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Enlight_Bystand wrote:Just a quick question - For Heroes & Monsters you set a Case list price of less than what 64 standard and 12 large boosters would cost individually. This meant that those of us who had Pathfinder Advantage would then take another 15% off the price. For this, you've listed it as the price of buying 32 boosters, then put it at a discounted price for the case, which means that Pathfinder Advantage can't then be applied.
I was just wondering why it was chosen to do the pricing this way round?
Warning: this answer will likely be far more complex than you expected.
In our industry, manufacturers can sell to distributors using either of two pricing methods: list price or net price.
In a list price sale, the publisher sets the list price on an item, and then sells it to the distributor at a certain discount from that list price—usually, about 60% off. The distributor then sells it to the retailer at a different discount from that list price—usually, about 40% off. So the publisher gets about 40% of list, the distributor gets about 20% of list, and the retailer gets about 40% of list (and if the retailer wants to sell it for less, they just make less).
In a net price sale, the publisher doesn't set a list price at all. They set a distribution price, and the distributor marks it up however much they want, and the retailer marks it up however much *they* want.
As a publisher, Paizo only ever uses list price sales, but WizKids uses list price for some item types and net price for others. They used net pricing on Heroes & Monsters, and they're using list pricing for Rise of the Runelords.
Our Pathfinder Advantage discount gives Pathfinder AP subscribers 15% off list price of most of the items in our store, but if there *is* no list price, it instead takes 15% off of "our price," which we normally determine based on a theoretical list price calculated by marking up net priced items *as if* our distributor were selling it to us at the usual 40-ish% off.
In the...
Thanks Vic

Fredrik |

I think a lot of the discussion about set size and price points comes down to the fact that there are a few different kinds of people who buy these sorts of products.
Here are some styles I can think of off the top of my head:
- Type A will try to have at least one of everything. They will buy an entire case (or even multiple cases) in order to make sure they get *all* the minis.
- Type B will buy some minis, but not a whole case. They may buy one or two bricks, or several individual packs. They like the minis, but not enough to spend hundreds of dollars on a whole case of them.
- Type C will buy a few minis as impulse purchases, but are not really concerned with having a complete set.
- Type D are after specific minis, and will only buy singles on the secondary market.
Obviously, the Type A people are the ones who would be most impacted by having more expensive cases, even if they do have more figures. It's simply more expensive to purchase more minis in order to have a complete set. A lot of the people on this thread obviously belong to this group.
Type B people might benefit from the increased variety a larger set offers. They will not really be affected by the size of the set or the price of the case, since they are not buying them in those quantities. They will, however, be affected by the price of the individual packs.
Type C probably would not buy as many minis sold in multi-packs as they would individual figures. However, they might end up buying a couple packs, and it might be more likely that a larger set of minis would end up on a Christmas or birthday list.
Type D would probably benefit from the larger selection of minis produced by a larger set, but the case pricing is basically immaterial to them.
It gets tricky as a Type A with a tight budget. I'm only staying subscribed for two reasons. One, Pathfinder Battles are my first pre-painted minis, so that makes it easier to commit to more. Two, I'm expecting this to be exceptional, as the hardcover AP is exceptional.
Regardless of the price per mini, the total price (assuming the same number of sets per year) is bumping up against my budget line something fierce. I'd have to unsubscribe if the likes of the RotRL set became the norm.

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Anguish wrote:Recycling is not as easy in all areas, the point why produce such a large amount of "waste" in the first place. Reduce-recycle-reuse. Most plastic reuse requires a lot of energy.Without a question, I'd want to see 30-40 mold sets in the future.
Packaging doesn't matter to me... the cardboard can be recycled as can the plastic trays. The overall volume of "waste" material is actually minor. By definition purchasing these is harmful to the environment. If I can get over that, I can get over a few more boxes.
IS anyone sure it is not corn plastic that wizkids is using in their packaging at all? If they are it is biodegradable then.

