Jaestra Gelabraes |
Upon hearing there are only 4 beds, I turn to the group. 'I would like to sleep in a bed as it may be the last chance we get to for a while, but I think it would be more practical and better for me, if I were to "camp" it out. I would rather start to get used to not having a bed as soon as possible, so I will be in less need of one out here. Which means I can actually fall asleep while camping out of shelter.'
I turn to Vorik, 'Thank-you Sir Vorik, but I regretfully decline your offer. I may join you in the stables though, plenty of hay, a shelter and animals to get me used to noise at night. That is if you do not mind sharing with someone such as myself, I am not a horse after all!' I let out a quiet laugh.
Solos |
As Svetlana, eventually answers when the conversation pauses enough. The bandits ride right in, load the trade goods and leave as soon as possible. We think their camp must be about a full days travel. The leader appeared to be the lady with the two hatchets, the cloaked man with the bow appeared to be the second in command, and has been in charge the last two visits. We tend to stand by the door to our house, if you start fighting tomorrow, we'll go inside and lock the door.
The stable currently has one horse, but doesn't seem to mind visitors.
Solos |
I'll assume someone spilled the beans that they come in the morning. from Svetlana and that it happened like clock work.
"True it's in the wild, and that would be common sense
But the bandits arrive at a specific time, therefore.
I believe they would expect both doors open, SINCE they are expected."It's like a messenger who arrives at a castle every first of the month at noon,
would the gate of the castle be open or closed if they knew he was coming at that specific time."But to be certain lets ask what IS expected?"
She asks Oleg and Svetlana
"When the bandits come do you have both doors fully open, half-open just one door open?"
We have both doors fully open, as they have threatened to burn the gates if they are closed and then us.
Valeria Ingrid Titania Abia |
As Svetlana, eventually answers when the conversation pauses enough. The bandits ride right in, load the trade goods and leave as soon as possible. We think their camp must be about a full days travel. The leader appeared to be the lady with the two hatchets, the cloaked man with the bow appeared to be the second in command, and has been in charge the last two visits. We tend to stand by the door to our house, if you start fighting tomorrow, we'll go inside and lock the door.
She asks a second question,
"Each time they showed up, how many of them arrived each time?"Vorik Torgrimson |
Realizing that there may be more people sleeping in the stables than the guest house he let's out a big boisterous laugh while saying, "Perhaps the old horse will decide to take up residence in the guest rooms for the evening to give us more space."
With a smiling bow to both Jaestra and Valeria he adds, "I should warn you both, that the dust of the straw and hay tend to make me snore terribly. Here I thought I would be sparing everyone the 'rumbling of a herd of elephant's' as my sister used to always call it."
Then hearing Valeria's last question he remembers Svetlana saying something earlier, "I believe she mentioned that the last couple of times it has been five men accompanied by the one who was second to the leader."
Valeria Ingrid Titania Abia |
Realizing that there may be more people sleeping in the stables than the guest house he let's out a big boisterous laugh while saying, "Perhaps the old horse will decide to take up residence in the guest rooms for the evening to give us more space."
With a smiling bow to both Jaestra and Valeria he adds, "I should warn you both, that the dust of the straw and hay tend to make me snore terribly. Here I thought I would be sparing everyone the 'rumbling of a herd of elephant's' as my sister used to always call it."
Then hearing Valeria's last question he remembers Svetlana saying something earlier, "I believe she mentioned that the last couple of times it has been five men accompanied by the one who was second to the leader."
reply to snoring
"It can't be worse than Ernie "Loud Snore" Dunken, his snoring could wake anyone in about a 300 ft of his snoring."reply to bandit count
"So, Six bandits in total,
one for each who hold a charter."
Jaestra Gelabraes |
'Such a sense of humour Sir Vorik, I shall indeed look forward to journeying with you. The snoring is of no matter to myself, as I said before, I need to get used to sounds while I sleep (instead of silence).'
I turn to the giant woman, 'There may be one bandit for each of us, but would it not be wise to plan for more? Just in case they decide to bring more. I don't know why they would, but being prepared for the unexpected helps us to survive.'
Valeria Ingrid Titania Abia |
"Expect what can be expected,
but be prepared for the UNexpected.
