Gazae et Monstri: Treasures & Monsters from Greek & Roman Myth (PFRPG) PDF

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This 14-page PDF includes 6 magic items and 5 monsters drawn from Greek and Roman myth. Arm your fighter with the cesti of Eryx. Quest for Pandora’s box. Trade blows with the mighty Antaeus, or match wits with the terrifying Python.

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A cheap resource of classical items and monsters


Gazae et Monstri: Treasures & Monsters from Greek & Roman Myth

This pdf is 14 pages long, 1 front cover, 1 editorial and 1 page OGL. That leaves 11 pages of content.

We get 6 magic items and 5 new monsters from the mythologies of old.

Magic Items:
-Cap of Invisibility (Greater Invisibility for 7 minutes per day – nice trickster’s tool)
-Cesti of Eryx (Two magical spiked gauntlets that hit hard)
-Cuckoo Scepter (Shapechanging (self and unwilling others), whispering wind etc. – no note on the amount of charges the item, has, though)
-Girdle of Hippolyta (Girdle that stores weapons)
-Nemean Hide Armor (grants DR 3/bludgeoning)
-Pandora’s Box (instead of unleashing terror, this box can unleash an array of symbol spells)

New Monsters:
-Antaeus (Unique Giant, CR 10):
A strong Giant with some earthen abilities that encourage PCs to fight smart.
-Mare of Diomedes (CR 3):
Carnivorous horses that make for a nice surprise for PCs.
-Nemean Lion (CR 8):
High-end predator whose hide destroys non-magical weapons
-Python (Unique dragon-creature, CR 15):
Extremely lethal, legendary serpent-creature with interesting tactics
-Stymphalian Bird (CR 2):
Birds that shoot razor sharp feathers in volleys.
The pdf closes with two pages of magic item cards to hand out to your players.

The whole pdf has good editing and formatting as well as good public domain art and is easy to read. It lacks the subtle humor of the other publications by Spes Magna, though.

Unfortunately, the magic items disappointed me. All of them. They somehow all work as I expected they would and every one of them underwhelmed me in some manner – from a rather weak Cap of Invisibility to Pandora’s Box, which is NOTHING like you’d expect from the item. It’s more usable that way, granted, but a box of symbols somehow does not coincide with my notions of…well…friggin’ Pandora’s Box.

The monsters fared better: While I really thought that the Nemean Lion would have worked better as a very powerful single creature, I liked it. Antaeus and Python are really cool, but both the Mares of Diomedes and the Stymphalian birds somewhat fell short of the wonder associated with these creatures and feel like something PCs will wade through without any thought of the wonder of the creatures. That being said, the pdf is only $0.99, which is VERY cheap, so if you’re looking for some creatures/ ready-to-drop-in ideas, go ahead and check it out – Python and Antaeus are quite cool.

As it stands, I’ll give it 2.5 stars due to the lack of wonder associated with the items and the 2 subpar monsters.

Thanks for the review, Endzeitgeist. As much as I hate to say it, I pretty much agree with you. This PDF seemed much better to me after I first released it. It hasn't stood the test of time with me. Your review reminded me that I really need to see about editing the product page to make it a free download.

Mea culpa. :)

Mark L. Chance | Spes Magna Games

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Well all get are start doing what ever somewhere and learn as we go. I don't own this but I own most of the rest of your stuff and I think you have been getting better over all.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Well all get are start doing what ever somewhere and learn as we go. I don't own this but I own most of the rest of your stuff and I think you have been getting better over all.

Thanks, D_M. :)

I'm glad you're one of the people woh are ative here, Mark, and I think that all of your other products are vastly superior to this one. :)
I still think your take on Python is quite cool, though. I'm going to scavenge the creature for a Seth-cult. :)

All the best,

Edit: I second D_M'S opinion: You are getting better at what you do and I enjoy your releases.

Endzeitgeist wrote:
Edit: I second D_M'S opinion: You are getting better at what you do and I enjoy your releases.

Danke again. I've learned quickly to drop a project if I don't have a good handle on it. For example, a while ago, I thought about doing a PDF of feats. After a few trial balloons, I realized I didn't have a hook for the feats. Consequently, the PDF would've stunk.

BTW, the good folks behind the Paizo site scene changed GeM's price to free. So, while it isn't my best work, it's at least got a price that's hard to beat.


Mark L. Chance | Spes Magna Games

I've been picking through a lot of free products lately, seeing what typically is out there. For a free product I was most pleased with this. The usual clean style and grammatic skill is still top notch. As the others have said, your other works are better. Considering how this product is still pretty good however, I'd think it to be a tribute to how great the witty humor is in most of your stuff. Looking forward to future works! ;)

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