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The comments Erik Mona has provided to me indicated that the minis would be twice yearly with new sets - but more often when encounter packs and other releases are taken into account. Obviously, a twice yearly schedule would accommodate a set near or about the start of the release of an Adventure Path, which I anticipate is NOT a concidence and ties into Paizo's established cross-support philosophy that has permeated nearly all of its product lines to date.
Whether this proves to be the case or not going forward depends on a number of issues -- not the least of which is the art orders, NPC details and monster details of what can be expected to be in an AP before it is even written. RotRL is a special case as Paizo uniquely knows exactly what is going to be in that AP, but going forward, Paizo will have had to have changed their workflow or they are unable to release a new mini set to robustly support an AP on or about the release of that new AP. The problem is one of lead times required by Wizkids.
If a set is released at or about the start of the release of a new AP, Paizo will have had to adjust their workflow and outline drafting for the AP to reflect "must include" feature monsters and at least some more key NPC description and race details than they have in the past. There is some indication that these changes in the pre-assigned details of an AP's content have alaready stated more than a year ago. Jade Regent's outline, for example, included a list of "must include" magic items to AP authors so that the Jade Regent Item Deck could be more useful and accurate than Item Decks have been in the past. My understanding is that this practice has continued -- and my GUESS is that it has been expended to accommodate the realities of supporting an AP with pre-painted minis.
While that would be the case, if each figure release matched the currently printing AP, that need not be a problem, if the figure releases pass from AP1 to AP2, to AP3, etc.
At two major releases per year, they wouldn't catch up with the current AP. Three major releases per year would allow them to catch up with the print schedule, as you described above. Whether the fans would appreciate always having to wait several years for the specific figures to run the current AP is another matter.
How many people are running the more recent APs at the same time they're printed? How many wait for the whole six issues to be out before deciding? How many have an AP on the backburner, waiting for their current campaign to wrap up?
If a GM knows he isn't going to be able to run, say Council of Thieves until 2015, does he care if the specific figures won't be out till 2014?

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Further to the pondering above (re figure releases catching up with the current AP), are there any APs that could be skipped, or released in 'minor' sets, like Encounter Packs?
This isn't an invitation for people to badmouth any specific AP. Obviously, people will have their favourites, and the staff will have received sales figures and feedback, as to which appealed to the public most.
What I'm talking about is purely related to the distribution of creature types in each AP, and whether they will need catering to in a full set, or whether they will have been covered by an earlier release.
For H&M, and RotRL, many of the meat and potatoes creatures will have been covered, partly as PF has drawn new players who never bought WotC minis, partly because many of the iconic common races changed their look, especially goblins and ogres.
As each new set comes out, there's less need to provide these basic creatures again, allowing the sculptors to focus on specific NPCs and creatures that were introduced in the Bestiary chapters of that AP.
Are there any APs where the number of new creatures is relatively low? Or could be subbed for an existing sculpt? Those APs could be covered by a minor non-random release, such as 'Drow Raiding Party', which would cover the main antagonists, and appeal to gamers running a non-AP campaign, or the retro-gamers revisiting the old GDQ series.
Conversely, an AP like Jade Regent would require a dedicated minis set, since the action moves to the far side of the world, an area that has been poorly served for minis in the past.

Steve Geddes |

Along a similar line of thought, another option would be to fit two APs into one set (maybe CotCT and CoT?) Presumably, strongly thematic APs would be more plausible candidates for an entire set (eg LoF and SS).
Having said that, tying a release to an "out of date" AP would seem to be a change of philosophy to me. Obviously RotRL is something of a special case. I would think tying their sets to the more contemporary APs would be more likely to generate buzz.

Steve Geddes |

I think they're in the "let's see how things go" stage. It appears they're trying different things with the first few sets to nail down what works best. The subscriptions page includes this:
Major releases are currently scheduled about every 4 months. Each set has a slightly different figure count, premium miniatures, and price, so all Pathfinder Battles ongoing subscriptions are based on full case orders. Due to variability between sets, Paizo will contact you before a new set ships to give you a chance to adjust your orders according to your collecting needs.
In addition to major randomly packed sets like Heroes & Monsters and Rise of the Runelords, Pathfinder Battles will also come in a variety of non-random Encounter Packs, as well as special limited-edition premium miniatures. Your Pathfinder Battles subscription does not include these miniatures, but does allow you to purchase them at a reduced cost.
Which sounds to me like they're treating encounter packs as something other than a "major release", however I think it's probably safest to regard such details as still being worked out.