Is what your saying, right."
she pauses
"Odds are since they have not had any resistance so far.
I'll bet they'll be a little off guard, overconfident, and not increase there ranks, It'll likely be same as last time.
If we're lucky it'll be a slightly decreased number."
Vorik Torgrimson |
Working on the ambush preparations, Vorik nods his agreement with Jaestra's comments. The banging of a heavy hammer rings through the courtyard as he pounds wedges in place to block the northern gate.
Upon finishing the task, he takes a long drink from a water mug and says, "I'd agree, it's always good to plan for the unexpected." Looking around at the work they've completed so far, he continues, "It seems we've done the best we can. We have the ability to deal with those who may stay beyond the gate, plus sufficient strength inside should they all ride in. If they are overconfident they should be taken completely by surprise, but even if wary, my guess is they will only expect a trick from Oleg. The sudden appearance of a band of well armed and trained warriors should still be sufficiently surprising to give us the advantage."
With a last thought he adds, "Hopefully they will be wise and throw down their weapons. But I doubt that will be the way it plays out."
Jaestra Gelabraes |
I walk over to Vorik and bow to him, 'Thank-you for your assistance in preparing this ready for tomorrows defense.' She starts laughing to herself, 'Well if they did throw down their weapons and surrender, that would DEFINITELY be un-expected and something that none of us would be prepared for!' Her quiet laughter gets louder at this point, she laughs until she has to wipe a tear from her eye.
'I am going to select a piece of stable to make ready for sleeping, I shall be back shortly.' I head over to the table again, pick up my equipment and then walk to the stable. I gather up some hay and pile it up in the corner of the stable, so that when I lay down on it I can see the entrance to the stable clearly. After a few minutes I re-emerge from the stable without my equipment bag. 'I am all ready for sleeping, but before I do sleep, does anyone want to join me in a little scouting mission? I just want to check what the terrain immediately next to this fort is like and up to about 100 feet out. I would like to know what the bandits have to come through, in case some do manage to run, then we should have a better idea of how to cut them off.'
Valeria Ingrid Titania Abia |
"I'll join you in checking the area,
If we find a any game trails, we should take note of them and maybe rig them with a simple trap or two to delay them, so we can catch up to them.
but this is provided they do not leave on a horse."
Jaestra Gelabraes |
'Shall we get going then Miss Valeria?'
Once we are outside the Fort I will check around the area to see if there are any natural threats, as well animal tracks and anything we can use to make the terrain just around the fort slightly more difficult for them to walk over.
Percpetion 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29
I am also trying to predict the weather for tomorrow (DC 15)
Survival 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
With my Survival score, I can predict the weather for the next 3 days.
Vorik Torgrimson |
Grabbing his warhammer, Vorik gladly joins Valeria and Jaestra in scouting the nearby area. "Sounds like a fine idea." He leans back to give his shoulders and lower torso a good stretch, "Plus it would be good to stretch the legs a little and get a closer look at this place we'll be calling home for a while."
Jaestra Gelabraes |
I smile towards Vorik, 'Nice to have you come along with us on this scouting mission.' I turn to face both Vorik and Valeria, 'Let us hope that we can find some game near here or something to fortify the out grounds of the fort. Obviously something that is natural, if the bandits came along and saw glass all over the ground, they would be suspicious. But broken and dead branches from surrounding trees might be worth while?'
As we set out, I have my bow, quiver and sword with me.
Valeria Ingrid Titania Abia |
as they set out she add to Jaestra's words
"Or if we're lucky setup a few hunter traps, like a spear dead fall, or one of many different snares.
Using the branches, rocks, vines, from the environment."
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Peregrine Fetch |
Satisfied once everyone fell into action, the plan decided upon, Peregrine became quiet. With a single minded focus he set about his work, setting up a place in the stables where he might be out of sight, but have instant command of the entire courtyard, a place near the doors should need to egress quickly. When he work was complete he resolved to call it an early night, so that he could rise before dawn and make his spell preparations before the bandits arrival.
If Peregrine can't find a window, he'll knock out a board, or cut one as necessary to give him line of effect to the courtyard.
Once the scouting is resolved I might suggest this is a good juncture to move forward to the next morning.
