Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

Great review by Dabbler, satisfies many of my questions regarding balance improvements since 3.5, Pathfinderisation etc, since I hadn't been following the playtest thread.
However, I'm also curious about the physical presentation. Is Psionics Unleashed interior pages B&W or colour? Softback or hardcover? How is the artwork etc?
The printed book is B&W and softback. The PDF has a fair bit of color artwork. The scale that we were printing, it wouldn't have made sense to do it in hard cover / color - the book would have cost as much as the Pathfinder Core Rulebook.
Personally, I think the artwork in it is the best we've ever had. But I'm a bit biased in that regard. :)

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Hooray! Weel done for getting this out, guys! I've been enjoying it since the beta and am happy I signed up for the pre-release version.
Quick query: Did I miss a button somewhere to get info on its release? I only realized it was out when it was featured in the Paizo store mail.
On the plus side - downloading a copy of the pdf went incredibly smoothly, your store realized I had a pre-release version and immediately let me have the real thing for $0. My compliments!
Now to get reading :-)

Dark Psion |

I got my copy Thursday and have to say it has addressed almost all of my concerns about Psionics. I am working up a proper review, but here is a quick review;
The races are fixed up in small ways, for example Psionic Aptitude allows you to add 1 Power point instead of a skill point or hit point. The Ophiduan will fit nicely into Golarion as a race touched or created by the Serpentfolk.
The Psion Specialists are now "Special", all now having unique class-abilities. Also we now have a generalist version of the Psion.
The Psychic Warrior has been given Warrior's Paths, that allow for customization and make it more than a fighter with psychic powers.
The Soulknife has been given the best overhaul, with full BAB and all those Soulknife feats worked in as "Blade Skills". You can create a dozen Soulknives without using the same Blade skill twice.
The Wilder has Surge types, for example the Artificer Surge gives a Wilder the ability to surge psionic items.
Skills and feats have been cleaned up and Powers look very good. All those "Psionic Spell" powers have been tweaked into new powers. For example Psionic Knock is now Breach. The lack of 0-level talents that can be used for free like cantrips has been fixed with a form of lesser augmentation that allows you to manifest certain powers for free.
Psionic items and monsters finish out the book, just the basics here.
There is a lot of good stuff here and I hope to see it built upon with additional books. I am already looking how some of my unused "The Mind's Eye" ideas can be reworked based off this book.

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

Hooray! Weel done for getting this out, guys! I've been enjoying it since the beta and am happy I signed up for the pre-release version.
Quick query: Did I miss a button somewhere to get info on its release? I only realized it was out when it was featured in the Paizo store mail.
On the plus side - downloading a copy of the pdf went incredibly smoothly, your store realized I had a pre-release version and immediately let me have the real thing for $0. My compliments!
Now to get reading :-)
Unfortunately, our storefront isn't quite as advanced or elaborate as Paizo's or RPGNow / DriveThruRPG. We've been doing our best to hit as many ways of letting folks know as possible, but our server doesn't have the capability to do that - yet. It's something we're actively working on.
I got my copy Thursday and have to say it has addressed almost all of my concerns about Psionics. I am working up a proper review, but here is a quick review;
Thanks for the kind words, Dark! I know you've been around psionics long enough to recognize a lot of those little changes that were made from the XPH.
Also, keep in mind for things that were not included in Psionics Unleashed - we are working on Psionics Expanded already, which will include new base classes, psionic traits, alternate class options for the four existing base classes, and some psionic support for the core classes. Work is just getting started on it, but there's a thread both here at Paizo and over at the Dreamscarred Press forums on it if you're interested in participating. :)

Xanthum |
Let me start by saying I really like psionics, and I've always played it when allowed (which was rare). I got the pdf and my first impression is that it might not be different enough. I see a lot of the things in this book that were in EPH that drew ire from DMs and some players. Things that might be a tad on the too powerful side and may once again relegate psionics to the rare exception rather than a viable option in many games. I am glad to have a set of rules that officially meshes with Pathfinder and I hope that I'll actually be given a chance to take advantage of them.