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Thehigher cause wrote:IS anyone sure it is not corn plastic that wizkids is using in their packaging at all? If they are it is biodegradable then.Anguish wrote:Recycling is not as easy in all areas, the point why produce such a large amount of "waste" in the first place. Reduce-recycle-reuse. Most plastic reuse requires a lot of energy.Without a question, I'd want to see 30-40 mold sets in the future.
Packaging doesn't matter to me... the cardboard can be recycled as can the plastic trays. The overall volume of "waste" material is actually minor. By definition purchasing these is harmful to the environment. If I can get over that, I can get over a few more boxes.
Yes, I'm sure the Chinese version EPA keeps up with the latest green tech.
And burning plastics is even worse.
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I'm hoping that there is much less wasteful packaging for these but not sounding like it. I loved the first batch of miniatures but it irked me to have all that recycle/garbage (I'm being a good NorthWest lad hint hint) ;p
I'm actually really on the fence about the miniatures, I'll have to see if the price is lower from other companies...$500 bucks for a box of miniatures is rather high IMO. Though admittedly we get a complete or near complete set as part of that. Decisions decisions!

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I suppose I will toss my two cents in if it will actually matter.
I love minis and according to an earlier post I would be a type A customer. That being said $500+ is way to high, I will buy this set since I have plenty of time to save my pennies but if the $500+ becomes the norm I will unsubscribe, I mean there is just so much I could buy for $500, and it isn't all that easy to come up with that much money for disposable income purposes.
While I like the multi-mini packaging that this set will have I vote for small cheaper sets. Like the first one.
/end two cents.

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Deanoth wrote:Thehigher cause wrote:IS anyone sure it is not corn plastic that wizkids is using in their packaging at all? If they are it is biodegradable then.Anguish wrote:Recycling is not as easy in all areas, the point why produce such a large amount of "waste" in the first place. Reduce-recycle-reuse. Most plastic reuse requires a lot of energy.Without a question, I'd want to see 30-40 mold sets in the future.
Packaging doesn't matter to me... the cardboard can be recycled as can the plastic trays. The overall volume of "waste" material is actually minor. By definition purchasing these is harmful to the environment. If I can get over that, I can get over a few more boxes.
Yes, I'm sure the Chinese version EPA keeps up with the latest green tech.
And burning plastics is even worse.
So just because it is Chinese means it can't be Corn produced plastic at all eh. I will keep that in mind then. BTW I did not mention anything about burning plastic at all either.
Might want to keep in mind just because it may or may not be made/packed in China does not mean that it can't be done with biodegradable plastic made with corn.. they do ship that type of thing all around the world just in case you did not know that.

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Thehigher cause wrote:Deanoth wrote:Thehigher cause wrote:IS anyone sure it is not corn plastic that wizkids is using in their packaging at all? If they are it is biodegradable then.Anguish wrote:Recycling is not as easy in all areas, the point why produce such a large amount of "waste" in the first place. Reduce-recycle-reuse. Most plastic reuse requires a lot of energy.Without a question, I'd want to see 30-40 mold sets in the future.
Packaging doesn't matter to me... the cardboard can be recycled as can the plastic trays. The overall volume of "waste" material is actually minor. By definition purchasing these is harmful to the environment. If I can get over that, I can get over a few more boxes.
Yes, I'm sure the Chinese version EPA keeps up with the latest green tech.
And burning plastics is even worse.So just because it is Chinese means it can't be Corn produced plastic at all eh. I will keep that in mind then. BTW I did not mention anything about burning plastic at all either.
Might want to keep in mind just because it may or may not be made/packed in China does not mean that it can't be done with biodegradable plastic made with corn.. they do ship that type of thing all around the world just in case you did not know that.
Very few countries use corn based anything but us. The cost of growing corn is just too high. That goes for ethanol as well (we couldn't either if not for massive tax breaks and govermental support. Have you seen any of China's factories? I have.

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THC or Rather The HigherCasue,
You are missing my point entirely though. I was asking facetiously. Also I know a lot of farmers that DO grow corn and it is not any more expensive to grow/produce then any other crop. In fact some of my family are farmers and do so on a regular basis.
Now as for countries using corn based plastic... you missed my comment about it being "shipped" there... from here. I am not saying it is happening but how do we know it is not? The plastic used in the H&M set is think enough that it feels almost like corn based plastic, I doubt, like yourself that it is... but I do not for a moment assume it is not. So please do not assume either :)
I would rather think that it is then not myself, and hope that it is fact and not wishful thinking on my part but I am not going to assume it is not without it being verified in official channels and no offense you are not that channel. :D