Jaestra Gelabraes |
I agree, once we have found out what we find during our little scouting mission, we should go to sleep and see what happens in the morning.
I consider Valeria's idea, 'That would be a good idea, however I am not sure that the bandits believe that Mr Oleg or Miss Svetlana put them up. Would it not make them cautious, in case there is anyone else around? Unless you mean to put up a few hidden traps for game, if that is what you are referring to then I am all up for it. I prefer to go out and hunt for food, but I know that overnight, simple traps are better.'
As we continue to scout the area, once I feel we are about 100 ft from the forts gate, I will find a tree or something and place a mark on it. Not so big that the untrained eye can see, but big enough for me to see from the fort. When she spots the others looking at her wondering what she is doing, she replies to their question. 'From my experience and training with "GoldenFire" this is about the range we can hit a mark accurately. Any further than this and we have a higher chance of missing. I would rather have a small marker so I know when they are past a decent range. Does that make sense?'
Valeria Ingrid Titania Abia |
Valeria replies to Jaestra
"I'm planning for the more simple snare traps.
But if a game trail goes through a good sized patch of trees, I'll see if I can setup a hidden dead-fall trap, very close to the one used on wild boars.
But we should get them ready for tomorrow, and arm them at tomorrow's sunrise, so none of them get tripped overnight."
she pauses a second to think on Jaestra's comment of bandits finding the traps.
"This is a trading post, if they find a trap or two they might think it was one of the local hunters."
Vorik Torgrimson |
Not being much of a woodsman, Vorik carefully watches the others as they set their traps and scout the area. He occasionally asks a question or two, but mostly tries to keep out of the way and not be a bother while keeping an eye out for anything that might be dangerous.
Perception 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
I'd agree with Peregrine and Jaestra on moving to the morning. I'll volunteer to take the early morning watch and make sure everyone is up and in position well before sunrise.
Jaestra Gelabraes |
Once we have finished setting up the traps, I look up at Valeria, 'I am glad we got those up, but I would rather they were used for game hunting. I understand that they will be useful against the bandits, should they manage to escape though. I just hope they will not find them first and try to take it out on kind Miss Svetlana and reserved Mr Oleg. Let us hope they do not find them until it is too late.'
I walk over to Vorik, 'Sir Vorik, sorry I was not very talkative while setting those traps, the last thing you want is to be distracted by a handsome man and then lose a hand because you weren't paying attention. Is there anything in particular you wished to discuss with me? Oh and I am curious, what is the name of your hammer? As you may have gathered, this' I hold up my bow, 'is "GoldenFire". I thought it was accurate as it has a beautiful gold inlay and we fire the arrows at our target. Plus "GoldenFire" has such a nice ring to it. Oh, look at me prattling on without giving you a chance to reply, please do speak kind Sir.'
Valeria Ingrid Titania Abia |
she replies to Jaestra
"I can understand that a trap used to hunt wildlife should catch wildlife, but sometimes it's necessary to use in a fellow man.
I'll be up just before sunrise to arm the deadfall trap and a few snares that are ready to use, but I don't want the wildlife to set off."
since Vorik was about 10ft away as the traps were set, and joins the conversation on weapon names, after he replies about his weapon's name.
"Goldfire is a splendid name for a bow that is crafted so beautifully."
She pulls out the sword that's as big as her.
"My fullblade's name is Balmung. Named after a legendary warrior who slew a dragon and protected the people in one of my birthplace's legends.
My long sword is named, Orca. He was one of Balmung's partners in adventuring."
Vorik Torgrimson |
Vorik lets out a short laugh and shakes his head at Jaestra's comment on his looks. “Ah...Um...Tis certain, you've been too long on the road to consider this dusty, scruffy face handsome.” Although he tries to cover it up with a little humor, it's obvious he's deeply flattered by the remark as his face flushes yet again.
Pointing back towards the various traps he says, ”You've both a fine way with laying traps and hiding them well. I would never know they were there if I hadn't been watching. I hail from a fishing village, so wood lore is not something I'm familiar with.” He scans the many miles of forest surrounding the trading post and quickly adds, "Although it looks like that may need to change soon."