JMD031 |

Let me start by saying I really like psionics, and I've always played it when allowed (which was rare). I got the pdf and my first impression is that it might not be different enough. I see a lot of the things in this book that were in EPH that drew ire from DMs and some players. Things that might be a tad on the too powerful side and may once again relegate psionics to the rare exception rather than a viable option in many games. I am glad to have a set of rules that officially meshes with Pathfinder and I hope that I'll actually be given a chance to take advantage of them.
Given the capability of the spellcasting classes, I don't really think any of the Psionic classes in this book are all that much more powerful or overbearing than the spellcasting classes. As Dabbler said in his review, those who hate Psionics will most likely continue to hate Psionics stating the same reasons as before. Which is their right as a consumer of these products to determine. I certainly hope that you will find a GM who will let you use this product in a game, and barring that, be able to run your own game using this product.

The_Minstrel_Wyrm |

Out of curiosity, (and possible minor threadjack) the holiday11 paizo 10% discount that starts in January... would it work on Psionics Unleashed? (And more to the point... Print/PDF bundle or just print)?
Depending on the answer (and whether or not I get any paizo gift certificates) I might use my holiday11 discount towards this, Cerulean Seas, and Coliseum Morpheuon.
Thanks in advance. (I realize this is more a CS question than one for the folks from DSP).
Dean; The_Minstrel_Wyrm

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

Out of curiosity, (and possible minor threadjack) the holiday11 paizo 10% discount that starts in January... would it work on Psionics Unleashed? (And more to the point... Print/PDF bundle or just print)?
Depending on the answer (and whether or not I get any paizo gift certificates) I might use my holiday11 discount towards this, Cerulean Seas, and Coliseum Morpheuon.
Thanks in advance. (I realize this is more a CS question than one for the folks from DSP).
Dean; The_Minstrel_Wyrm
I honestly don't know, and would indeed recommend asking the Paizo customer service.

The_Minstrel_Wyrm |

The_Minstrel_Wyrm wrote:I honestly don't know, and would indeed recommend asking the Paizo customer service.Out of curiosity, (and possible minor threadjack) the holiday11 paizo 10% discount that starts in January... would it work on Psionics Unleashed? (And more to the point... Print/PDF bundle or just print)?
Depending on the answer (and whether or not I get any paizo gift certificates) I might use my holiday11 discount towards this, Cerulean Seas, and Coliseum Morpheuon.
Thanks in advance. (I realize this is more a CS question than one for the folks from DSP).
Dean; The_Minstrel_Wyrm
Thanks Jeremy... I'll do that.
Dean (TMW)

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Jeremy Smith. Thank you. I have ordered the PDF/Print bundle. I am looking forward to reading Psionics Unleashed. It will be nice to have an update for the Expanded Psionics Handbook. I will put it next to my Untapped Potential.
I have an 11 level Erudite 6 level Uncarnate I’m looking forward to updating. I know the Erudite is closed content, but I’m sure it wont be too difficult to update to Psionics Unleashed.
Again, im looking forward to the book. I might get impatient and just start reading the PDF.
Thank you again for all the work you put in.
Oh one quick question, are there any plans to make a Psionic type character class that can learn powers as he encounters them, similar to a wizard? ( an Erudite?)

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

Thank you again for all the work you put in.
You are very welcome, but I can't take all the credit. Andreas and Phil both put in countless hours on this book, and the psionics community did an amazing job of providing feedback, playtesting, number crunching, and suggestions. This was very much a collective effort. :)
Oh one quick question, are there any plans to make a Psionic type character class that can learn powers as he encounters them, similar to a wizard? ( an Erudite?)
Nothing immediately, no, but that's not to say we might not make one in the future. I'll think on that for something for Psionics Expanded.
B... b.... ba... backorder?
Yeah... it kind of sold out a lot faster than we expected. We're working on that. :)