Catprog |
That goes for ethanol as well
(From Australia we use sugar for that.
• 30-to-40-figure sets packaged in single-figure boosters like Heroes & Monsters
• 60-figure sets packaged in multi-figure boosters like this
I am leaning towards 2 cases for 30-40 and 1 case for 60

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I typically will buy one case, no matter the type.
Not to mention I buy about 30 dollars of minis a week too so a booster a week for the RotRL set (when it releases) and several of the H&M set now.
I would never buy two cases as I like buying the boosters to much and if I bought two or more cases I would not be doing that.

crazy_cat |

All in all the figure sets are just too much $$ for the value. I will buying only a few selected figures. The cost of a set is just unjustified.
Basically this. I like the look of some of these - but at those prices, no way.
Hopefully the secondary market wont be too painful to pick up a few here and there, but that does rely on resellers seeing it as profiable to buy and split cases at whatever price they can get - otherwise I suspect (and fear) this line is dead in the water at those prices.

In_digo |

Thank the deities my life doesn't extend far from the Pathfinder table. I just preordered a standard booster & giant, and I'm signed up for a case bundle and another giant via Pathfinder Battles subscription.
I think I'm going to turn into a crazy cat lady, except instead of cats, I'll be surrounded by miniatures >.>
Edit: besides, who needs clothing and food and a place to live? As long as I have a table I can still play Pathfinder.

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Thehigher cause wrote:All in all the figure sets are just too much $$ for the value. I will buying only a few selected figures. The cost of a set is just unjustified.
Basically this. I like the look of some of these - but at those prices, no way.
Hopefully the secondary market wont be too painful to pick up a few here and there, but that does rely on resellers seeing it as profiable to buy and split cases at whatever price they can get - otherwise I suspect (and fear) this line is dead in the water at those prices.
The case cost is still the same for the amount of figures you will be getting with this case compared to the last release with the H&M for the most part. The main differences is the huge figures too. They are a higher price point but it works I think too.
The retailers are going to sell well, already five of the local stores where I am at have or are ordering more then a few cases. I know at least one is ordering almost 200 of them. So yea I am thinking that the mini's will sell well at least in my area. I am sure with wizkids and paizo too! :)
I think that it is FAR from dead in the water even at "this" price point.

Hobbun |

Steve Geddes wrote:200 cases?I meant 100 cases. Yes they actually DO order that many though. 100 is not to out there. They already have preorders for over 30 of them at their store too. This is NOT part of the 100 they are ordering either.
That's great to hear they have that many preorders. Now is that standard booster case preorders, huge cases a combination of both? Or even bundles?

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Deanoth wrote:That's great to hear they have that many preorders. Now is that standard booster case preorders, huge cases a combination of both? Or even bundles?Steve Geddes wrote:200 cases?I meant 100 cases. Yes they actually DO order that many though. 100 is not to out there. They already have preorders for over 30 of them at their store too. This is NOT part of the 100 they are ordering either.
Both along with the Rune Giants.
So that is the standard case, huge case, and Rune giant x 130 at the moment

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Thehigher cause wrote:All in all the figure sets are just too much $$ for the value. I will buying only a few selected figures. The cost of a set is just unjustified.
Basically this. I like the look of some of these - but at those prices, no way.
I agree 100%
Hopefully the secondary market wont be too painful to pick up a few here and there, but that does rely on resellers seeing it as profiable to buy and split cases at whatever price they can get - otherwise I suspect (and fear) this line is dead in the water at those prices.
Another agreement.
Just because some people will aways buy something does mean the set will be successful. I do buy a lot of gaming items, but will not be buying these. (Other than a few in the secondary market.
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TheHigher Cause,
You have to understand that it is not just that some people will always buy something, it is that people tend to buy what they like. You can't let a few posts in here about how they will not buy a case as fact as to the line dying or that it will not do well with this price point.
I know of many things that were and are successful and in their discussion forums, there were people like here that said they would not buy it and yet it is very successful. WoW being one of them.
From all the contacts that I have that are in to gaming and like miniatures will be buying some of these mini's on a regular basis and some will probably buy a case or two as well. Some will just buy Boosters and some will buy on the secondary market, but I can assure you they WILL buy some and continue to support the line on a regular basis.
BTW like it or not even buying mini's on the secondary market you too are supporting the line. You will have my thanks for that not to mention causing the value of the individual mini to go up because you are buying singles too and making the seller some money to buy more of them.