As the conversation turns to weapon names the flush disappears and a solemn expression covers his face. His hand slides lightly over the polished hard steel of the heavy weapon in a gesture of almost holy respect and caring. His voice drops to a deep and serious tone as he takes a deep breath and answers, “Now that is a story best shared around the fire and with a bit of Master Oleg's fine ale. For now, I'll say it is named after my sister.” He traces a finger across the interweaving knot-work pattern which runs along the hammer head and handle. ”Astridonoir, or Astrid’s Honor is how it was named coming out of the forge.” He swallows a lump in his throat as he continues, “The runes surrounded by the pattern on each side of the hammer’s head, stand for strength, honor, compassion and justice. All of the things I strive for within myself and which Astrid taught me.” With a sad, faraway look he adds, “I can only hope I will be a worthy bearer of such promise and goodness as its namesake.”
Valeria Ingrid Titania Abia |
"It's a beautiful hammer, and I am sure you'll live up to it's promises and it's standards.
As I look to Bulmung's legends in protecting the people and what he stood for; Honour, strength, friendship, and Protecting the weak."
Jaestra Gelabraes |
'I have not been on the road too long, but I do find a taller man to be most safe to be around. Your build makes you attractive and your personality (or what I know of it so far) makes you worth getting to know. You seem kind and honour bound. Besides, you don't have to be noble or fancy to be handsome. Take the humble farmer, some can be more handsome than a member of the Surtova family.'
I look at his hammer in admiration, 'That is a most beautiful name and its meaning is most befitting a weapon so fine. I would very much like to hear that story over a fire, if you would be willing to share it with me. Do not worry Sir Vorik, I am sure you will make your sister proud and carry her name well.'
I turn to Valeria, 'Bulmung and Orca, I am afraid I have never heard of them. Maybe one day you could share with me their tale? I must say I did not expect to see anyone bigger than Sir Vorik, but that weapon is somewhat of a giants weapon too. Did you by chance take it from a giant?'
I look at "GoldenFire" admiringly, 'You both have such good reasons for such meaningful names for your weapons. It makes me feel that I do not deserve to have a named weapon, I just hope that both "GoldenFire" and myself can prove ourselves in the battles yet to come and the task of bringing Law and Order to this land.'
Valeria Ingrid Titania Abia |
she replies to Jaestra's question
"I inherited Balmung from my father, Odin Abia, and he was as big as me and was very strong, brave and honourable.
I inherited Orca and my armour from my mother, Ayla.
She was closer to an average Ulfen woman's height of 6 foot 3, had beautiful red hair and I seem to have inherited her figure.
I believe in time your bow will earn it's name, Just like I hope Balmung and Orca will do me."
after a second of silence she adds
"I do have to agree with you, Jaestra.
In that Vorik is handsome, and has honourable goals."
"In fact in my northern birthplace their is a minor local saying
If the husband can easily lift his wife, he'll have strong sons.
If the wife can lift her husband, she'll have strong daughters.
But if both husband and wife can lift each other, they'll have the strongest children."
Note: Balmung exists in norse myth: Balmung
She has her mother's liking for strong men,
and her father's brave and honourable persona
Vorik Torgrimson |
A quick laugh escapes Vorik's lips as Valeria recites her villages proverb, "Aha ha! Well spoken, lass. I recall an uncle saying something similar once when I was young."
With a warm smile towards Jaestra and Valeria for their kind comments Vorik slips back into his usual, jovial mood. "You are both very kind, and I would be honored to share stories sometime soon, although mine is perhaps not the most inspiring before a battle." Placing his hand over his heart, he offers a respectful bow to both. "It's truly a blessing to have found such beautiful and thoughtful traveling companions. It is an honor to know you and to fight at your sides on the morrow."
Glancing at Jaestra he gently places his big, calloused hand lightly on her shoulder and adds, "You have already shown your heart and true value by being here to fight for this land and its return to law and order. I for one feel more confident knowing you and Goldenfire will be ready to send a feathered shaft into our foes come sunrise."
Removing his hand he notices the twilight slipping towards darkness and says, "We should get back inside. Who knows what might wander near at night."
Jaestra Gelabraes |
As Vorik places his hand on my shoulder and blush, where he removes it the blush goes as quick as it came. 'Well let us hope that they surrender and that little violence is needed, until it is time to deal out the punishments.'
