Pathfinder Beginner Box Heroes Miniatures Set

4.70/5 (based on 27 ratings)

Our Price: $12.99

Out of print

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This set of 4 exquisitely detailed prepainted plastic miniatures is meant to complement the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Beginner Box with all four of the featured pregenerated characters in the game.

    Miniatures include:
  • Kyra, Female Human Cleric
  • Valeros, Male Human Fighter
  • Merisiel, Female Elf Rogue
  • Ezren, Male Human Wizard

All figures are on 1"-round bases and are fully compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Are these prepainted plastic miniatures included in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Beginner Box?
A: The Beginner Box includes more than 80 full-color pawns, but it does not include any prepainted plastic miniatures. This set is a separate product designed to complement the Beginner Box or stand on its own.

Q: Are the miniatures in this set randomized?
A: This is a fixed set containing the four miniatures listed above.

Q: Will this set be part of Paizo's Pathfinder Roleplaying Game subscription?
A: This set is produced by WizKids under license from Paizo, and is not part of any Paizo subscription.

Q: How does this affect the Pathfinder Miniatures line from Reaper Miniatures?
A: Reaper Miniatures has been producing unpainted metal Pathfinder Miniatures since Fall 2009, and they will continue to do so.

Q: Do these miniatures use Reaper's sculpts?
A: These miniatures use all-new sculpts by WizKids.

Additional Product Images

(click to enlarge)
WZKEzren WZKKyra WZKMerisiel WZKValeros

Product Availability

Out of print

This product is out of print.

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Average product rating:

4.70/5 (based on 27 ratings)

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Everything you need for the classic four classes


This was actually the first Pathfinder product I ever owned. I mainly bought it for Valeros (Because I usually use Fighters), but now I'm planning on using Kyra as a stand-in for my Aasimar Cleric. I'd like to see non-random sets of these for other iconics - I'd love to be able to own Amiri, Harsk (Dwarves rule!) or Seelah without having to go through the trouble of buying random minis. Anyway, these figs are a great buy for anyone who wants to play one of the "big four" classes.

First Pathfinder Miniatures I Owned.


I had dropped out of the RPG hobby for a while. When I elected to rejoin the fun I looked at several options and elected to buy into Pathfinder. I picked up the core rule book, the bestiary, and on a whim this set of four miniatures.

I opened the pack and took them out. I loved all four from the start. They were clean, nice paint jobs for PPMs and had that great "Fantasy RPG" feel to them.

Anyone who likes Pathfinder miniatures should own this set in my opinion.

This is a great idea!


This is actually the first set i ever bought from the pathfinder battles series. The sculpts have a wonderful level of detail and these are honestly all top tier miniatures for each of there respected classes. The paint looked a little better online then it did in person, but honestly for a pre-painted set with a vibrant array of colors for each figure, i can't complain at all. Most of all, I want to say that this was a great idea, and there needs to be more sets of nonrandom pc miniatures. I'd honestly buy everyone. The same goes for the Champions of Evil set.

Good, but not great


I was unsure of how to feel when i first heard about the Pathfinder PPM. The digital shots of the miniatures gave alot of promises but the on the other hand i have my experiences with Wizkids Mage Knight miniatures (who has some nice sculpts but really horrible paintjobs).

Ezren (3/5)
I dislike the pose and the choice to make the staff metallic. The flesh paint is not precise between the neck and hair which makes the neck look rather bloated. The cloak is nicely detailed and the rest of the miniature is slightly better than what you would expect from a PPM.

Kyra (4/5)
The cloak is really superb, may more detailed than you would expect from a PPM. Sadly the face lacks depth which makes Kyra look abit like a manikin. Her her armor could have been in a more exciting color as well.

Merisiel (1/5)
This is by far the worst of the miniatures, to my greatest disappointment. I was looking forward to this one but it really fails to deliver. The sculpt lacks quite alot of detail which means that it has to be painted on. And it goes without saying that with mass produced painted miniatures that's not going to yield a good result. A huge disappointment.

Valeros (4/5)
A solid fighter miniature. The armor looks good and the sculpt is resonably detailed. My only concern would be the face, which like Kyra is abit shallow (although not as much as Kyra). The paintjob on the face leaves Valeros looking quite dim.

