Simply Spells: Sorcerer/Wizard Spell Cards (PFRPG) PDFBlue Banzai Publications(based on 1 rating)Sorcerer and Wizard Spell cards are from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player's Guide. Each spell has a book reference on the card in addition to the spell description, level, and relevant charts (e.g. a chart for Detect Undead). Included in the cards is a summary of spells for each spell level. This set includes all spells from the Sorcerer and Wizard Spell lists. Cards may be printed in color or black-and-white. Each class of spell has been color coded for easy identification. The cards are updated with the errata for the 2nd printing of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. Crop marks on the page indicate cut lines. The back of the page has crop marks, but it is recommended to use the front cut lines. Some formatting differences may occur for longer spells. Spell content may be carried over to the back of the card or across multiple cards for longer spells (as indicated on the cards). Printing may vary slightly due to shifting stock printing on two sides. Please make a test print to see how well they line up for your printer. There is spacing between cards to allow for this variation. Product Availability
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