GentleGiant |
bugleyman wrote:Zombieneighbours wrote:Alas, that falls into the "treat them like metal minis" category for me, though I realize that for some who can paint much better than I can, that is probably blasphemy. :)You can put plastics in these with minimal care, and throw them at a wall, and not see any damage at all.
Its the difference between a second a miniature packing speed, and 3-20 seconds a mini packing(depending on delicacy.)
If I wan't essentially disposable mini's, I go paper :D
There's a cheaper way to do something similar (although it's still closer to bugleyman's "treat them like metal minis") than to buy GW (or similar) cases.
I made this tutorial a while ago about how to make your own miniature transport case(s):DIY Transport Case.
The tutorial starts from post #9.
Also, you could probably pack the cases with more minis when it's the pre-painted ones than I'd do with painted metals/plastics.
pres man |
Cartigan wrote:I've seen them in person. The ogre is the best of the lot, but he's on what is more or less a 2" x 1" base (calvary base)Kin Korn Karn wrote:I couldn't find size provided
Its worth noting that neither are on the right sized base, and the troll is medium sized.
I'm sorry, I know this is off topic, and I'd love it if someone made another thread, but I have to say, are people seriously arguing that a miniature can't represent a large creature because the company that made it doesn't use the D&D standard 2x2 base? You might have to actually glue a miniature from another company to a 2x2 base. I don't think it is rational to assume that every single company is going to use the same base dimensions or even height range.
On-Topic: Seen the better pictures on the blog makes it look as if the miniatures are pretty similar to the size of the heroclix and mage knight. The little circles that the characters are standing on were used for those lines for a while (example here). I believe the heroclix now usually use a single larger "lima bean" attachment to the base itself (example here).
Steve Geddes |
Are there any general guidelines regarding advertising RPG items for sale on the forums - specifically those which Paizo also sell?
I'm not really interested in looking into Ebay, but it's quite likely I'll have a bunch of surplus minis. One the one hand it feels like a reasonable 'community thing' to start a thread offering to sell minis, but on the other it's quite clearly using the paizo forums to directly compete directly (at some level) with the online store.
I figure it's probably come up before at some point - anyone able to point me to a thread/FAQ/whatever?
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
If you buy a box with 8 characters, you are probably guaranteed not to get a duplicate and to get a good spread. If you buy a single 8 times, you could get 8 of the same or 8 random or 4 of two unhelpful things.
When it comes to Heroes & Monsters, so long as the 8 singles you buy come out of the same store display (or "brick"), you will almost certainly get all different minis. As Lisa said upstream, it's not *guaranteed* due to potential human error, but for that matter, you're not *guaranteed* to get different minis out of an 8-figure pack from anyone either. (I most certainly got the same figure twice in the same pack with D&D Minis once or twice.)
Dragnmoon |
I'm sorry, I know this is off topic, and I'd love it if someone made another thread, but I have to say, are people seriously arguing that a miniature can't represent a large creature because the company that made it doesn't use the D&D standard 2x2 base? You might have to actually glue a miniature from another company to a 2x2 base.
Well I know that I for one don not buy the Reaper pre-painted plastic minis due their base, the lack of conformity of the base to the game I play and their terrible balance (tipping over). I buy pre-painted so I don't have to do any work on them, if I have to replace all the bases on the ones I buy them that goal is not met.
Asgetrion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Vic, are you guys planning anything like the "Collector's Sets" (Beholders et al.) released by WoTC? I mean, I'd really want to buy that 20+ common monsters (orcs, goblins, skeletons and so on) without having to go through 100+ or so packs or ordering them as singles. And it would be really, really cool if themed packs would include (using orcs as an example) orc spellcasters, archers, "brutes", basic grunts, commanders/heroes, kings, etc. I'd be willing to pay good money for that.
