vastly improved revised edition on Endzeitgeist.com, OBS, d20pfsrd.com's shop, here and sent the review of the revised edition to both Nerdtrek and GMS magazine. Cheers!