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The printed book is B&W and softback. The PDF has a fair bit of color artwork. The scale that we were printing, it wouldn't have made sense to do it in hard cover / color - the book would have cost as much as the Pathfinder Core Rulebook.
Personally, I think the artwork in it is the best we've ever had. But I'm a bit biased in that regard. :)
Thanks for the quick reply.
Wolf Munroe wrote:B... b.... ba... backorder?Yeah... it kind of sold out a lot faster than we expected. We're working on that. :)
Not faster than I expected! I've seen this happen a few times now with third-party Pathfinder-compatible print products, and knew I'd had to act fast. I dropped it in my shopping cart, but didn't want to be late for a gamesday I was running today, so I thought it could wait until I got home to combine overseas shipping with another item or two I wanted to buy. I knew I should have just hit the [purchase] button then and there, but didn't. And I was thinking on the train journey home how much I was looking forward to skimming through the PDF when I got home tonight too. *Sigh* Any ETA on the backorder? I'm hoping a few days, but this being Christmas and all ...

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

Any ETA on the backorder? I'm hoping a few days, but this being Christmas and all ...
As quickly as possible. Beyond that, I can't really say. Hopefully at least some of the back orders will be shipping before the holidays - or at least before the end of the month, but I expect some will be delayed until January due to the holidays... but, again, as quickly as possible. Getting those orders fulfilled and more books to Paizo is our top priority.

Razz |

Jeremy Smith. Thank you. I have ordered the PDF/Print bundle. I am looking forward to reading Psionics Unleashed. It will be nice to have an update for the Expanded Psionics Handbook. I will put it next to my Untapped Potential.
I have an 11 level Erudite 6 level Uncarnate I’m looking forward to updating. I know the Erudite is closed content, but I’m sure it wont be too difficult to update to Psionics Unleashed.
Again, im looking forward to the book. I might get impatient and just start reading the PDF.
Thank you again for all the work you put in.
Oh one quick question, are there any plans to make a Psionic type character class that can learn powers as he encounters them, similar to a wizard? ( an Erudite?)
The Erudite class developed by WotC is closed content, but a unique, Pathfinder Erudite that also manifests and learns powers like a Wizard prepares and learns spells, is not off-limits. WotC can't own that concept. It may or may not be called an Erudite, but the mechanics can't be owned.

Razz |

I'd like to point out that I'm not a fan of making psionics transparent with magic, the lack of a Psicraft and Use Psionic Device irks me. I don't like my arcane and divine spellcasters being as knowledgable and skillful with psionics and vice versa.
I assume Autohypnosis and Knowledge (psionics) stayed, though?

Rhys Grey |

I'd like to point out that I'm not a fan of making psionics transparent with magic, the lack of a Psicraft and Use Psionic Device irks me. I don't like my arcane and divine spellcasters being as knowledgable and skillful with psionics and vice versa.
I assume Autohypnosis and Knowledge (psionics) stayed, though?
In the "Psionics" chapter of this book, there is a section for those that would rather seperate magic and psionics; it mentions both Psicraft and Use Psionic Device in this section.
Autohypnosis and Knowledge (psionics) both stayed. Hope this helps! :)

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

I'd like to point out that I'm not a fan of making psionics transparent with magic, the lack of a Psicraft and Use Psionic Device irks me. I don't like my arcane and divine spellcasters being as knowledgable and skillful with psionics and vice versa.
We recognize not everyone is going to like this change.
And yet divine magic and arcane magic are thematically completely different, yet mechanically the same. This is the same vein and is the direction we decided to take the system.
As Rhys pointed out, there are optional rules in the Psionics chapter specifically for Psionics is Different if you'd rather have them not work the same.
But from my personal gaming experience, treating them differently is a large amount of mechanical work for the game master with a minimal payoff except for thematic elements.

wraithstrike |

I'd like to point out that I'm not a fan of making psionics transparent with magic, the lack of a Psicraft and Use Psionic Device irks me. I don't like my arcane and divine spellcasters being as knowledgable and skillful with psionics and vice versa.
I assume Autohypnosis and Knowledge (psionics) stayed, though?
I have them seperate still, but you can still use them like DSP does but the DC increases by 5. This is a houserule of course, but it seems to work.

