Pathfinder Paper Minis—Legacy of Fire Adventure Path Part 2: "House of the Beast" PDF

4.30/5 (based on 3 ratings)

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This pack contains over one hundred miniatures from the adventures in Pathfinder Adventure Path #20: "House of the Beast". In this set you will find a mad doctor, a Gargantuan centipede, one very large gnoll king, and more! Designed for use with the Legacy of Fire Adventure Path, these minis are perfect for any game.

This set contains the following miniatures:

  • Air elemental (Large)
  • Amwyr Yuseifah, old human expert
  • Andgronakraks, earth mephit (Small)
  • Andgronakraks, earth mephit (Medium)
  • Belker (Large)
  • Blobog, goblin rogue/cleric of Lamashtu (Small)
  • Carrion guard (4)
  • Carrion guard with injection spear
  • Carrion guard, mounted (3)
  • Carrion initiates (6)
  • Centipede swarm (Large)
  • Deathstalker scorpion (Huge)
  • Edimmu (4)
  • Fire snake (3)
  • Flamebrother salamander (5)
  • Gargoyle (4)
  • The Gargler, gibbering mouther
  • Ghartok the Carrion King, unchosen unholy warrior (Large)
  • Giant trapdoor spider (Huge)
  • Gnoll (6)
  • Gnoll wife (5)
  • Grundmoch, troglodyte cleric
  • Hyaenodons (Large) (3)
  • Human slave (6)
  • Lazrul, ogrekin fighter
  • Lesaar, flamebrother salamander cleric
  • Madfang the Holy Ascensioner, human ranger/ex-cleric
  • Monitor lizard (Medium) (8)
  • Rast (4)
  • Rock python (Large)
  • Rokova, gnoll assassin
  • Scorpion (Tiny) (4)
  • Thkot Tal, advanced stegocentipede (Gargantuan)
  • Thratnias, salamander (Large)
  • Troglodyte (12)
  • Troglodyte shaman (3)
  • Unchosen (Large) (5)
  • The Waiting Beast, elite variant sand kraken (Large)
  • Zayifid, human expert
  • Zayifid, janni rogue

Make sure you grab the Pathfinder Paper Minis Instructions here!

Artwork by Ashton Sperry

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Our Price: $5.99

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4.30/5 (based on 3 ratings)

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Great product! I can't say enough about how nice it is to have the right mini for the monster or npc!

amazing set


These are really great looking. The giant centipede should be a blast and the carrion king is get all the unique monsters and npc which is awesome. I really loved the unchosen and the giant centipede. This set is freaking awesome.

Good but a pain to print


I like the idea of these minis, but when I went to Kinko's to print it, they at first refused because of the copyright stuff on the bottom. I then dug out the question in the faq that says you are allowed to print ONE copy of a Paizo pdf. So at this point, I have to either buy a printer or go to a variety of Kinko's to get multiple copies made. Or maybe Paizo really does only want me to print one sheet of the minis. It seems like it would be easy to put "permission granted to copy for personal use" on the bottom of the sheets along with the copyright information. Either way, I like the idea, but won't be buying any more because of that issue.

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Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Now available!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

YAY! Finally!

I so want to fire my Internet service provider. :P

Anyhoo. This set's got a lot of good stuff in it. Hyaenodons? Check. Madfang? Check. Several tasty variations on the theme of Zayifid? Check. Twelve-foot-tall Carrion King? Check.

Lemme know whatcha think, gang!

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

Done been boughten!

Another success. Ghartok, The Carrion King looks freaking awesome.

You know I was thinking, an idea you could do if you had interest is making minis of the NPC's that are in the books but not part of the plot, such as Fayar on page 63 of House of the Beast. Or characters that show up in Dark Markets (like the awesome looking half orc on page 16) or the Guide to Korvosa.

That way players could use them for their characters and DM's would have more reason to bring these NPC's into the plots somehow.

At any rate, great job on this one. Hope PaizoCon was fun. Maybe I'll come next year when I'm less busy and more wealthy.

Dark Archive

Gah! My color laser printer is waiting the new toners! Need to print... rising...

More mini-madness, yay!!

*goes back to plot deeper mini-madness*

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Hugo Solis wrote:
*goes back to plot deeper mini-madness*

I eagerly await your deeper mini-madness, sir. :D

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Kinkos is getting more money from me than ever. Which is to say they're getting money from me period. Normally I go to the university but, alas, they lack card stock. :P

Dark Archive

Is a "bestiary" set planned for PF #20 too?
I think I'll need some extra unchosen (other than the gnoll king, I mean), plus both the edimmu and the buraq should come handy for various encounters...

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
golem101 wrote:

Is a "bestiary" set planned for PF #20 too?

I think I'll need some extra unchosen (other than the gnoll king, I mean), plus both the edimmu and the buraq should come handy for various encounters...

Yep, and it's mostly done; I've gotta pick up some ink cartridges so's I can print out the set for the cover, then I'll upload it ASAP. Worst-case scenario, I hope to have it out late next week, but if I can scrounge up some cash for cartridges, I'll have it out much sooner. Should be up and out soon, though.

