How VTT friendly are the maps?

Kingmaker Second Edition

It isn’t clear to me if anyone has the pdf for this yet from what I am reading but I thought I would ask:

How VTT friendly are the interactive maps that I assume are included ? As in if I snipping took them from the pdfs and upload do they align particularly well?

1E ones were very bad for fitting on grids as they weren’t drawn for them

I recently got book 1 of Strength of Thousands and all are fine except the dormitory which doesn’t line up to the grid

I ask because until the foundry module comes out if I wanted to run this I’d obviously need to do all this manually

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I've been a bit upset with the maps. Most of these are via extracting images from the PDF of the AP, not the map pack. The map pack didn't have the first set of maps I needed (described in issue 1), and had similar problems as issue 2. I'm likewise eagerly anticipating the Foundry module next year, but starting the campaign on Monday, so I have to do some of this manually.

Issue 1: I wanted to assemble the three maps of the starting area into a single map (feast room + east & west wings). The feast room has a different scale and what felt like a grid scale gradient north/south. It also had a slightly different art style than the wings. I was able to get it to work with a couple hours of photoshop. I expect someone more used to tricky maps could get it work faster, but my normal workflow for PFS scenarios has never needed to resort to photoshop. If you don't want to combine them, it wasn't too bad. Still a bit of a gradient I think on the central map, but given that you have no real combat there, its not a big deal. I wanted the maps combined, since it feels more organic and people might go back and forth between them a couple of times.

Issue 2: I wanted to combine the four overland hex maps, but one of them appears to have been merged into the page border/illumination and no tool or trick has managed to get it cleanly extracted for me.

I'm doing a spot check of the third map I'll need now, just to see if the problems continue, or if its a case of the trickiest maps being first in the book.

Third map project (Oleg's) extracted fine and normal gridding tools worked

Thanks for the heads up. Not the best sign I suppose

I never even attempt to merge maps because I wouldn’t really know how!

Right now this AP is on the list of potential next games for my players so they might not pick it. But it might really appeal. Still have parts of a book 6 to do first - including what seems to be a lengthy final section. I doubt the VTT module will be ready by the time we start but some people playing it might have come up with a solution in the couple of months (minimum)

The majority of maps use the 1e versions.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I have combined the maps in gimp, using the clone stamp to fill in the "gaps". Because it is not open content I can't just put it up for download for free though, but if it's for personal use I'm willing to send the link via PM.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I lined this combined map up into a hex grid in roll20 with only a bit of fiddling about.

IcedMik wrote:
The majority of maps use the 1e versions.

Ok - so I can see if anyone has done any vtt friendly versions of the original maps? The comment implies as least some change though? Which I would expect because 1E maps seems smaller (people moved less due to the rules)

1E maps from the pdfs were not vtt friendly at all. I’m not even sure if kingmaker had separate interactive ones off the top of my head

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There's a package on Roll20 that's supposed to be available toward the end of the month.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
pennywit wrote:
There's a package on Roll20 that's supposed to be available toward the end of the month.

The only reason I haven't preorded it is to see if the paizo advantage price unlocks after the street dates for owning the pdfs.

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I have combined the maps in gimp, using the clone stamp to fill in the "gaps". Because it is not open content I can't just put it up for download for free though, but if it's for personal use I'm willing to send the link via PM.

Hey, I'd like to check that map out because I'm planning on running it a few days after the adventure releases.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Shishiga wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I have combined the maps in gimp, using the clone stamp to fill in the "gaps". Because it is not open content I can't just put it up for download for free though, but if it's for personal use I'm willing to send the link via PM.
Hey, I'd like to check that map out because I'm planning on running it a few days after the adventure releases.

Send me a PM and I'll reply with the link.

Not VTT friendly except for a few. Most maps are either very ugly and low res, directly taken from 1e, or high res and don't line up.

And even the Hi res on all the old ones really stand out as dated sadly on Roll20.

Just compare them to the Companion maps....

But it is what it is and when I get to run this I'm going to spend a lot of time and even more money to get as many maps as I can looking better, sadly


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

If the Foundry team in charge of making the Foundry module for Kingmaker 2 keeps the very high standards of quality they have shown for the Beginner's Box and Abomination Vault, we should be able to get high quality tokens and high quality maps some time next year.

I would really like Paizo to up their game for all things regarding digital distribution (as in: improving the quality of the illustrations and maps for all those who play online), but it does not look like it's part of their immediate plans unfortunately.

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