All and all the quality is resonable for the price of the product. The good makes up for the bad.

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Preordered two, to support non randomized pre-painted plastic minis!


I've preordered three! :)

Stabby and the cleric not enough.... I'd preorder if Seoni was in it... since she's not and I dont have the cash on hand anyway Its going to wait.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

I've been playing since 1e and I've never purchased a mini before. These just look too good to pass up. The amount of detail on Kyra looks simply amazing.


Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

I'm always ready to support non-random good pre-painted minis. Pre-ordered!

Pre-orderd,and wishing for great success in the new line! :)

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
I've preordered three! :)

Three?! You cad! Now I'll be shamed into ordering at least three!

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Shivok wrote:
I know its a Wizkids collaboration, but like Auxmaulous stated in the thread above we need static Creature Packs: something like 2-10 minis per set: Something like 10 for small sized creatures, 8 for medium, 4 for large, 2-3 for huge, 1-2 Gargantuan/colossal. No set should cost more than $19.99 to keep it affordable.

Huge kudos to these posters! - With the death of DDM someone needs to step into the void. I have been longing and begging for someone to sell pre painted minis like they did lead minis in the 70's. PC characters sold individually at premium prices (enabling higher quality and lots of variety so you can find the crossbow wielding gnome you really want). Monsters sold in bunches...a blister pack with 5 orcs, or 7 kobolds, or... you get the idea. Big monsters sold individually at higher costs as well.

I would love to see differing quality levels reflected in the price - ie When you are sculpting Ezrin, go all out. A player has no problem popping $5 (or more) for the absolute to die for mini of his beloved PC. The GM who needs a dozen goblins and some dogs for an encounter doesn't need perfect paint jobs, they just want to get the minis they need for a couple of bucks a pop even if that means sacrificing an amazing paint job for a merely good one.

Here's hoping these are a big success for WizKids and they follow up with other offerings. Put me down for a set and a promise to spend lavishly on future offerings. I want more pre-painted plastic minis and i am happy WizKids is stepping up to the plate.

Liberty's Edge

kitenerd wrote:
Shivok wrote:
I know its a Wizkids collaboration, but like Auxmaulous stated in the thread above we need static Creature Packs: something like 2-10 minis per set: Something like 10 for small sized creatures, 8 for medium, 4 for large, 2-3 for huge, 1-2 Gargantuan/colossal. No set should cost more than $19.99 to keep it affordable.

Huge kudos to these posters! - With the death of DDM someone needs to step into the void. I have been longing and begging for someone to sell pre painted minis like they did lead minis in the 70's. PC characters sold individually at premium prices (enabling higher quality and lots of variety so you can find the crossbow wielding gnome you really want). Monsters sold in bunches...a blister pack with 5 orcs, or 7 kobolds, or... you get the idea. Big monsters sold individually at higher costs as well.

I would love to see differing quality levels reflected in the price - ie When you are sculpting Ezrin, go all out. A player has no problem popping $5 (or more) for the absolute to die for mini of his beloved PC. The GM who needs a dozen goblins and some dogs for an encounter doesn't need perfect paint jobs, they just want to get the minis they need for a couple of bucks a pop even if that means sacrificing an amazing paint job for a merely good one.

Here's hoping these are a big success for WizKids and they follow up with other offerings. Put me down for a set and a promise to spend lavishly on future offerings. I want more pre-painted plastic minis and i am happy WizKids is stepping up to the plate.

Well some of us related to Monk wouldn't like a "lesser" quality paint job on the mini's.


I think $12.99 for 4 nonrandom miniatures is a steal! To those thinking that future miniature sets will be this inexpensive, I doubt very much that would be possible. Huge or larger miniatures at this quality are very costly to produce. I hope Paizo can fill some of the gaps left by D&D. I will be buying all monster sets. Looking for that Gargantuan Green Dragon that we have all been waiting for. Please no cheesy base, just a simple black base.

Uninvited Ghost wrote:
Preordered two, to support non randomized pre-painted plastic minis!

Great set! I will be buying as well!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I hope they do module sets, Adventure Path sets, and Companion sets. I know they have the paper minis that cover this, but real plastic ones would be nice. Or just to break them up a Hero Pack and a Monster Pack. That way if you do buy the Companion sets you don't have to get the same heroes every time. Just something I would like to see.

