Fantastic Maps: Tribal Encampment PDF

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Jonathan Roberts, cartographer for Kobold Quarterly and Adventures in the Hyborian Age, presents another Fantastic Map: Tribal Encampment.

This multi-page PDF allows you to print out the battlemap at a 1 square=1 inch scale as a letter-format map and is also available in a printer-friendly light grayscale version. It includes high-resolution JPEGs of the maps with and without grids. The file also contains two MapTool campaign files set up for quick use in the 4.0 version of the world's most popular roleplaying game and its 3.5 thriving spiritual successor. The MapTool file requires MapTool 1.3b60 or newer to work.

This map was created as part of the Litorians Patronage Project.

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5.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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This map is beautiful! I will be using it in my upcoming Sandpoint/Runelords campaign. Great stuff. Can't wait to print it out.

A camp map


This is pretty much what it says it is. It is a map of a tribal camp site. It has a nice single page over view of the camp, the rest of the book is the camp map blown up to be used as mini's map. The quality of the map is very good, so if you are looking for a mini's map for a tribal camp then this is a good one.

I wanted to thank Dakrmistress for taking the time to review the product, (also there are the High Res jpgs for maptool users are the maptool files.)

5 out of 5 stars does the snoopy happy dance of joy.

Absolutely. Thanks a lot for the review!

Are the MapTool features the same as the dragon's lair map, or is there more stuff in this one?

Should be the same as Jonathan and I did not talk about any additional features. I will double check with him.

Steve Russell
Rite Publishing

I wanted to thank DMT for taking the time to do a review of our product.

This has the grid set up, and vision blocking implemented for the terrain. Therefore it's very close in nature to the dragon's lair in terms of implementation. Trust me, when we implement more features in the maptool files I'll be the first to tell people all about it!

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