Malevolent & Benign (PFRPG) PDF

5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Our Price: $12.00

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Evoking the early days of roleplaying, Expeditious Retreat Press is pleased to release Malevolent and Benign, a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game monster book with 150 new creatures and more than 85 illustrations in this 128-page tome.

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I've got that old-school feeling!


As the title shows, Malevolent and Benign attempts to bring back the old-school feel of the original Fiend Folio... and it succeeds admirably. Even the art is an excellent throwback to that bygone era. There are a host of horrid creatures in here to chill even the most rugged adventurer's heart, with an emphasis on types that are often forgotten, like plants, animals, and the like. Some really good stuff. The only drawback is that this product was clearly designed for the OSRIC system and converted, with monsters that may have been better represented as a template being full out creatures, like the corrupted otyugh. This isn't a major problem, of course. :) There are even beasts in here that can fill the old roles of certain protected content from older editions, with clever variations that can turn expectations on their heads. Great stuff all around. Highly recommended.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Hmm another monster book. Anyone pick this up to know what kind of monsters and such are in it?

Dark Archive

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Hmm another monster book. Anyone pick this up to know what kind of monsters and such are in it?

I will be picking it up off of Ebay in the next day or so.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Hmm another monster book. Anyone pick this up to know what kind of monsters and such are in it?

Malevolent dire squirrels!

Okay, probably not. I'm kind of curious what's in this product myself.

I just saw this book. It's been out since 2011, so how many of the creatures in it are still unique? I know a lot of mythological creatures have been adapted into standard 1e Bestiary monsters at this point, so I'm curious about overlap.

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