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As quickly as possible. Beyond that, I can't really say. Hopefully at least some of the back orders will be shipping before the holidays - or at least before the end of the month, but I expect some will be delayed until January due to the holidays... but, again, as quickly as possible. Getting those orders fulfilled and more books to Paizo is our top priority.
No, that's fine, it wouldn't ship to Australia in time for Christmas break reading anyway, so I should probably combine it with my January Paizo subscriptions. I'll still keep an eye on it's status over the break, though, because getting access to the PDF when I place order for the print/pdf bundle helps ease the painful wait for overseas shipping ;-)

Stormhierta |

joela wrote:Drat. Not available through Alliance.jeremy.smith wrote:Contacting my FLGS....memorax wrote:Any chance of this product hitting gaming stores and when?Gaming stores can order it through their distributors if they want. :)
We're available via Ingram, but some FLGS's don't order via book distributors, so we're working on setting up a Publisher System via our website where an FLGS can order books directly from us to stock in their store with the same discount we give Paizo.

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joela wrote:We're available via Ingram, but some FLGS's don't order via book distributors, so we're working on setting up a Publisher System via our website where an FLGS can order books directly from us to stock in their store with the same discount we give Paizo.joela wrote:Drat. Not available through Alliance.jeremy.smith wrote:Contacting my FLGS....memorax wrote:Any chance of this product hitting gaming stores and when?Gaming stores can order it through their distributors if they want. :)
Nice. Could you let me know when it's finally set up? I'll then notify my FLGS.

Stormhierta |

We're available via Ingram, but some FLGS's don't order via book distributors, so we're working on setting up a Publisher System via our website where an FLGS can order books directly from us to stock in their store with the same discount we give Paizo. Nice. Could you let me know when it's finally set up? I'll then notify my FLGS.Stormhierta wrote:QUOTE="memorax"] Any chance of this product hitting gaming stores and when?Gaming stores can order it through their distributors if they want. :)
Absolutely. I'd wager a guess at sometime this afternoon (morning in the US). I've actually set the group up @ our website, I just need to confirm with Jeremy whenever he wakes up (the downside of being on different sides of the Atlantic Ocean).

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I don't want to derail this thread but I highly doubt a official Herolab version of this would ever come out as it is not officially a Paizo or Pathfinder product, it's a 3PP Pathfinder compatible product. The Herolab guys seem to be sticking with Piazo Pathfinder products only for the Pathfinder version of Herolab. They are most likely under contract about what they can release for the Herolab Pathfinder.
If they are choosing to limit themselves in that way, it's not at our request.

deinol |

bigkilla wrote:I don't want to derail this thread but I highly doubt a official Herolab version of this would ever come out as it is not officially a Paizo or Pathfinder product, it's a 3PP Pathfinder compatible product. The Herolab guys seem to be sticking with Piazo Pathfinder products only for the Pathfinder version of Herolab. They are most likely under contract about what they can release for the Herolab Pathfinder.If they are choosing to limit themselves in that way, it's not at our request.
I suspect it is more of an economic decision. They know that a high percentage of their users will be interested in things from Paizo like the APG. Material from smaller publishers are harder to gauge. If a large number of their users ask for Psionics Unleashed, I'm sure they would consider it. So everyone who wants it go to the Herolab forums and ask for it.

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Just finished my first read through of the PDF.
Races: Excellent. DSP gives us all the OGL races, updated, and puts their Ophidians in too.
Classes: Each class is updated with more options and powers to match the wizard/sorcerer upgrades.
Powers: Well, they've gone to effort to make the powers PF friendly. also gone are some of the "X, psionic" names; in their places are their own unique names. No more worries how Psionic Dominate differs from Dominate. It's now 'Mind Control' for example.
Items: Most all our old favourites are here. Third eyes no longer have a 'pseudo-slot' and item stats are given for all those funky staves and hovering crystals.
All in all an excellent update of a balanced ruleset. Going to houserule some augments (Mind Control, Mind Seed, to name two) but definately a keeper.

