Kirk Spock Bones T-Shirt (3XL)

Our Price: $16.99


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Kirk & Spock & Bones and some guy in a Red Shirt = A dead guy in a red shirt.

Show your away team spirit with this awesome tee. Made of 100% cotton and printed with the retro colors from the series. Get you own Kirk & Spock & Bones and some guy in a Red Shirt, shirt.

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Ships from our warehouse in 18 to 65 business days.

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Liberty's Edge

Wouldn't it be awesome (& awesomely ironic) for this shirt to be in Red?

You'd have to tweak the print a bit, in that case, maybe lay down black first under the word "red" to give it a border, otherwise it would get lost in the shirt color.

Liberty's Edge

Or a red background & the word red itself in silver, maybe a magnet instead of the E? a phaser instead of the R? and a thumbs up (or down) for the D?

Liberty's Edge

You could also print" Great! I'm on a ground mission with Kirk, Spock and Bones." on a red shirt.

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