Adamant Entertainment, the first Pathfinder Roleplaying Game support publisher, marks our return to the game with Bloodlines: New Options for Sorcerers
The sorcerer bloodlines in the Pathfinder RPG rulebook allow great variety within a single class. Yet, the bloodlines only hint at the differences that might exist among sorcerers. Not all undead are the same. Good and evil outsiders range beyond devils and angels. Some aberrations display a variety of powers that include abilities not all similar to those in the core rulebook.
This supplement allows players to create a sorcerer based on a bloodline derived from a specific creature such as a naga or efreeti, rather than a general celestial, infernal, abyssal or aberrant heritage. Two monstrous humanoid bloodlines, doppelganger and medusa, and a treant bloodline are also included. A total of 13 new sorcerous bloodlines are featured, along with four new Feats useful to any sorcerer character.
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I love playing sorcerers, and in Pathfinder, they have a lot different bloodlines that allow a player to create a unique background. With this short pdf, nine pages of content, the sorcerer gets a whole bunch of new bloodline options. The author is Stefen Styrsky and I've noticed how much he loves to make bloodlines for sorcerers, and fortunately, he does this very well.
Bloodlines presents us with 13 new bloodline options. They are based around various monsters, such as the barghest, naga, medusa, treant and my favorite the lillend. Each of these have some signature abilities that makes it easy to understand the background of the sorcerer, such as the medusa's serpent hair and petrifying stare, or the barghest ability to change into a wolf. I didn't think these monstrous bloodlines would work, but actually, the do! Most of them seem perfectly balanced, but there is a few abilities that seem a little too powerful, like the serpents of the medusa, which each deals 1d3 points of strength damage, and the sorcerer has a number of these equal to his Charisma modifier. It is a level 15th power, so of course it should have some level of power.
Finally, the layout is simple and nice, with a couple of boring illustrations that has nothing to do with the bloodlines. I didn't find a lot of mistakes, which is also a huge plus. However, don't expect anything beyond what the title offers... you get 13 sorcerous bloodlines (and four feats), nothing more. I'll settle for a 4 star verdict.
This product is 13 pages long. It starts with a cover and credits. (1 pages)
New Bloodlines (9 ½ Pages)
There is 13 new bloodlines. With a bit of fluff at the start of each one about how a PC might have such a bloodline.
Gibbering Mouth
Ice Devil
New Feats (½ page)
There is 4 new feats.
Focused Power – Bonus concentration checks.
Instant Power – can use 1st level power as a immediate action a few times a day.
It's in the Blood – replace the 1st level bloodline power with a spell like ability. I guess they mean any first level spell, it is not clear.
Strong Magic – Choose one bloodline spell and gain either a bonus DC or duration.
It ends with a OGL and ad. (2 pages)
Closing thoughts. The art is pretty good, I have seen all of the art before in other products though. Layout was good, editing was pretty good. Most of it was easy to read and understand. There was a couple of spots that was not as clear as it should have been like the one feat I mentioned already. The feats where ok, nothing super cool but solid feat idea's. The bloodlines are mostly pretty interesting, most seem pretty well balanced with the Pathfinder book. Though as most know there is some better and weaker versions of them in the core book. There was a couple of these I felt where a bit strong. To strong? Hard to say with out playtesting, most looked ok in balance. I think the Rakshasa and Vampire where my favorites of the bunch. But all and all they seemed fairly well thought out. So what's my rating? I am going to settle for 4. it is a good product but could have used a little more polish.
The Barghest bloodline intrigues me, is it primarily intended for goblinoids, particularly goblins?
If so, I could see a Spriggarn bloodline for gnomes working along a similar theme.
The Gibbering Mouther bloodline also strikes a chord, as it reminds me of an old Wolfgang Bauer Dragon magazine article, Scimitars Against the Dark, about adding a more Lovecraftian eldritch horror theme to an Al-Qadim game, with wizards tapping into forbidden secrets something delving too far and devolving into Gibbering Mouthers...
The Barghest bloodline intrigues me, is it primarily intended for goblinoids, particularly goblins?
If so, I could see a Spriggarn bloodline for gnomes working along a similar theme.
The Gibbering Mouther bloodline also strikes a chord, as it reminds me of an old Wolfgang Bauer Dragon magazine article, Scimitars Against the Dark, about adding a more Lovecraftian eldritch horror theme to an Al-Qadim game, with wizards tapping into forbidden secrets something delving too far and devolving into Gibbering Mouthers...
It isn't set for anyone per say, but yes the bloodline is a goblin one. Powers are things like Bite, resitance, wolf shape etc. The spells are things like invis, blink, beast shape, phase door, bulls str, hold monster etc.
Bloodlines—New Options for Sorcerers (PFRPG) PDF wrote:
As with all of Adamant Entertainment's Pathfinder Roleplaying Game products, Bloodlines: New Options for Sorcerers is available for only $1.99. Not a sale price, not a temporary deal: Just killer apps for your game, at an app price.
Items in your cart will always reflect the most recent price displayed on their product pages.
Please note that the price of Bloodlines—New Options for Sorcerers (PFRPG) PDF has changed from $1.99 to $5.00 since you placed it in your shopping cart.
Bloodlines—New Options for Sorcerers (PFRPG) PDF wrote:
As with all of Adamant Entertainment's Pathfinder Roleplaying Game products, Bloodlines: New Options for Sorcerers is available for only $1.99. Not a sale price, not a temporary deal: Just killer apps for your game, at an app price.
Items in your cart will always reflect the most recent price displayed on their product pages.
Please note that the price of Bloodlines—New Options for Sorcerers (PFRPG) PDF has changed from $1.99 to $5.00 since you placed it in your shopping cart.
You can find the answer in their recent blog likely.
Bloodlines—New Options for Sorcerers (PFRPG) PDF wrote:
As with all of Adamant Entertainment's Pathfinder Roleplaying Game products, Bloodlines: New Options for Sorcerers is available for only $1.99. Not a sale price, not a temporary deal: Just killer apps for your game, at an app price.
Items in your cart will always reflect the most recent price displayed on their product pages.
Please note that the price of Bloodlines—New Options for Sorcerers (PFRPG) PDF has changed from $1.99 to $5.00 since you placed it in your shopping cart.
Erg... I will be correction this product description shortly.
Unfortunately the higher price here on the product page, and the one in your shopping cart, is the correct one. Adamant Entertainment has an explanation for the price raise here, under the title "A Failed Experiment".
I apologize for any inconvenience, and I will be updating this, and any other product description presently.
Erg... I will be correction this product description shortly.
Unfortunately the higher price here on the product page, and the one in your shopping cart, is the correct one. Adamant Entertainment has an explanation for the price raise here, under the title "A Failed Experiment".
I apologize for any inconvenience, and I will be updating this, and any other product description presently.
Since you had me hooked on the Fell beasts pdfs, I'm going to buy this soon, regardless of 1.99 or 5.00 for the price.