I think one of the only reason I never bough those "mixed/random sets" was from seeing what my friends would get. 500 boring figure to get one that was useful.


I would love to see future packs of "iconic" monsters that are new/unique to Pathfinder.

Order mine. Only $11 with the subscriber's discount, very reasonable IMO. Especially if they look better than the WOTC ones.

Also, I didn't mind the sloppy paint jobs on the WOTC minis as much as I did the bent plastic limbs which would sometimes keep them from standing upright. That was ridiculous.

I'm anxious to see if the paint on the actual minis look as detailed and clear as it is on these pictures here. The pics they have up almost look computer generated instead of an actual picture.

Oooh, please add a miniature subscription:D

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

Sander Skeie aka Smands wrote:
Oooh, please add a miniature subscription:D

They can't, it's not a Paizo product. There's a thread about that around here somewhere.

Scarab Sages

Ordered two sets!

Lets see the rest of the iconics, and start working our way thru the iconic villains and monsters from the APs. (Skinsaw man, Sandpoint Devil, Lamia Matriarch, etc..)


I really like these! I will be putting in my pre order on payday (Friday). Amiri would have made the set completely perfect for me. Heres hoping theres a mini of her down the road


gbonehead wrote:
Sander Skeie aka Smands wrote:
Oooh, please add a miniature subscription:D
They can't, it's not a Paizo product. There's a thread about that around here somewhere.

There is, but I'll quickly recap: We don't control the release schedule on licensed products, so we can't offer a subscription for them.

Liz Courts wrote:
gbonehead wrote:
Sander Skeie aka Smands wrote:
Oooh, please add a miniature subscription:D
They can't, it's not a Paizo product. There's a thread about that around here somewhere.
There is, but I'll quickly recap: We don't control the release schedule on licensed products, so we can't offer a subscription for them.

Thats too bad:/ Well, guess I`ll order them manually then:P

Dark Archive

That is incredibly bad news.

So as licensed product you have considerably less say in what even gets made. So down the line (if there is one) not only do we need to convince Pazio of what kind of product we want, we also need to convince Wizkids? This is starting to look more like a one-off due to the fact that this is being farmed out.

Hopefully their minimum order demands for a run are not too high, considering the fact that they only deal with big licenses (comics and movies) or their own creations I don't think this is any kind of good news - er, or realization (on my part).

Too bad, I wish Paizo had the big money to run this on their own - having a better pulse on what their customers want and cutting out the middle man. Introducing 3rd party vendors into the mix always turns into a cluster.

I guess we'll see.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Auxmaulous wrote:

That is incredibly bad news.

So as licensed product you have considerably less say in what even gets made. So down the line (if there is one) not only do we need to convince Pazio of what kind of product we want, we also need to convince Wizkids? This is starting to look more like a one-off due to the fact that this is being farmed out.

Hopefully their minimum order demands for a run are not too high, considering the fact that they only deal with big licenses (comics and movies) or their own creations I don't think this is any kind of good news - er, or realization (on my part).

Too bad, I wish Paizo had the big money to run this on their own - having a better pulse on what their customers want and cutting out the middle man. Introducing 3rd party vendors into the mix always turns into a cluster.

I guess we'll see.

Paizo needs to continue doing the things Paizo is best at. Doing a [prepainted plastic minis line/comic book/movie/computer game/TV series] ourselves would cost a lot of money and take a lot of effort that ultimately serves as a distraction from our core business.

Not all licenses are bad things—sometimes, they're the only way things will get done.

Sovereign Court


Dark Archive

Vic Wertz wrote:

Paizo needs to continue doing the things Paizo is best at. Doing a [prepainted plastic minis line/comic book/movie/computer game/TV series] ourselves would cost a lot of money and take a lot of effort that ultimately serves as a distraction from our core business.

Not all licenses are bad things—sometimes, they're the only way things will get done.

I agree for the most part - I wouldn't equate making your own miniatures with a comic book/movie/computer game just because miniatures are integral to many people's games and gaming as a whole. Miniature = gaming aid, whereas a comic book or PC is just an extension of IP/brand.