April Bowen |
There are huges in the standard case sets right? Is there an overlap between the huge case and the standard case? No, I'm guessing?
At these prices pre-ordering and getting charged upfront isn't going to happen. It's going to take me a lot longer to save up enough money. I hope production realizes this set will have a longer tail than the last one... Regular folks are going to have to buy slowly, say only getting a few bricks at a time or just grabbing the huge case and waiting until they get enough for the others.

Steve Geddes |

The standard cases contain no huge minis. They consist of four bricks (each brick containing eight standard boosters, each standard booster containing one large and three non-large minis).
The huge cases contain six minis (one each of the two "rare" huge minis and two each of the two "common" huges - though which is which hasn't been revealed yet).
So there's no overlap between those two forms of case. The case bundle consists of one of each type of case.

April Bowen |
You will have my thanks for that not to mention causing the value of the individual mini to go up because you are buying singles too and making the seller some money to buy more of them.
I wouldn't bet on them buying many at these prices; the secondary market is a joke when it comes to pricing minis. I've heard of these minis shattering when they hit a hard floor, so I'd rather just wait and buy metal from Reaper. More expensive, but easier to shoulder the price and get something much more durable. The prices right now for certain monsters in the first set are just ridiculous. I'd rather buy a game for my phone or comics.
When I get priced out of something, I'm more likely to consider it snobbery and just stop even looking at the items, especially if it's not something I would be able to use regularly. There's plenty out there that wants my money and is within my budget.

Steve Geddes |

Deanoth wrote:You will have my thanks for that not to mention causing the value of the individual mini to go up because you are buying singles too and making the seller some money to buy more of them.I wouldn't bet on them buying many at these prices; the secondary market is a joke when it comes to pricing minis. I've heard of these minis shattering when they hit a hard floor, so I'd rather just wait and buy metal from Reaper. More expensive, but easier to shoulder the price and get something much more durable. The prices right now for certain monsters in the first set are just ridiculous. I'd rather buy a game for my phone or comics.
When I get priced out of something, I'm more likely to consider it snobbery and just stop even looking at the items, especially if it's not something I would be able to use regularly. There's plenty out there that wants my money and is within my budget.
Do you think $16 for a randomized pack of one large and three nonlarge figures is cheap/reasonable/expensive?

April Bowen |
April Bowen wrote:Do you think $16 for a randomized pack of one large and three nonlarge figures is cheap/reasonable/expensive?Deanoth wrote:You will have my thanks for that not to mention causing the value of the individual mini to go up because you are buying singles too and making the seller some money to buy more of them.I wouldn't bet on them buying many at these prices; the secondary market is a joke when it comes to pricing minis. I've heard of these minis shattering when they hit a hard floor, so I'd rather just wait and buy metal from Reaper. More expensive, but easier to shoulder the price and get something much more durable. The prices right now for certain monsters in the first set are just ridiculous. I'd rather buy a game for my phone or comics.
When I get priced out of something, I'm more likely to consider it snobbery and just stop even looking at the items, especially if it's not something I would be able to use regularly. There's plenty out there that wants my money and is within my budget.
It depends a lot on the size of the set and my likely-hood in getting repeats that aren't useful. Randomize sets of 60 are always a better deal than randomized sets of 100+, provided I can be assured repeats of useful minis only. Repeat NPCs minis are utterly useless unless you're planning a mystery twin in a campaign. Guess how much you'll be doing that? Nothing sucks worse than opening a bunch of minis and getting little of what you wanted.
Frankly the new Champions of Evil Encounters Pack has the right idea, I think. The price is low enough for an impulse buy, and the non-random format prevents me from worrying about my money being wasted (I know what I'm going to get). 3 zombies are useful in a lot of situations. The cleric I don't give a rip about (NPC), the succubus is insanely overpriced in the first set as a single, so it's obvious the market wants more of it. The gargoyle, while in need of repainting (Red? Really?), is a useful mini also. So 3 commons, an uncommon (or two) and a rare/large/whatever is a smarter way to get the minis into people's hands.
With the global economy in the crapper, people are going to be more and more risk adverse, and randomization is risky. It feels too much like gambling. Plus if I just needed one extra zombie, I'd have no problem buying this set and getting the other minis at this price. I don't see why the NPCs aren't being removed from the monsters and sold as a single non-random set anyway; I can always use two monsters, but not two specific NPCs. Also, I don't understand why the huges aren't just being sold as non-random singles, or in several packs of two non-randoms. I don't think it saves that much money to make a random box of huges in the first place.
I think $16 for a randomized pack of one large and three non-large figures is a good deal, provided I know I'm not going to have to turn around and buy another set to get what I really wanted.
Don't get me wrong, if you can pony up money for the case, the pricing isn't bad. The issue is that a set with this many minis is just too much to afford in one go. It's a turn off for the casual gaming market that doesn't have that much spare cash and doesn't play regularly (or only semi-regularly).