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

All in all an excellent update of a balanced ruleset. Going to houserule some augments (Mind Control, Mind Seed, to name two) but definately a keeper.
Thanks, Matthew! I'm sure folks are going to find things they want to houserule, it's the nature of nearly every game.
By the way, for folks who are confused as to where some of those old powers might have gone or what the new names are, there's a reference sheet available here. Not only were the "X, Psionic" powers renamed, but several powers were turned into augments of base powers and we didn't want folks to have to hunt them down.
Sorry it's taken this long to get it posted... I had a draft up a while back and lost the original, so had to reproduce it. :)

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Ok I have given the book a once over and started reading parts of it. I am going to give some early feed back. The book is very clean, no borders, clear clean text and the artwork seems a mix of color and black and white. All and all very printer friendly for a product. The art is meh on some pieces to good on some and everything inbetween. The races seem well done and interesting as do the classes.
I can't really comment on balance though because I honestly know virtually nothing about psionics. So far first impressions of the product is good. I would also like to point out I am not a fan of psionic's products to date. I don't have a problem with them in general, just not really my thing. But I have used them in scifi games before.

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

Thanks for the initial feedback. :)
Psionics has always been a bit of a third rail in D&D, and by extension, Pathfinder. I don't think any product with "psionics" in its name could ever truly avoid that, so we definitely understand that there are going to be those who dislike it simply by nature of being "psionics" and those who like it simply by nature of being "psionics".

Ether_Drake |

Is there a 3.5 conversion guide (ala the PDF released with the Pathfinder Core rules)? If not, will you be making one available as a PDF?
Btw, was lurking on your forums recently and reviewing the Beta in preparation for a Pathfinder-ized Dark Sun campaign. Like what you've done generally. Sorry that I found it too late to contribute input.

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

Is there a 3.5 conversion guide (ala the PDF released with the Pathfinder Core rules)? If not, will you be making one available as a PDF?
Not yet, but it's being worked on. That 2-page handout of the powers that have been renamed or removed is part of it.
Btw, was lurking on your forums recently and reviewing the Beta in preparation for a Pathfinder-ized Dark Sun campaign. Like what you've done generally. Sorry that I found it too late to contribute input.
Thanks! And no worries - we are however starting on Psionics Expanded, our advanced psionics guide, and that will be an open playtest just as Psionics Unleashed was, so feel free to participate in that. :)

Eridanis |

I gave in and bough the PDF of this book. I'm very much looking forward to browsing through it over my Christmas vacation. However, a quick glance showed something odd: quite a bit of art doesn't show up on my Mac when opening in Preview 5.03, while it does on my Windows 7 PC (in Adobe Reader 9.4.1) and Mac (under Acrobat 9.4.1 Pro). Just letting you guys know; it's probably not a big deal, but your layout artist might want to know, just to figure out what the difference is.
(Specifically: psion on PDF p.23, psychic warrior on PDF p. 43, overchannel on PDF p.49, etc. Other B&W art, and all color art, comes up fine.)
Congrats again!

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

I gave in and bough the PDF of this book. I'm very much looking forward to browsing through it over my Christmas vacation. However, a quick glance showed something odd: quite a bit of art doesn't show up on my Mac when opening in Preview 5.03, while it does on my Windows 7 PC (in Adobe Reader 9.4.1) and Mac (under Acrobat 9.4.1 Pro). Just letting you guys know; it's probably not a big deal, but your layout artist might want to know, just to figure out what the difference is.
(Specifically: psion on PDF p.23, psychic warrior on PDF p. 43, overchannel on PDF p.49, etc. Other B&W art, and all color art, comes up fine.)
Congrats again!
Thanks, Eridanis.
I actually did most of the layout, so I'll look into what might be causing that... Thanks for the specific examples, it will definitely help isolate the problem.