Citizens of Himmelveil II (d20) PDFWorldWorksGames"You'll want to watch your step in this part of town. The common folk can be so tiresome, with animals everywhere... and don't get me started about the beggars. The worst is the corpses... can't hardly go anywhere without tripping over the dead body of some poor soul..." Citizens of Himmelveil II is here, and it's bigger than ever. Our previous paper miniature offerings have had 20 different models included... but this time, we've packaged over 40 into this standee mega-pack! The lower classes of Himmelveil are detailed in art by Matthew Cuenca, and in words by Bob Cooper. Beggars, thieves, farmers, slaves, even street entertainers. Animals are included in this set... from the cats that roam the streets to the countless many chickens, pigs, and cows that find their way to Himmelveil, only to wind up on the dinner table. Finally, Citizens of Himmelveil includes a line of corpses... folk who, for one reason or another, have come to a bad end. Every miniature in Citizens of Himmelveil is highly detailed, full colour, and allows for two different basing options: a quick simple basing system or an advanced (more flexible) one. What's more, they are fully illustrated, front AND BACK. And there's more! Within, you will also find a fully detailed booklet containing full d20 statistics for each of them. What's more, you will also find detailed and unique character bios... their goals, their dreams, their motivations... a quote to help you get in character, and a hook to involve them with your adventuresome PCs. You'll find plenty of ideas and inspiration for your games there! All the characters in Citizens of Himmelveil can go right from your printer to your d20 gaming table, and there's more than enough background to take them anywhere else you'd care to. Want even more? A Sad Day in Himmelveil is a short adventure that hangs together many of the various, seemingly-unrelated plot hooks into a story of revenge most terrible, one that will make the streets of Himmelveil run with blood. WorldWorksGames PDF terrain sets offer gamers a visually stunning and cost effective alternative to other more expensive gaming terrain solutions. “Print, Build & Play!”—it really is as simple as that! Download the terrain, open the PDF, print to cardstock on your home printer; build as many items as you need and PLAY! Our models are easy to build for any skill level, come with richly illustrated instructions and your environment can be as big or as small as your game requires, for just pennies a page! All of that backed by a level of detail and presentation unmatched in the industry. Our commitment is to making your game experience come to life without breaking the bank!
There's also booklet containing assembly instructions, full d20 statistics and character bios, a new magical item, and a master plot that interweaves the character hooks for many of these characters into a single storyline! Download the FREE promo pack featuring full-size images! Product Availability
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