Deane Beman |

Again...there are those that, for either collectibility or game-mastery reasons, will want a complete set of minis. These people will buy their case(s) regardless of the figure count.
The true fluctuation will occur at the cash registers of our FLGS; the evidence of which will be the number of reorder requests the distributors receive.
Personally I will like pick up a single booster and a huge mini just for the sake of doing so. The rest I'll pick up on the secondary market; I'm shooting for one of each of the goblins, the dragon, plus any figure that can double as a PC.

Steve Geddes |

With the global economy in the crapper, people are going to be more and more risk adverse, and randomization is risky. It feels too much like gambling. Plus if I just needed one extra zombie, I'd have no problem buying this set and getting the other minis at this price. I don't see why the NPCs aren't being removed from the monsters and sold as a single non-random set anyway; I can always use two monsters, but not two specific NPCs. Also, I don't understand why the huges aren't just being sold as non-random singles, or in several packs of two non-randoms. I don't think it saves that much money to make a random box of huges in the first place.I think $16 for a randomized pack of one large and three non-large figures is a good deal, provided I know I'm not going to have to turn around and buy another set to get what I really wanted.
Don't get me wrong, if you can pony up money for the case, the pricing isn't bad. The issue is that a set with this many minis is just too much to afford in one go. It's a turn off for the casual gaming market that doesn't have that much spare cash and doesn't play regularly (or only semi-regularly).
I don't disagree, in the main. I think paizo/Wizkids are trying to cater to individual budgets and needs via the different methods of bundling the minis. The encounter packs are a clear offering to the people opposed to randomization. The bricks seem better suited to the semi serious "gamer on a budget" (they endeavor to provide minimal repeats out of thirty two minis). Overall, they've made a clear effort to give useful rarities. (like you, I'd wish for all npcs to be rare figures. In my case that goes for "PC" or unnamed npc figures too). I consider the cases to be primarily aimed at retailers, although I have no idea on the actual sales breakdown, of course.
The only thing I disagree about is the size of the set. I'll always want more choice rather than less. H&M was too small, for my purposes, so I ended up with too many multiple figures. This time around, I'm getting the same number of minis with a significant number of repeats. The smaller the set, the more likely you are to get some of those repeats you mentioned as undesirable, especially for the very casual purchaser (who picks up the odd booster every now and again).
Another comment is with regard to the bundling of the huge figures. Evidently it does save significantly to bundle them in randomized packs of six, since they initially produced extra sculpts but are not using all of them - opting instead for two "rare" and two "common" huge figures, rather than the initially planned (and sculpted) six.

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I wouldn't bet on them buying many at these prices; the secondary market is a joke when it comes to pricing minis. I've heard of these minis shattering when they hit a hard floor, so I'd rather just wait and buy metal from Reaper.
BTW Having dropped these minis on a concrete floor from the small, Medium, Large and the one huge that is release so far... NONE of them have shattered and yes I actually threw a couple of them up in the air including the huge dragon and they did not shatter nor did the bases come off of them either.
I agree that the Reaper mini's are more detailed but they are also plain too, no paint on them. While they can be painted to extremely good detail but you have to have the patience and the time to paint them too. I am not saying that one way is better then the other. So with this being said I think that the prices will be fine. Might want to do your own testing before you say they shatter though. It is not even close to fact.

jwood314 |

I have had the minoutaur pop off of it's base when dropped from a 3 foot height onto a tile floor. My 3 year old has removed a medusa from a base, and broke a skeleton in half.
I want to take away the minis from my 3 year old son, but when he says, "Daddy, this is an Ettin" I keep them out for him to play bad guys with.
Great minis, looking forward to the next set, although the pocket book is not so excited.

