The Perilous Secrets of Wilford Manor (4E) PDF

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The Perilous Secrets of Wilford Manor is the first volume of the Doombringer Saga Campaign Arc. This adventure module can be used in any D&D 4e Campaign Setting.

“My son, Tulwen, with whom some of you are acquainted, has gone… missing,” he states flatly, his deep voice low and tense. “I fear something may have happened to him, for he is nearly a week overdue in returning.”

The Earl fixes you with a sad stare and says, “I would require… no, I ask you, as Tulwen’s friend… to go and find out what happened to my son.”

Something strange is happening in the sleepy hamlet of Wilford. No one at court has heard from the Baron in years. And now Tulwen, the young knight sent to investigate, is long overdue. A powerful Earl has sent you to find his son, which would seem a simple quest, but there is so much more to the Perilous Secrets of Wilford Manor.

The Doombringer Saga is a series of adventure modules designed as an entire campaign arc for Player Characters from Level 1 to Level 30. Although the first volume is created for the beginning of the Heroic Tier, the adventure is epic in scope. It will introduce Player Characters to a world-shaking threat which will not only decide the fate of the Mundane Realm, but that of the Feyweald and Shadowmoor as well!

    The Perilous Secrets of Wilford Manor Includes:
  • An engaging storyline that can be played as part of the Doombringer Saga Campaign Arc, or as a stand-alone adventure for five 1st Level Characters
  • A back-story complete with adventure “hooks” to introduce Characters to the Doombringer Saga
  • 8 Challenging Combat Encounters
  • 3 Unique Skill Challenges
  • Nearly a dozen full-color tactical encounter maps
  • New Monsters, Hazards, and More!

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Author: Michael Evans

Rules Set: 4e (GSL)

44 pages

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