The Arena (Inactive)

Game Master Pixel Cube

A place where you can fight.

This has probably already been done here, but I don't see anything active at the moment so I might as well start one myself.
I would like to make a basic tournament for character: basic arena fighting or magical duels. This could be the chance to try the most powerful build you have in mind, fight with a character that is not in a campaing at the moment and put the performace weapons rules to good use.

I was thinking of dividing the arena into 4 main Leagues:
- Performance/Gladiator combat.
- Regular combat (no performance rules).
- Tricksters/Dirty fighting combat (for weaker but cunning participants).
- Magical duels.

All fights would be 1v1, opponents are assigned at random. Beating your opponent gives you a level advancement, a money prize to spend in equipment and your opponent's stuff (which can be sold). If you lose, you can enter the tournament again with the same character or a character with the same level and gold of the last one you played.

Some more ground rules:
- All LA0 races, classes and archetypes are allowed. No homebrews.
- Average starting gold, plus a cure light wounds potion.
- You start at level 1, and get maximum hp at every level.
- 20 point buy.
- No traits.
- Every one who is not fighting in a specific combat and whose character is not in the same League could act as a referee for that fight, effectively acting as the DM of the situation.
- Additional rules about the terrain, engagement and such depending on the League you play in.

Bear in mind that these are all basic rules and that I'm open to suggestions. Don't post your character here yet, just tell if you are interested and give your suggestions. As soon as we gather enough interst, we can set up the actual arena where your character can go and sign up for the fight (a chance to RP your character a bit and to meet your opponent beforehand).

Now, let's see some blood spill!