(my apologies if this has already been asked and/or answered... even a fiendish dwarf doesn't have the guts to wade through hundreds of new posts! ;))
pres man |
Vic, are you guys planning anything like the "Collector's Sets" (Beholders et al.) released by WoTC? I mean, I'd really want to buy that 20+ common monsters (orcs, goblins, skeletons and so on) without having to go through 100+ or so packs or ordering them as singles. And it would be really, really cool if themed packs would include (using orcs as an example) orc spellcasters, archers, "brutes", basic grunts, commanders/heroes, kings, etc. I'd be willing to pay good money for that.
(my apologies if this has already been asked and/or answered... even a fiendish dwarf doesn't have the guts to wade through hundreds of new posts! ;))
Q: How often will Pathfinder Battles sets release?
A: The first set, Heroes & Monsters, will release in December 2011. The second set, Rise of the Runelords, will release in June 2012 to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the very first Pathfinder Adventure Path. Additional Pathfinder Battles Encounter Packs will appear between these two large releases. More full sets and Encounter Packs will follow throughout 2012 and beyond.
Smaller visible sets will be released. What those will contain has been stated yet. I would expect 4-6 miniatures based on the hero set already in the works and the fast force 6-packs wizkids puts out for its heroclix lines.
Well I know that I for one don not buy the Reaper pre-painted plastic minis due their base, the lack of conformity of the base to the game I play and their terrible balance (tipping over). I buy pre-painted so I don't have to do any work on them, if I have to replace all the bases on the ones I buy them that goal is not met.
Which is fine, as long as people realize that the problem in that case is with themselves and not the actual miniatures in question.. I mean it is not too difficult to glue a miniature to a square base, it is probably more effort to just remove it from the packaging. And if someone is really cheap they can always just use a piece of cardstock (like from a cereal box) to use as the larger bases. This has the added bonus of making the miniature more stable as well.
raydash |
Dryder wrote:Grotnar, you're absolutely right! I've missread the part about the 40 monsters of the set.
The case contains several bricks and boosters. So, you right - my apologies.
But anyway, such a case should have ALL of them in it, not NEARLY all...Dryder:
With the Heroes and Monsters set, WizKids has set it up so you should be able to get a complete set. The reason why they can't guarantee it is that the process of packing boxes and cases is done by a human. And humans make mistakes. So even if you should be able to get a complete set, you might not because a human put the wrong rare in the certain box or put the wrong brick in a case. Humans make errors and thus making guarantees about what you might or might not get is not very practical. So we are using the only verbage we can...that you should get nearly all of them. The truth is that a lot of people will get complete sets in each case. But some won't. And it will be because of human error.
This is great news for my gaming groups. We're all very excited about this set. I was surprised to see some of them willing to buy a case and a half each... that never happened before (with the other game). We are just concerned when it comes to the quality of the miniatures and the paint. We used to play MageKnight (Wizkids) and the paint job was awful. Also, we were lucky to find the miniatures in one piece. I just hope they meet Paizo's quality standards.
Xuttah |
Is it just me, or does it look like the chimera is missing wings?
Yes, chimera have a fly speed, so where are the wings? Awesome sculpt still, even with that omission. Vampire is impressive too. Wizkids really brought their game to these models as far as quality goes. Assuming this level of quality is consistant in the rest of the set, I'm starting to become a little less grumpy about the price.
Random thought: There seems to be some discussion about the commons being low-level mooks and the rares being tough challenges. This could be a little frustrating if it spans the whole gamut of CR's. What good is a balor to a GM starting a campaign at first level?
What about releasing sets with monsters targeted for a certain range of CR's? You could have 4 or 5 sets from level character level 1-20 appropriate encounters, and the commons, uncommons and rares would be distributed along that narrower band of creatures. This also works for summoned monsters.
eg. A set for low level encounters (Level 1-4) could include:
Small Common: Kobolds, Goblins, Small Animals and Vermin
Small Uncommon: Small Elementals, Specialist Kobolds and Goblins
Small Rare: Golarion-Specific Monster, BBEG/Iconic Character
Medium Common: Orcs, Bandits, Medium Animals, Skeletons and Zombies
Medium Uncommon: Medium Vermin, Hybrid Lycanthrope, Ghast
Medium Rare: Named BBEG/Iconics, Tatzylwyrm or other Golarion-specific monsters
Large Common: Ogre, Giant Vermin, Horse (with or without rider, perfect for PC's when mounted)
Large Uncommon: Swarms (need to be pretty flat to put characters on top), Specialist Ogre, Owlbear
Large Rare: Gelatinous Cube, Mounted Iconic, Drake.