I look up at the sky one last time before returning to Oleg's, where I proceed to the stables to get comfortable and sleep.
(Just a reminder GM with my Survival score I can predict the weather for the following 3 days. Also we all got high Perception checks to see anything else, lowest 19 and highest 29.)
Valeria Ingrid Titania Abia |
A quick laugh escapes Vorik's lips as Valeria recites her villages proverb, "Aha ha! Well spoken, lass. I recall an uncle saying something similar once when I was young."
With a warm smile towards Jaestra and Valeria for their kind comments Vorik slips back into his usual, jovial mood. "You are both very kind, and I would be honored to share stories sometime soon, although mine is perhaps not the most inspiring before a battle." Placing his hand over his heart, he offers a respectful bow to both. "It's truly a blessing to have found such beautiful and thoughtful traveling companions. It is an honor to know you and to fight at your sides on the morrow."
she blushes at Vorik knowing a version of her village's proverb and for calling her beautiful and thoughtful.
"Thank you for your kind words Vorik."
Looks like Vorik is starting to steal her heart.
Gaddak Orlovsky |
As ways of non-capital punishment was discussed, Peregrine Fetch had suggested branding by way of removing fingers. The suggestion seemed just and would indeed tell them if the bandit had been true about his redemption or not. "It is an excellent suggestion, Mister Fetch," the Orlovsky son agreed, "and I never meant for the bandits not to be properly interrogated if such is deemed of use, which I'm sure it is. It was merely a general idea."
There had also been some uncertainty to what execution method would be best, and it hadn't surprised Gaddak that his suggestion about leaving the executed on display had been ill met. "Well, a proper burial it is, then, but I still want to give my voice to hanging. Even if we do not leave the executed for display, which I agree is a rather barbaric - if effective - way, it still serves a purpose to have a hanging rope on display. It is just as fast and effective as beheading by axe or sword, and far less messy. The smell of blood attracts just as much unwanted wildlife as dead bodies once we're concerned with that," Gaddak added, more as a concluding opinion than anything else, but the discussion went on for a bit more. Gaddak did not worry that the dead bodies might turn into undead the way Vorik did. Although he knew of them, Gaddak didn't see any reason for that kind of corruption here.
But the discussion had been cut short as another person entered. It was a large woman, dwarfing Gaddak she stood even taller than Vorik. She looked as she knew her way around battle and the wilds and soon presented herself and the Charter.
As already mentioned, Gaddak stands around 6'3" and is quite sturdy. He has dark hair, green eyes, some stubs, a slight scar on his forehead and wears a light chain armor and finely sewn traveling clothes in deep yellow, green, brown and black. At select places on his armor and clothes is a crest with prominent stag antlers over a forest with a black eagle above it all. At this point in time, he's supporting his sheathed sword, a falcata, with his left hand, holding it like a cane towards the floor while he sits. There's a signet ring on his little finger, and the hilt of the sword is stylized as an eagle.
"Greetings, Miss Abia. I am Gaddak Orlovsky of Wind's Rest, pleased to meet you," Gaddak politely introduced himself. After a while she had been properly inducted into the ongoing discussion.
Gaddak weighted the various suggestions and propositions, and nodded when it was suggested Jaestra should take a position up high. As earlier, it appeared that Peregrine once again thought together a rather elaborate, but sound plan.
"If we want these to surrender, I believe I would best be of use telling them to do so. I have dealt with quite a few bandits in my time, and know how to be persuasive in these matters," Gaddak stated.
"Therefore, my suggestion for alteration of the plan would simply be that the signal is me stepping forth while Sir Torgrimson and our latest arrival here, Miss Abia, close the doors. And, yes, while it's true that we cannot know how the thieves will react, I believe we can assume that a stranger stepping forth and speaking to them will have their attention long enough for us to close the doors. If needed, we can also use this time adjust accordingly if some bandits stay outside the gates. All of us seems like capable individuals, so I'm sure we can find a way to adjust quickly. Me stepping forward can also serve as cover for Oleg and Svetlana to seek refuge, as I understand it you will have to be present in the courtyard, as usual?" he stated as much as he asked, offering a solution to everyone's concern for the safety of owners of the place.