On top of all of that Paizo is also in the business of making their own maps and map packs, this was a by-product and secondary market created by (now defunct) DDM, so there is a potential role to be filled. More wishfull thinking on my part when this was all announced vs. the reality of the needed investment.

I understand the situation, something like this requires a tremendous amount of resources and dedication - also farming it out can give some great returns as you don't need to refocus your energy into reinventing the wheel.

Sometimes I just wish you guys had the money, staff and resources to execute something most of us have wanted for the longest time (but never got) from other companies; responsive staff, quality goods, and product we want/need vs. being told what we want/need. You guys do all of the above, plus Paizo is probably the most consumer friendly company I have ever dealt with.

I get it, I'm just expressing my frustration. At this point it is still "wait and see" so I'll just wait an see and support as best as I can.

Auxmaulous wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:

Paizo needs to continue doing the things Paizo is best at. Doing a [prepainted plastic minis line/comic book/movie/computer game/TV series] ourselves would cost a lot of money and take a lot of effort that ultimately serves as a distraction from our core business.

Not all licenses are bad things—sometimes, they're the only way things will get done.

I agree for the most part - I wouldn't equate making your own miniatures with a comic book/movie/computer game just because miniatures are integral to many people's games and gaming as a whole. Miniature = gaming aid, whereas a comic book or PC is just an extension of IP/brand.

On top of all of that Paizo is also in the business of making their own maps and map packs, this was a by-product and secondary market created by (now defunct) DDM, so there is a potential role to be filled. More wishfull thinking on my part when this was all announced vs. the reality of the needed investment.

I understand the situation, something like this requires a tremendous amount of resources and dedication - also farming it out can give some great returns as you don't need to refocus your energy into reinventing the wheel.

Sometimes I just wish you guys had the money, staff and resources to execute something most of us have wanted for the longest time (but never got) from other companies; responsive staff, quality goods, and product we want/need vs. being told what we want/need. You guys do all of the above, plus Paizo is probably the most consumer friendly company I have ever dealt with.

I get it, I'm just expressing my frustration. At this point it is still "wait and see" so I'll just wait an see and support as best as I can.

It wouldn't be nearly so bad if Wizkids site wasn't so dang horrible and had a decent discussion section (or a decent anything section, that site is shameful).

Sinvel Menter wrote:
Also, I didn't mind the sloppy paint jobs on the WOTC minis as much as I did the bent plastic limbs which would sometimes keep them from standing upright. That was ridiculous.

The bent arms / weapons / legs are actually an easy fix.

1. Get a hot air gun or possibly a hairdryer.
2. Get either a bowl with very cold water and some ice cubes, or just let the tap run until you have very cold water coming out.
3. Heat up the area of the miniature that you want to correct.
4. When the area gets hot enough it will move... almost as if self correcting.
5. Hold the miniature in the pose that you want him (straighten the sword, etc.)
6. While holding the mini in the desired pose, place it into your cold water source for about 20 seconds.

You will mini will now be fixed.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Auxmaulous wrote:

I agree for the most part - I wouldn't equate making your own miniatures with a comic book/movie/computer game just because miniatures are integral to many people's games and gaming as a whole. Miniature = gaming aid, whereas a comic book or PC is just an extension of IP/brand.

On top of all of that Paizo is also in the business of making their own maps and map packs, this was a by-product and secondary market created by (now defunct) DDM, so there is a potential role to be filled.

While Map Packs and Minis might both seem like "accessories," think about it from a product creation standpoint. To do maps, we need cartographers, a little graphic design, a little editing, and somebody who can print them for us. That's all stuff we've done every day for years. To do minis, we need things outside of our core competency—sculptors, 3D artists, and somebody who can mold, manufacture, and paint. We don't have those people or skills, and adding them would be inefficient and relatively expensive.

Auxmaulous wrote: Paizo is probably the most consumer friendly company I have ever dealt with.