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When I get priced out of something, I'm more likely to consider it snobbery and just stop even looking at the items, especially if it's not something I would be able to use regularly. There's plenty out there that wants my money and is within my budget.
Yes, shame on you Paizo for making something so expensive that I can't purchase it as an impulse buy. Instead, you have forced me to become responsible and organize my budget for the next six months, setting aside a little bit of money each week to make this expensive purchase in a calculated and planned manner. Furthermore, you should feel additional shame in knowing that with this budget you have forced upon me, my wife and I will have started a nice little savings for a down payment on a house. How dare you set a price for what some apparently feel entitled to receive for much, much less.

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I have had the minoutaur pop off of it's base when dropped from a 3 foot height onto a tile floor. My 3 year old has removed a medusa from a base, and broke a skeleton in half.
I want to take away the minis from my 3 year old son, but when he says, "Daddy, this is an Ettin" I keep them out for him to play bad guys with.
Great minis, looking forward to the next set, although the pocket book is not so excited.
Now yes the bases can come off I agree.. as they are created separate from the actual figure. I have seen them come off of some friends figures.. so far not mine.
With that being said they can be fixed fairly easily with some plastic glue or even super glue (I do not recommend super glue as much though).
I did fix my friends minis that came off of their bases.. and I agree the Minotaur seems to be the usual culprit. Now on the to the case of your son breaking the Skel in half.. well that is the breaks muhahaha :)

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April Bowen wrote:I wouldn't bet on them buying many at these prices; the secondary market is a joke when it comes to pricing minis. I've heard of these minis shattering when they hit a hard floor, so I'd rather just wait and buy metal from Reaper.
BTW Having dropped these minis on a concrete floor from the small, Medium, Large and the one huge that is release so far... NONE of them have shattered and yes I actually threw a couple of them up in the air including the huge dragon and they did not shatter nor did the bases come off of them either.
I agree that the Reaper mini's are more detailed but they are also plain too, no paint on them. While they can be painted to extremely good detail but you have to have the patience and the time to paint them too. I am not saying that one way is better then the other. So with this being said I think that the prices will be fine. Might want to do your own testing before you say they shatter though. It is not even close to fact.
My black dragon has a broken horn, I have had bases snap off after dropping them (a goblin and a minotaur)...Wizkids are known for brittle miniatures (just look at their mage knight line).

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My black dragon has a broken horn, I have had bases snap off after dropping them (a goblin and a minotaur)...Wizkids are known for brittle miniatures (just look at their mage knight line).
Mage Knight is not a valid comparison, they haven't been produced in *many* years. The composition of the plastic has changed dramatically (this happened about 18 months after mage knight stopped being produced, the same time heroclix started using clear plastic)

April Bowen |
April Bowen wrote:Yes, shame on you Paizo for making something so expensive that I can't purchase it as an impulse buy. Instead, you have forced me to become responsible and organize my budget for the next six months, setting aside a little bit of money each week to make this expensive purchase in a calculated and planned manner. Furthermore, you should feel additional shame in knowing that with this budget you have forced upon me, my wife and I will have started a nice little savings for a down payment on a house. How dare you set a price for what some apparently feel entitled to receive for much, much less.
When I get priced out of something, I'm more likely to consider it snobbery and just stop even looking at the items, especially if it's not something I would be able to use regularly. There's plenty out there that wants my money and is within my budget.
A. You assume it will still be available at the same price it is now in six months. August is only four months away. I fully expect price jumps as the line sells out. The longer it takes to scrape together the money, the greater the chance the price will go up.
B. Considering they set the price for the Champions of Evil Encounter Pack, it's not "much, much less". It's just not a room full of minis at one time.
C. It's pretty obvious this set was meant for shops rather than customers. Other than shop owners, how many individuals are going to fork out almost $700 for a case of minis?

April Bowen |
The only thing I disagree about is the size of the set. I'll always want more choice rather than less. H&M was too small, for my purposes, so I ended up with too many multiple figures....
But the thing was, you got most of what was in the set at a reasonable price. Almost all the minis were highly reusable monsters that would hit the table a lot. Also, repeats didn't hurt since many of the monsters were things you'd fight in a group.
More individuals will buy bricks than cases for this new set. Which means they'll have to hit the secondary market or risk buying a second, third or fourth brick with a rising chance they're going to get repeat figures they don't want. If folks mostly go to the secondary market, expect to see single prices akin to the D&D large/huge dragons in a very short time.