Gaddak also stood up at this point and started pointing around, much as the others. "If Miss Gelabraes has one of the mentioned positions," he indicated the same general positions as had been pointed out earlier, "and with Mister Fetch's keen mind safely placed in the stables, I am sure the two of them can warn or inform us of as appropriate. We should also agree to some fall-back strategies," Gaddak said.
"I suggest whoever is up front, most likely me, fall back through the house and escape with our hosts down the north western tower; Fetch, and possibly Miss Veridian through the stables and down the south western tower; the two at the gates could escape through them, or follow through the house or stables as appropriate. We could also use the other two towers as escape points if we want the bandits to follow or struggle with the gate. Miss Gelabraes will obviously cover our escape and escape down an appropriate tower. I can fix the towers with ropes later," Gaddak concluded.
The discussion continued for a little longer, including the distribution of beds.
"Well, I would happily offer my bed, but if so many already wishes to give up their's I am honest enough to say I won't complain. However, Mister Fetch and Miss Veridian should have one as I am sure their powers demands a fresh body and mind."
When Jaestra decided to scout the area before it got too late, with Valeria and Vorik joining her, Gaddak agreed. "That sounds like a good suggestion. I will look for objects to create hiding spots with, and move that cart, before placing out the ropes while you're out," Gaddak said.
I'm assuming Oleg has ropes at hand, otherwise I hope we have enough in the party. To look for good places to put items, or even to find said items, here's Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
When the scouting trio returned, they found Gaddak sitting by the north eastern tower. He was leaning back against the palisade wall eating on a bread. He had taken off his armor, only walking around in his brown pants and a green shirt with black padded shoulders. The family crest on the shirt was almost blurred into the shirt in the growing twilight. Even though he was unarmored, for obvious reasons since he had hauled a lot of items, his sword laid across his legs and a dagger was tucked in his boot. A waterskin laid nearby him.
"It works!" he shouted to the approaching trio, pointing towards a rope dangling down over the wall from the tower. "It can be tossed either over the northern or eastern side as needed. I've done the same with the other towers," Gaddak explained.
"Hold on, let me get up there and curl it up before I join you inside," he quickly finished the piece of bread, stood up and buckled his sword, and picked up the waterskin before climbing the wall and eventually joined the others on the other side after hauling up the rope.
"Did you find or set up something useful?" he asked.
Not sure if I need any rolls for the ropes. It is simple, sturdy knots he's probably taken 10 on either way. Whatever items he's found or placed out can be left up to the GM or the others, as appropriate, and the cart should've been moved out of the way somewhere fitting. I assumed taking 10 for the climbing as there was no risk, and it's a rope against the wall for a total of 13. Obviously one would need to roll if escaping bandits that way...
Solos |
As Vorik places his hand on my shoulder and blush, where he removes it the blush goes as quick as it came. 'Well let us hope that they surrender and that little violence is needed, until it is time to deal out the punishments.'
I look up at the sky one last time before returning to Oleg's, where I proceed to the stables to get comfortable and sleep.
(Just a reminder GM with my Survival score I can predict the weather for the following 3 days. Also we all got high Perception checks to see anything else, lowest 19 and highest 29.)
Oleg grumbles, but brings out some wooden stakes, ropes, and even a net, as a group you successfully rig to tangle up a likely spot, where the bandits may likely stand to grab trade goods.
The weather for the next three days should be highs in the low 70s with partly cloudy skies, calm winds, and lows in the 40s (Farenheit).
As predicted the bandits (6 total) ride up and into the fort just after sunrise, two go straight to the trade goods and start loading packs, three head to a table that Svetlana had laid food out upon, and the leader gets off his horse and calls to Oleg, "Not as much as last month, better not be holding out on us Oleg!"
Jaestra Gelabraes |
Before going to bed, I shall inform everyone of the upcoming weather.
I wake up early, as Valeria's bustling in the morning to get ready for her trip to the traps makes enough noise to wake me. Once I am up, I shall find some water, wash myself quickly and get ready. I will grab a loaf of bread and sit up on the palisade to eat it. Once I have finished I will lay down on my front, looking down over the courtyard with bow in hand and my other hand on an arrow, ready to draw and fire.
Not sure if I need stealth while laying prone as it grants total concealment.
