Rewarding Roleplaying (PFRPG) PDF

5.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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Are you a GM who wants a little more oomph from your players? Do they need some incentive to play their roles with more feeling? Even if your players are bona fide thespians, there's likely still room for improvement. But how?

With Rewarding Roleplaying, a toolkit with alternative rules that help give players more input into the narrative flow of the game. Here's a partial list of the tools found in Rewarding Roleplaying:

  • An Action Point system that uses three criteria to encourage and rewards better roleplaying. Best of all, the responsibility for establishing these criteria belongs to the players. They set their own roleplaying goals. When they meet their goals, you the DM hand out the reward in the form of an Action Point, which is then used by the player to achieve greater levels of success in the game.
  • The Do Something! Chip system that lets players take an active hand in making a game session more exciting.
  • Plus other tools, such as an Exploding Dice system that makes PCs more heroic while reducing their reliance on magic items; advice for implementing player-driven flashbacks suitable for almost any RPG; and the Statement system, which lets players define their PCs via short descriptive statements that provide in-game bonuses.

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Rewarding Roleplaying


This pdf is 11 pages long, 1 page OGL, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial. That leaves 8 pages of content.

Rewarding Roleplaying is a nifty little pdf that introduces an alternative system to reward your players for role-playing via what is called fides, naturae and metae.
Acting according to any of the three may earn the players action points, which are also explained in detail: How they can be used in different contexts, how many to award and so on.
As a nice little bonus, we also get rules for the DM to create Elite Creatures and Solo Creatures with quick on the fly rules that I’ve been using myself. It’s nice to see that some people out there like the author obviously had the same idea as yours truly.

The artwork is sparse and open content, as far as I can tell. The writing is precise and concise and shows a subtle kind of humor I enjoy. The editing and formatting are good, although I found a “with” too much in the text.

Due to the nifty ideas contained within as well as the very low price, I can recommend this one to just about any GM who has not yet read/implemented a hero or action-point system. If you seek to refine your own system, check it out. If heeded, the advice within these pages will surely change roleplaying behavior of your players for the better. For the price of $1.50, it’s a 5-star file.

An excellent alternative to XP rewards for roleplaying


A no frills, but excellent written release I must say. I've always enjoyed using Action Points in a game (originally introduced to them via WotC's Eberron Campaign). This product offers an alternate solution by using action points to reward players for roleplaying instead of XP.

It recommends certain social contracts between the GM and the PC on a per session and also at the campaign level and if met, APs are awarded. It offers a twist on the the way it is expended and regained that is a variant of what some of you may be accustomed to from other settings that use them.

When I say there's no frills, it isn't meant to be disparaging. Simple b/w artwork, single wide-column, but aesthetically readable font-type. Mark has a writing and presentation style that is polished and concise. After a good introduction, you get the feeling that you're really learning something (I picked up a few new words in latin based on their etymology) as well as examples and a couple of footnotes. If you make a Perception check, you can notice that there's a (sl/dr)y sense of humor subtly peeking through the contents.

You can tell that the author has an editorial and teaching background easily upon the first read of this release. Once you've finished it (11 pages, but 8 being the main context), the concept he proposes is easy enough to comprehend and worth giving it a shot.

This is primarily a release directed toward GMs, but if you're one of those individuals that have been frustrated by how a campaign (whether from the position of the GM or the PC) has been going based on XP awards being slanted toward certain types of players, then this is the release for you to acquire and perhaps even build on from it.

It's definitely worth your six quarters. It's a five star from me.

One stupid question: Why is Spes Magna Games not listed among the Pathfinder compatible products when they feature the logo?
Other small fine publishers like Tripod Machine are...

I'm just asking because they seem to provide very cheap but rewarding and fun pdfs...


Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

They forgot to send Paizo a box of cookies.

LOL. Maybe I should send paizo a box of cookies for them? We have enough of them on the dark side, after all. :D

There's a list of Pathfinder compatible products? Boxes of cookies?


Thanks for the reviews for Rewarding Roleplaying and others, Endzeitgeist.

Mark L. Chance | Spes Magna Games

Would the additional rules for elite/solo monsters be worth it if I was not interested in the action point system itself?

Are wrote:

Would the additional rules for elite/solo monsters be worth it if I was not interested in the action point system itself?

Honestly: Probably not. What I mean is that I wouldn't pay for just those pages. If you'd like, shoot an email to mark at spesmagna dot com, and I'll shoot you an excerpt that includes just the elite/solo rules.

I might not get to it until Monday evening, 20 September, as it's after 7:00 p.m. here, and I'm tired and am planning to soon read more Beowulf while in bed.


Mark L. Chance | Spes Magna Games

I'm glad you liked the reviews, Mark! I'll also write reviews on the other stuff (Apart from Ars Metamagica, which will have to wait for my next paycheck) once I get around to it. :)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Endzeitgeist wrote:
I'm glad you liked the reviews, Mark! I'll also write reviews on the other stuff (Apart from Ars Metamagica, which will have to wait for my next paycheck) once I get around to it. :)

*gasp* after reading my review of Ars Metamagica you are daring to wait and letting a mere thing like money stop you from buying it? ... I'm... crushed...

Dark_Mistress wrote:
*gasp* after reading my review of Ars Metamagica you are daring to wait and letting a mere thing like money stop you from buying it? ... I'm... crushed...

Deep breaths, D_M. I'm sure he didn't mean any offense. :)

Thanks again, Endzeitgeist. :)

Take some deep breaths, D_M, I bought all the other pdfs first because you already reviewed Ars Metamagica. :D

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Endzeitgeist wrote:

Take some deep breaths, D_M, I bought all the other pdfs first because you already reviewed Ars Metamagica. :D

OH! I see so your saying you bought all the stuff I didn't review... I see...

Just to provide complementary information, of course. ;D
I also bought soem stuff you liked, but I'm not telling what. You've got 3 guesses, though. :]

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Spes Magna Mark wrote:
There's a list of Pathfinder compatible products?

Yep, here. Your non-inclusion was an oversight that has been corrected. Sorry about that!

Vic Wertz wrote:
Yep, here. Your non-inclusion was an oversight that has been corrected. Sorry about that!

Thanks, Vic. You da man! :)

Mark L. Chance | Spes Magna Games

So, is this a system for rewarding players?

Kenneth.T.Cole wrote:
So, is this a system for rewarding players?

Yes. The basic idea is that players collaborate with the DM to develop character-specific personality traits and personal goals. Opportunities to express/meet these traits and goals are worked into the adventures by the DM. When players meet their roleplaying goals, they receive Action Points, which can be used in-game for a variety of purposes.

Mark L. Chance | Spes Magna Games

I've started re-editing, clarifying, and expanding Rewarding Roleplaying. In addition to the original Action Point system, I'm adding alternative rules for giving players more narrative control, for exploding dice, and other goodies.

I'm shooting to have the expanded PDF available the first week of August. Of course, if you've previously purchased Rewarding Roleplaying, you should receive the updated file automatically.

The expanded PDF has been uploaded. It should go live soon. :)

And it's live. :)

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