I'm sure there are more than enough small and medium monsters of each CR band to fill up a set even at higher levels (astal devas and high level BBEG's etc). Some level bands may need to have larger sets than others, or multiple sets. This might even be a good way to re-print models once the original line has been released. A chance to get more use out of the molds.
Xuttah |
Jeff Cope wrote:YES! I'd love to see a dedicated minis ruleset.I just had a thought.
Paizo has no concrete plans.
But what if WizKids does?
Could "Pathfinder Battles" be the next in a line of licensed 3rd party rules?Let the conspiracy theory begin.
Rules set? No, that's just a weather baloon.
another_mage |
WotC apparently just announced non-randomized minis in themed packs, for those who want such things, along with a diceless minis game. Click here and scroll down to 11:50.
11:51: Next year they’re going to release non-collectible miniatures in themes (drow, goblins) in sets of 12, including some large. Also a miniatures game on top of this. A board game using these war bands of miniatures. Helps retailers who don’t want to get stuck with the “out” stuff this month.
11:52: Rodney re: the game. The big difference with this new game is that it’s a diceless game. It’s a tactical game where skill is really important. Action cards are the commands you give your units that drive them around the battlefield. Luck comes from cards, but you make more informed decisions after you draw them. Focused on more skill than luck. Made tile placement at the start of the game an important part of the decision-making. Each set comes with miniatures and creature cards for the set, but also some command cards. Sounds like there’s a CCG aspect to it with these command cards.
11:54: Rodney. There will be a public, open play test well in advance, starting in the next couple of months. You can print out the cards online, use your own minis, playtest, and provide feedback. They want us to help them make it a better game.
11:55: The open playtest is a new thing for them. If they’re going to do a big, new thing, they’re going to get our input.
Open playtest? What the hell? Did the LHC blow up all the universes that make sense, leaving us only the bizzaro universe to live in?
Brian E. Harris |
WotC apparently just announced non-randomized minis in themed packs, for those who want such things, along with a diceless minis game. Click here and scroll down to 11:50.
I sincerely hope that it does well for them, and provides an outlet for those who wish to spend their money on non-random minis in a format such as this. EDIT: And if these minis aren't the same molds they've used in the past (of which I already have minis of), then I'll very likely buy some of them.
I fear, however, that it will be doomed to a very limited number of releases and eventually be shelved.
I did hear, also (and this is referenced at 9:49 and 10:29 on that same link) that there would be a collection of dragon minis (similar to the beholder collection) for sale in October. Excited about this, hoping they're all "huge", but figure they'll probably be "large".
Ross Byers RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |
Berik |
I'm rather more excited for this line than I would have expected, the figures really look great so far! The only thing that has stopped me from ordering a brick already is that I'll probably be back in New Zealand by the time they come out. So I'll need to add some addresses to my account if I want to check on the shipping charge I guess and I suspect it will be pretty high...
I'm actually more interested in this than I likely would be in a line of non-random minis. I don't have a need for specific figures right now, it would just be cool to get a selection of figures that may help spark the imagination and come in useful. I'll probably try to avoid seeing a full list of what is in the set before it comes out. I rather like the idea of opening up the boxes and being surprised by what I find!
Matthew Morris RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8 |
Asgetrion |
WotC apparently just announced non-randomized minis in themed packs, for those who want such things, along with a diceless minis game. Click here and scroll down to 11:50.
Wow, this is exactly what I asked for above (BTW, thanks, pres man -- I don't know how I could have missed that part in the press release, but let's blame my poor eyesight! :)), i.e. themed packs such as a goblin or drow war party. I suspect Paizo's encounter packs will feature better sculpts and painting -- at least if we compare the previewed minis to the last DDM sets -- but WotC minis will likely be cheaper.