Kaylee Veridian |
Kaylee also awakens early. She will walk a short distance from the trading post and then offer up her daily prayers to Erastil. She always tries to avoid praying within man-made structures and will welcome the company of any who wish to pray with her.
After she is done with her prayers, she will return to the trading post, grab a bite to eat and gather up her weapons. After looking them over, she will then head to her hiding place to await the ambush. I think it was behind the cart I was supposed to hide?
Jaestra Gelabraes |
At Kaylee's offer to join her in daily prayers to Erastil, I speak up. 'Miss Kaylee, I would be honoured to join you in prayer to the Elk Father.'
I will take her outside the trading post, to a spot that I thought to be most beautiful and fitting for prayer. After our prayers, we head back to Oleg's together. On the way back, 'Miss Kaylee, what do you think of our group so far? I think it is obvious that I enjoy Sir Vorik's company, he also seems to be a very honourable man, Mr Fetch is definitely well suited to a leader role. Sir Gaddak scares me slightly with his thoughts of hanging the bandits as a warning and finally ... Miss Valeria, she seems to be very stubborn, don't you think? Do you think we can fulfil our goals out here if we work together?'
Kaylee Veridian |
Kaylee will follow Jaestra to the little clearing that is indeed a beautiful spot to use for prayer.
In response to her questions on the way back, Kaylee replies: "If you don't mind me saying so Miss Jaestra, I think Sir Vorik also enjoys your company. No man turns that red talking to a woman unless he has interest in her. I also agree with you assessment of him, he seems quite determined to see the right thing done. Mr. Fetch has a better grasp of tactics than I would have thought for a wizard. I think Sir Gaddak was just trying to think of a way to deter future bandits, I don't get the sense that he would suggest such a thing to be cruel. Miss Valeria does indeed seem quite headstrong. Though I can imagine that her attitude might have to do with her height and chosen profession. I'm sure you know it can be hard for a woman to be taken seriously on the battlefield, at least until she has proven herself. Plus, I'm sure she had to learn to stand up for herself since I imagine she was made fun of for her great height while she was growing up. That sort of thing does leave its mark on one even in adulthood."
Jaestra Gelabraes |
I blush slightly at Kaylee's comment, 'You think he likes my company too?' The blush fades as quickly as it came, 'I am sure you are right about Sir Gaddak, it is just a tactic I would never have used or thought of. I know I have always found it hard to be taken seriously, luckily my ability with a bow and my keen eyes have given me some respect.'
Upon nearing the trading post, I turn to Kaylee again, 'Good luck this morning, I feel we will need it if they refuse to surrender. Also know that I will have you covered, in case one tries to sneak up on you. May the Elk father watch over us all.' I bow to Kaylee once we are inside the fort and then leave for my spot on the Pallisade. Once up there I lay down, hidden I look over everyone to make sure that they are in their positions.
I am laying down and therefore have total concealment.
Once the bandits enter, I draw an arrow, knock it to my bow-string and get ready to draw and loose it when the time is right. Providing that they do not surrender.
Peregrine Fetch |
Peregrine woke up early, before the crack of dawn, and set about going through his spell books, making his preparations for the upcoming confrontation. When he had finished Peregrine selected a small piece of bread from the food Svetlana had prepared and took to his hiding place in the stables, he seemed terse and focused in the cold light of the morning. Carefully he laid out his crossbow in easy reach, loaded and ready to be used, arranged the spell components he would need for his illusions and enchantments, and then situated himself so that he could comfortably peer through the cracks between the stable's timbers, ready to take to the window and spring his magics on the unsuspecting brigands.
How many bandits will be be able to catch in a sleep spell (I'm guessing the three at the table is the most likely target, but correct me if I'm wrong). He'll spring into action once the trap is sprung and surrender is offered (provided things don't go south prior to that).
Prepared Spells
0th (3) Detect Magic, Acid Splash, Daze
1st (2+1) True Strike, Sleep, Color Spray
Valeria Ingrid Titania Abia |
You don't know half of the trouble her height has caused her
she goes to bed and just when the light of the sun is lighting the sky,
so goes back out to double check the armed traps to see if they caught something, or were tripped and she arms the deadfall trap and a few other traps used on wild boars.
when she returns just 10 minutes after the sunrises,
She does calisthenic exercises, eats a small breakfast,
and gets ready behind the open northern door.
