Fantastic Maps: Lone Island in the Sky PDF

4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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You see a great gassar tree rising out of the ground supporting the earth above, like a vast umbrella, creating a Lone Island in the Sky.

Jonathan Roberts, cartographer for Wrath of the River King and Adventures in the Hyborian Age, presents “A Witch's Choice” map: “Lone Island in the Sky. This multi-page PDF allows you to print out the battlemap at a 1 inch=1 square scale as a letter-format map and is also available in a printer-friendly light grayscale version.

You can find more of Jonathan Roberts' work at his website,

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4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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A great map for Tree-centric encounters.


Another great map from Fantastic Locations. Any adventure that has a battle at or near a large tree, or a Fey tree lair of any kind can benefit from this map. Paizo free module "Hollow's Last Hope" has an encounter with a Tatzlwyrm roosted up in a large, ancient tree. If ever I run that module again (or steal that encounter out) for another group, I will definitely use this map.

Now if only Paizo store had Fantastic Maps :"Mire of Lost Souls". That one is really beautiful

Thanks D. M. T. for taking the time to do a review, if you don't mind me asking how could we have improved the map to go from 4 starts to 5 stars?

I will see about getting mire of lost souls up.

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