The card-based miniature game also sounds interesting!
KaeYoss |
I've seen them in person. The ogre is the best of the lot, but he's on what is more or less a 2" x 1" base (calvary base)
It's hard to be precise about it, because they don't even have a real base. They have some ground to stand on, which is just under their feet (and a little bit outward) and between. Neither round (oval) nor square (rectangular).
And those "bases" are even shorter than DDM's smaller large bases (those that didn't fill the whole 4 squares).
Similarly, both figures are larger than what we're used to in medium figures, but they can hide beside DDM ogres and trolls.
The minotaur is bigger. Still not the size we're used to from DDM, and the same kind of base, but all in all somewhere near what I'd call a proper large mini.
ThatWeirdGeckoGuy |
I've disagreed with you on this thread, but that was definitely not cool. I'd like to think that if we met in real life we could be friendly and talk about other things. I'd love to see pictures of your geckos sometime.
Anyway, I apologize that messageboard discussions got that far out of hand.
I'd agree. I'm a jerk, but I like to think a likable one.
ThatWeirdGeckoGuy |
I am really sorry to hear this. This is completely unacceptable behavior. Please email me at with any details the police are able to find.
Will do. I'm not really worried about it. Once I spent the day cooling off (Admittedly, when I get mad, I get MAD), I got over it. My phone number isn't hard to find.
ThatWeirdGeckoGuy |
Gecko Guy's history lacks histrionics (see what I did there), so it begins with nerdrage of otherwise affable paizonian.
You know, I thought about that while I was off line too. -I- know my Pathfinder/Gaming history, but I am a lurker here. I'll make a more appropriate post on this Monday when I'm off. Is there a proper spot on the forum for such things so I don't derail?
Then Gecko Guy signs off, letting us know he's been hounded in RL about this! I didn't even know that was possible!
I have shows on the weekends, so I'm normally not on line much those days. Me being annoyed with the whole situation just lined up with a road trip well.
ThatWeirdGeckoGuy |
Callin shenanigans on the gecko call just fyi...
course i was called about everquest years ago I just laughed my ass off about it!
I don't think I can be the one to SHENANIGANS you, but, fighting on well past when I knew my opponents wouldn't budge and then quitting with the post I did would pretty much completely invalidate everything I said. Not how I argue, really. Also, I don't quit.
Lordofkhybr |
WotC apparently just announced non-randomized minis in themed packs, for those who want such things, along with a diceless minis game. Click here and scroll down to 11:50.
+1 WotC
-1 Paizo.If WotC can offer nonrandomized miniatures, why can't Paizo?
Scott Betts |
Joana wrote:WotC apparently just announced non-randomized minis in themed packs, for those who want such things, along with a diceless minis game. Click here and scroll down to 11:50.+1 WotC
-1 Paizo.If WotC can offer nonrandomized miniatures, why can't Paizo?
They can, and they are.
WotC is going to be offering themed packs of minis, and so will Paizo. The problem is that if you only do themed packs of minis (as WotC is) you severely limit the variety of minis you can produce. If a mini doesn't fit with a theme, you can't sell it, and if a mini isn't particularly popular it's less likely that the entire pack will sell as a result. You have to make sure that each pack is full of minis that provide customers with what they need for some of the game's staples, but it's not really enough to sustain an entire fantasy RPG's miniatures needs.
Heymitch |
+1 WotC
-1 Paizo.If WotC can offer nonrandomized miniatures, why can't Paizo?
Paizo is offering non-randomized miniatures. They're called encounter packs. Plus, you'll be able to get all of their miniatures non-randomized in the secondary market.
Plus, those of us who want randomized miniatures (because we like hundreds of different molds being produced, rather than a couple of dozen) get what we want. It's win-win.
I'm not going to say that I'm never going to buy a WOTC product, just because they aren't making randomized miniatures. I'm not going to write to WOTC, and tell them they're on notice, or that they're on my list, or that they've betrayed me. That would make me sound kind of nutty. No offense.