Peregrine, the Sleep spell does 4 HD, and given 6 bandits,
I'll guess each one is 1 HD, except the 2nd in command, he'll likely be 2 HD due to experience and command
Kaylee Veridian |
He is probably asking how many he can catch in the radius of the spell since it is only a 10ft radius burst. So the three together at the table is probably the most he could hope to catch in one casting of the spell.
Responding to Jaestra before they part ways. "Yes, I think you have caught his interest. Good luck to you too Miss Jaestra, I do feel safer knowing you have me covered."
Kaylee goes to her hiding space and has her own bow out and ready. Waiting for the signal to attack so that she might get a shot at the bandits.
Vorik Torgrimson |
After getting a few hours of restless sleep, Vorik quietly and carefully slipped out to his bed of straw in the stable. He was always an early riser and since childhood had learned how to get up and dressed without disturbing his family. Doing his best not to disturb the others, he steps out of the stable and looks up into the vast multitude of stars still visible overhead. Using the light of the stars to make his way around the courtyard, he does a few exercises, washes, and eats a light breakfast. Nervous anticipation over the mornings expected confrontation dances through his nerves like sparks in a forge. It wasn't fear of the battle, but eagerness to finally make a positive difference in the world. Astrid, the journey begins this day. He thinks to himself. Guide my hand and heart so that justice, peace, and honor prevail.
He takes the time of quiet and solitude to gather his thoughts and prepare his hammer, shield and armor for the coming battle, because he doesn't expect them to surrender despite his hopes. As he polishes, Astrid's image in his mind is unexpected and suddenly replaced by Jaestra's. The memory of her hand on his and her forest green eyes so full of kindness, heart, and intelligence sends a flush and smile to his face. But with a chuckle and shake of his head, he wonders at his own silly dreams.
As everyone starts to get into position he offers a quick "Good morning", and moves to his spot behind the open door waiting for the bandits to ride in. As they swoop in his body tenses in anticipation, ready to slam the gate closed and grab his weapons when the signal is given.
Gaddak Orlovsky |
Gaddak woke early, and while he also prayed to Erastil, his concerns were more communal than natural. His meditation spot was dead in the center of the courtyard - a place for people to meet and commerce and fair trade to take place. Or at least that was what had been intended. He nods politely to any of his companions that might pass by.
Once everyone were at the ready and Oleg and Svetlana anticipated the bandits to arrive, Gaddak took his place inside the house doors awaiting the bandits. When the bandits arrived through the, he offered a quick prayer to Erastil. "Guide me," he whispered while clutched his holy symbol and kissed his signet ring.
This is Gaddak casting Guidance prior to combat - it lasts long enough for him to step out with it still in effect
The bandits all scattered about. Some to eat, others fetched goods from the storage and the leader addressed Oleg. This Gaddak felt was his cue.
The big man stepped out of the house with sword in hand. His shield was loosely hung over his shoulder. He took slow, deliberate steps as he strode towards the leader, weighting him up and down.
"I'm afraid Oleg will no longer 'trade' with you," he said sternly out loud, allowing his companions to ready themselves and draw attention to himself as the gates closed.
"and your days of banditry will come to an end. I will give you [u]one[/u] chance to lay down your arms peacefully. Those who do will be spared, those who don't... well, let's just say it gets messy," he nodded towards the closing gates and the general direction of Jaestra.
Intimidate with Guidance to make them surrender or face the consequences 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
Surprise round: Ready action to move into position or strike if arms are not taken, Attack, if in range 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19 damage with two hands 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8.
First round: Activate justice Judgement (+1 attack, swift), ready shield (AC 18, move), Attack 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20, damage 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6.
Valeria Ingrid Titania Abia |
Jaestra Gelabraes |
When I see Gaddak nod in my direction, I stand up with my bow drawn. I am aiming at the leader of the group. 'Well, do you feel like surrendering?' (How far away is that? I can't see any representations of characters on the map)
Initiative 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Perception (to see how the bandits are armed) 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
Bow attack (When needed) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Bow Damage (When needed) 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
If the bandit leader is within 30 ft, I get an extra 1 to attack and damage.