Thanks—that's very much a goal of ours. And one of the ways we achieve it is that we work hard to be a small company. Maybe we could hire sculptors/3D artists and so on. But every person we hire makes the company a little bit bigger, and makes it so we need more infrastructure—more managers, HR people, etc. I've been through this before a couple of times, and my feeling is that when you hit about 50 people, you have to add all these layers that make it difficult for anyone to know who everyone is, or what they do, or what they're working on, and that makes it harder to be responsive to our own needs and easier to lose touch with customers. We're in the neighborhood of 30 employees now, and every single job opening has to be thoroughly considered as we approach that 50 number.

Still, all that aside, don't worry about the fact that this is a license. If we go on with a line here, it will be as partners, and we'll make sure that we take our customers wishes into account just as we do our own products. Sure, there will be times that WizKids will need to do something that we'd rather do another way... but there are times that *Paizo* needs to do something that we'd rather do another way. We'll do our best to make sure that these products meet our standards.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

pres man wrote:
It wouldn't be nearly so bad if Wizkids site wasn't so dang horrible and had a decent discussion section (or a decent anything section, that site is shameful).

If the line continues, we will provide a place for you to discuss it here at (Just like we're doing now!)

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:
Sinvel Menter wrote:
Also, I didn't mind the sloppy paint jobs on the WOTC minis as much as I did the bent plastic limbs which would sometimes keep them from standing upright. That was ridiculous.

The bent arms / weapons / legs are actually an easy fix.

1. Get a hot air gun or possibly a hairdryer.
2. Get either a bowl with very cold water and some ice cubes, or just let the tap run until you have very cold water coming out.
3. Heat up the area of the miniature that you want to correct.
4. When the area gets hot enough it will move... almost as if self correcting.
5. Hold the miniature in the pose that you want him (straighten the sword, etc.)
6. While holding the mini in the desired pose, place it into your cold water source for about 20 seconds.

You will mini will now be fixed.

I put the minis in hot water instead. Just put them into hot water (hold them by the base and dip them in. The minis will heat up, the plastic will remember what shape it is supposed to be in, the mini will get back into shape, you put it in cold water and everything is fine.

Okay, I caved in and preordered. Still very interested in seeing production models (especially if they can be compared to other 1" based miniatures).

Silver Crusade

I will have to pre-order these! anyone know if there are any pewter figures that work well with Pathfinder??

FeatureCreep wrote:
I will have to pre-order these! anyone know if there are any pewter figures that work well with Pathfinder??

Perhaps Reaper's line of Pathfinder metal mini's?

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Debating...I ordered one box, should I order 2?

Hope they stick with the theme....color scheme
nice to have some minis in the same faction.....useful as henchmen and followers

Bring on some villains.....Orc troll D&D of old
anti paladins......then i will take 2 of each

So when is that green dragon coming out.....i want 3
and a nice large flock of Wyverns...not large bats

i want i want 3
and are there singles available...i want a dozen WZK70428Merisiel.....

Keep up good work

eat dust Wizards.....train left

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Auxmaulous wrote:

Too bad, I wish Paizo had the big money to run this on their own - having a better pulse on what their customers want and cutting out the middle man. Introducing 3rd party vendors into the mix always turns into a cluster.

I appreciate the concern.

Paizo decided which miniatures to include in this set. If there are future sets due to fan demand, we will decide which miniatures are in there, too.

We have decided every single Reaper Pathfinder miniature produced to date.

I am not worried about it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

expand hobby budget! expand!
the power of Christ compels you!

Lisa Stevens wrote:
Just a friendly reminder from your resident CEO...

I love that sentence.

Vic Wertz wrote:
If the line continues, we will provide a place for you to discuss it here at (Just like we're doing now!)

Hey, if yall need these things to sell well why not make it easier to find these from your home page (or at least the miniatures page)? I had to go back to my link in my email to even find this thread again. There isn't even a link or picture at this page:

I'd like to see them do well also. Maybe make it easier for people to find out about them.

Paizo Employee CEO

Heine Stick wrote:
Lisa Stevens wrote:
Just a friendly reminder from your resident CEO...
I love that sentence.

Me too! I crack myself up sometimes. I think I was channeling The Thing or something. Or was that Spiderman? Or both? :)


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Sinvel Menter wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
If the line continues, we will provide a place for you to discuss it here at (Just like we're doing now!)

Hey, if yall need these things to sell well why not make it easier to find these from your home page (or at least the miniatures page)? I had to go back to my link in my email to even find this thread again. There isn't even a link or picture at this page:

I'd like to see them do well also. Maybe make it easier for people to find out about them.