Dark Archive


I'm having a really great time with the paper minis for this AP (and with the generic monster sets too), looking forward for the next set.

Scarab Sages

I just wanted to put in a plug for more of these minis, as many as humanly possible! They're wonderful fun and would be a huge boon to future Paizo adventure paths as far as I'm concerned!

Has there been any talk about doing any minis for the earlier AP? I am about to run "Burnt Offerings", and I would love to have the other badies to go along with the goblins I bought.


Sovereign Court

RaFon wrote:

Has there been any talk about doing any minis for the earlier AP? I am about to run "Burnt Offerings", and I would love to have the other badies to go along with the goblins I bought.


I have done the other Burnt Offerings minis but the process of getting everything online takes quite a while...

I have done the other Burnt Offerings minis but the process of getting everything online takes quite a while...

Well, if there is anyway to wpork out getting them on in the next 2-3 weeks, that would be great! :>)

Sovereign Court

RaFon wrote:
I have done the other Burnt Offerings minis but the process of getting everything online takes quite a while...
Well, if there is anyway to wpork out getting them on in the next 2-3 weeks, that would be great! :>)

Maybe N'wah will see this...


Callous Jack wrote:
RaFon wrote:
I have done the other Burnt Offerings minis but the process of getting everything online takes quite a while...
Well, if there is anyway to wpork out getting them on in the next 2-3 weeks, that would be great! :>)

Maybe N'wah will see this...


I hope so. . .I love the minis, and am trying real hard to make this game extra special. The players are new and I'm trying to hook them hard.

Liberty's Edge

Any chance we see a set for CRYPT OF THE EVERFLAME soon?!
Would be awesome, because the FlipMap is already there. Having those minis would greatly catch every eye in my FLGS...

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Hi there,

I am just about to start running this and was hoping that the sets would continue to flow. We got the first two modules covered and then silence decended on the land of Leagcy of Fire. Does anyone know if the paper minis are going to be produced for the rest of the AP??

Pretty please...

Otherwise I have a lot of painting of minis to do :)

Liberty's Edge

sanwah68 wrote:

Hi there,

I am just about to start running this and was hoping that the sets would continue to flow. We got the first two modules covered and then silence decended on the land of Leagcy of Fire. Does anyone know if the paper minis are going to be produced for the rest of the AP??

Pretty please...

Otherwise I have a lot of painting of minis to do :)

Does anybody know whether there are more paper minis to come for the Legacy of Fire AP?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Bardok Deepsilver wrote:
Does anybody know whether there are more paper minis to come for the Legacy of Fire AP?

I want to know this too! Not that my party has scratched the surface of part 1, but the caravan and pugwumpis have been great so far. I really want to see more!

I want to know if the paper minis line died because of the Reaper deal.

I loved the goblin minis, and wish there were a lot more.

We fans can always make them ourselves, but I'd like to still support Paizo.

Xaaon of Korvosa wrote:

I want to know if the paper minis line died because of the Reaper deal.

I loved the goblin minis, and wish there were a lot more.

We fans can always make them ourselves, but I'd like to still support Paizo.

I agree.

I can always use more paper minis. Especially module-oriented ones.

And my players love the art style too.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Xaaon of Korvosa wrote:

I want to know if the paper minis line died because of the Reaper deal.

I loved the goblin minis, and wish there were a lot more.

We fans can always make them ourselves, but I'd like to still support Paizo.

The lack of new Paper Minis has nothing to do with Reaper; I gather it's a matter of N'wah not having enough time lately. I know we'd all like to see more!

Vic Wertz wrote:
Xaaon of Korvosa wrote:

I want to know if the paper minis line died because of the Reaper deal.

I loved the goblin minis, and wish there were a lot more.

We fans can always make them ourselves, but I'd like to still support Paizo.

The lack of new Paper Minis has nothing to do with Reaper; I gather it's a matter of N'wah not having enough time lately. I know we'd all like to see more!

Good to hear. More paper minis!

Good to hear.

If anyone wants to see all of the minis in this set, with other minis for scale, assembled lazy-@$$ A-Frame style, here they are:


And yes, the Carrion King and Centipede are FRIGHTENINGLY Big.

what minis are in this set?

so is this Ap paper mini dead in the water?


spacemonkeyDM wrote:
so is this Ap paper mini dead in the water?

I'd like to say it's not, but I'm still waiting to hear back from the artist on the status of this particular set update. Also, to answer your question in the review, this set is from the first round of the Pathfinder Paper Minis and does not include all of the minis required for the adventure. When it is updated to the new standards, it will be, and I will update the product description accordingly.

Thanks for your patience and support!


Updated! The set now includes all of the miniatures you need to run both the main adventure, "House of the Beast", and the sidetrek adventure, "Coils of Flame"—over 100 miniatures, folks, including

a sand kraken!

Liz Courts wrote:
Updated! The set now includes all of the miniatures you need to run both the main adventure, "House of the Beast", and the sidetrek adventure, "Coils of Flame"—over 100 miniatures, folks, including ** spoiler omitted **

wow thank you so much, it is now freaking amazing.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Liz Courts wrote:
Updated! The set now includes all of the miniatures you need to run both the main adventure, "House of the Beast", and the sidetrek adventure, "Coils of Flame"—over 100 miniatures.

