Dark Spiral 1: Something Below (d20) PDF

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Adventure Module DS1
The first module in the Dark Spiral Quintet.
A d20 Fantasy Adventure for 3rd–4th level characters.

The Silver Mountain Mining Company is looking for bold persons willing to undertake a task of dangerous nature, in exchange for suitable compensation. Fees negotiable, payable upon completion. Inquire at the assayer's office after the location of the Silver Mountain Mine.

Thus reads a simple notice, tacked up in a tavern as so many often are. A mine, likely infested with some sort of evil and needing clearing out. It shouldn't prove too difficult, should it?

These fateful words are to be the beginning of a story set in motion that would go far beyond anything the Kingdoms of Arcraetia could ever suspect. The entire story does not lie within these pages, no. But it is a beginning. The beginning of the Dark Spiral Quintet!

If you've never purchased a WorldWorks adventure before, you should know what sets it apart from a typical adventure. With the contents of this adventure, and the WorldWorks set CaveWorks, you can create the entire adventure setting as a richly detailed, immersive 3D environment! Don't just draw flat lines on a board, or even set down colorful flat maps... the Silver Mountain Mines come to life, and your players can see every corridor and tunnel!

WorldWorksGames PDF terrain sets offer gamers a visually stunning and cost-effective alternative to other, more expensive gaming terrain solutions. “Print, Build & Play!”—it really is as simple as that! Download the terrain, open the PDF, print to cardstock on your home printer; build as many items as you need and PLAY! Our models are easy to build for any skill level, come with richly illustrated instructions and your environment can be as big or as small as your game requires, for just pennies a page! All of that backed by a level of detail and presentation unmatched in the industry. Our commitment is to making your game experience come to life without breaking the bank!

For those of you familiar with CaveWorks already, Something Below is a must-have for the models alone. It expands on the original with a bundle of new pieces.

    Take a look at the models included with Something Below:
  • Dark Water Masterboard Tile
  • Crevasse Waterfall Tile
  • 2 Waterfall Columns (Long & Short)
  • Mine Shaft Tile
  • Pit Tile
  • Rail T & X Intersections
  • 6 Assorted Small Rock Risers
  • 4 Assorted Rocks
  • 2 Rock Piles
  • 1 Coal Pile
  • 4 Assorted Mine Support Beams
  • Mine Cart with Bloody Warning
  • Stone Vault
  • Lifting Track Riser
  • Fully Functional Lift with Winch
  • Mine Entrance
  • 2 Boarded Entrance Pieces

Concerned that you might not have the miniatures to run this adventure, and that you might be substituting a kobold for a halfling (or vice-versa)? Fear not! Something Below also includes a full set of Standees. Print out every single creature—even the pre-generated player characters—as flat standup paper models. Sure, you can use your own minis if you have them... but this way you have the option. Need more? Print more!

Wait, did I mention pre-generated characters? There are eight of them, each in a convenient single-page format, complete with picture and background—enough to accommodate even a big gaming group, or give some variety and choice to a smaller one. If you don't care for or don't use pre-generated characters, then you've a pack of NPCs ready to roll at a moment's notice. If you do use them, though, then you'll be ready to start your players heading through the adventure without wasting half a night rolling characters. Just pass 'em out, give 'em a few minutes to study them over, and you're ready to play!

Come discover the WorldWorks difference in adventure modules today. Your campaigns will never be the same. And if you like what you see, just wait! Something Below is the first of a five-part adventure series, the Dark Spiral Quintet. What's more, it's the work of only one of several new authors, artists, and model designers intent on bringing you a fully three-dimensional gaming experience. There's more on the horizon, but your journey starts here.

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