I've added them at Miniatures/wizKids.

Lisa Stevens wrote:
Heine Stick wrote:
Lisa Stevens wrote:
Just a friendly reminder from your resident CEO...
I love that sentence.

Me too! I crack myself up sometimes. I think I was channeling The Thing or something. Or was that Spiderman? Or both? :)



Placed my preorder for a set of these figs. I would love for this to become a mainstream line with support for the bestiary monsters. I have always wanted a way to buy painted minis that are affordable and not randomized. The randomization of the DDM line is what turned me away from it. I don't like trying to buy minis and having to pay more for a certain figure because it is less common.

If Paizo does turn this into an ongoing line I would love to see support for the complete bestiary lineup. Another thing I have always disliked about minis is the lack of support for certain monsters. While I can always substitute another figure for the monster it just never feels right. I want to be able to place a monster down that actually looks like the picture in the book.

Now something I just thought of that could help is having a set of larger size bases to place minis in to represent larger size versions of them. So you could take a player mini and place it in a larger base to represent the change in size when under various spell effects. You could also use larger bases to represent increases in size from huge to gargantuan or colossal. So you could release a dragon mini in the huge scale and use a click in larger base to represent the increase in size for a gargantuan version of it. The D&D tokens in the monster vault have something similar for upgrading monster sizes.

Anyways no matter what you decide on I am really glad to have some new minis that actually look nice.

PS: Just to put it into perspective, this weekend I spent $200+ buying up old Mage Knight minis for use in my games. I am very, very willing to spend good amounts of money if I can get minis that have no rarity level. I spend a ton on minis. If you declare a minis line I will definitely spend my money purchasing them.

What I hate the most is when I have to drop $50+ for a cheap plastic mini that has a high rarity level. I don't mind spending the money on a gargantuan dragon figure, but I find it ridiculous that a mini for a succubi can command a $35 dollar price tag just because it is rare. Rarity systems offend my sensibilities when it comes to minis.

A Wizard that reminds me of Sean Connery?

The cleric looks nice, not sure of the other two but I plan on waiting for the Pathfinder beginner's set and then reconsider buying the mini's... if I hold out that long!

KaeYoss wrote:

Spiderthing, spiderthing, clobbers whatever spiders clobber...

No, that doesn't work at all.


As mentioned, these should be great for anyone running PFS events, to be able to give to anyone playing a pregen.

More, please...

Sigh, I guess it's too late to see a Carrion Crown mini pack hit by Halloween.

Paizo Employee CEO

The Forgotten wrote:
Sigh, I guess it's too late to see a Carrion Crown mini pack hit by Halloween.

Yep, it would be. Figure that it takes at LEAST six months and probably more to get a set out the door. So Halloween is right out.


Dark Archive

Lisa Stevens wrote:
The Forgotten wrote:
Sigh, I guess it's too late to see a Carrion Crown mini pack hit by Halloween.

Yep, it would be. Figure that it takes at LEAST six months and probably more to get a set out the door. So Halloween is right out.


Are there any other APs already in the works?

Souphin wrote:
Lisa Stevens wrote:
The Forgotten wrote:
Sigh, I guess it's too late to see a Carrion Crown mini pack hit by Halloween.

Yep, it would be. Figure that it takes at LEAST six months and probably more to get a set out the door. So Halloween is right out.


Are there any other APs already in the works?

A certain Lisa Stevens mentioned that Jacobs has APs planned out to 2016.

Lisa Stevens wrote:
The Forgotten wrote:
Sigh, I guess it's too late to see a Carrion Crown mini pack hit by Halloween.

Yep, it would be. Figure that it takes at LEAST six months and probably more to get a set out the door. So Halloween is right out.


So if these do well that would put a full line launching somewhere around Gencon next year? That would make skull and shackles the most likely initial launch AP. I wonder if boxed ships, similar to the star destroyers somebody did a couple of years back plus randomized mini packs would sell. Throw in two non-randomized 25 figure "starter sets" a year o thing people need hordes of (undead, orcs, humans, common summoning spell critters, Romans, ect) ad that would make for a nice mini lineup.

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