Does this mean AP 21 is coming soon? ;)


spacemonkeyDM wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Updated! The set now includes all of the miniatures you need to run both the main adventure, "House of the Beast", and the sidetrek adventure, "Coils of Flame"—over 100 miniatures, folks, including ** spoiler omitted **
wow thank you so much, it is now freaking amazing.

I'd love to see a review from you once you've had a chance to peruse the new set! ^_^

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
deinol wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Updated! The set now includes all of the miniatures you need to run both the main adventure, "House of the Beast", and the sidetrek adventure, "Coils of Flame"—over 100 miniatures.
Does this mean AP 21 is coming soon? ;)

Workin' on it right now. :D

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
N'wah wrote:
deinol wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Updated! The set now includes all of the miniatures you need to run both the main adventure, "House of the Beast", and the sidetrek adventure, "Coils of Flame"—over 100 miniatures.
Does this mean AP 21 is coming soon? ;)
Workin' on it right now. :D

Happy Dance!

This looks great, though I am glad I have the previous version. Not running Legacy anymore, but my group is playing in Katapesh, so these are all welcome. :)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Volaran wrote:
This looks great, though I am glad I have the previous version. Not running Legacy anymore, but my group is playing in Katapesh, so these are all welcome. :)

The next one should be especially pleasing then, what with all the non-combatant Katapesh residents like Rayhan, that cleric of Abadar, and whatnot.

I personally have gotten a lot of use out of various minis sets from all the contributors. Crystal's brigands from the first Kingmaker set get used a lot as general human thugs, and everyone loves the goblin cook from Callous Jack's earlier stuff.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Volaran wrote:
This looks great, though I am glad I have the previous version. Not running Legacy anymore, but my group is playing in Katapesh, so these are all welcome. :)

I'm seriously considering, with Liz's say-so, putting the old sets I did up on my DeviantART page for free.

I'll have to dig 'em off my computer, though. Wonder if I still got all the old files. Hmm...

Well the new set looks really great. I love that you guys have been able to create so many of these. I like normal plastic minis but to be able to print exactly the number and type of minis I need for a game is so useful. Besides it appeals to my love of art too.

Great job as always.

I wouldn't say no to any free sets, Ashton. ;)

And yes, I am looking forward to the next set for Legacy. I have gotten quite a bit of use out of the first set, and expect to do so for this one as well, but I probably have enough gnolls to last a lifetime.

Great set! They look amazing. I'm looking forward to the next one as well!

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm taking an impromptu poll to see if anyone would shed tears of scarlet if the generic gnolls (hereafter referred to as "generignolls") can from earlier stuff. Named and leveled gnolls get the new ert, but the outta-the-box guys get stuff from PF 19 and 20. Any beefs?

And thanks for the positive reviews! I'm hoping to fix the low reviews back when the set was, like, 1/12th the size.

Glad you liked the Unchosen, bignate. I came THIS close to re-drawing them, but that could just be the usual artistic dissatisfaction.

N'wah wrote:

I'm taking an impromptu poll to see if anyone would shed tears of scarlet if the generic gnolls (hereafter referred to as "generignolls") can from earlier stuff. Named and leveled gnolls get the new ert, but the outta-the-box guys get stuff from PF 19 and 20. Any beefs?

And thanks for the positive reviews! I'm hoping to fix the low reviews back when the set was, like, 1/12th the size.

Glad you liked the Unchosen, bignate. I came THIS close to re-drawing them, but that could just be the usual artistic dissatisfaction.

I wouldn't shed tears of purest crimson or anything, but a few more generignolls would increase the value of the set. As it would increase the range of generignolls available to use your adoring fans.

Dark Archive

N'wah wrote:

I'm taking an impromptu poll to see if anyone would shed tears of scarlet if the generic gnolls (hereafter referred to as "generignolls") can from earlier stuff. Named and leveled gnolls get the new ert, but the outta-the-box guys get stuff from PF 19 and 20. Any beefs?

And thanks for the positive reviews! I'm hoping to fix the low reviews back when the set was, like, 1/12th the size.

Glad you liked the Unchosen, bignate. I came THIS close to re-drawing them, but that could just be the usual artistic dissatisfaction.

No issues at all, but it would be nice to have more variety nonetheless. Even some non-combatant ones.

I would not mind additional generignolls, but they aren't going to be a priority. If you wanted to include copies from the first two modules, I wouldn't mind. If you feel like adding some later, the pdf can always be updated.

No tears here, just of joy that I got this PDF in time to start the house of the beast. Though I stayed up all the night before to make them in time lol.

Any hope of finishing out this AP with paper minis for each module? I'm about to finish up the first module and I'd love to prep the minis for modules 3-6 sooner rather than later.

Love the work so far!

thought I would continue the asking about when the next set is coming out. Still no word for a long time.

I hope sometime soon I am finally going through this adventure path. Please? with sugar on top?

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