Pathfinder Chronicles: Into the Darklands (OGL)

4.00/5 (based on 9 ratings)
Pathfinder Chronicles: Into the Darklands (OGL)
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At the World’s Core

Another world is hidden below—a world that slumbers under the foundations of mortal cities, dreams below the deepest roots of the oldest forests, and plots in hidden places as far below as the mountains are high. These endless caves have many names. Cold Hell. Evernight. The Hunting Grounds. Yet to those who dwell within they are known as the Darklands.

Into the Darklands explores this mysterious and deadly realm of caverns and secrets, from the numerous hazards that plague the deeps to the strange and sinister races that dwell therein. Within these pages you will find maps of the major entrances to the Darklands throughout Golarion’s Inner Sea region, as well as dozens of locations hidden within three distinct realms of the deep. Tables to determine random dangers and wandering menaces, new languages and exotic hazards, and all manner of monsters, including the degenerate morlocks, the wormlike seugathis, the destructive vemeraks, the blood-drinking urdefhans, and the sinister serpentfolk await discovery within!

Just remember—in the Darklands, the night lasts forever, and the denizens of the depths never sleep.

The perfect companion to the Pathfinder Second Darkness Adventure Path! This comprehensive 64-page sourcebook provides an overview of the cavernous realms below the surface of the Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-140-4

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscription.

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4.00/5 (based on 9 ratings)

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Flavourful Overview


In the official Pathfinder campaign setting of Golarion, the vast subterranean reaches of ancient empires and degenerate monsters is called the Darklands (i.e., the Underdark for those of you who played a lot of D&D). Into the Darklands, published in 2008, was one of the early entries in Paizo's line of campaign setting books for Golarion--so early that it predates the actual Pathfinder RPG and instead references 3.5-specific rules elements (including psionics!). It's a 64-page full-colour softcover book that is really well-written, flavourful, and useful for a GM planning to set any adventures in the area.

The artwork, frankly, is a mixed bag: there's a cartoonishly busty Drow on the otherwise-solid cover, and the interior art ranges from fantastic to mediocre. The inside back-cover reproduces the cover art, while the inside front-cover is an extensive wandering monster table with columns for the three different "layers" of the Darklands (something I'll talk about in a moment). As with too many wandering monster tables, I think I'd find it useless because it includes such a vast range of CRs on the same table--if your chance of running into a few fire beetles is the same as your chance of running into a purple worm, there's going to be a lot of short-lived adventuring parties! On the other hand, I really liked the several maps that show how the surface world overlays various entrances and different areas of the Darklands.

The interior of the book is separated into five parts.

The first part, "Exploring the Darklands", takes up 16 pages and provides a good overview. It explains that Golarion's Darklands are best thought of as having three "layers," with the shallowest layer (Nar-Voth) less dangerous than the middle layer (Sekamina) and the rarely-visited and mysterious deepest layer (Orv). Connections between the layers are rare, and most surface-world expeditions to the Darklands go no further than Nar-Voth. Still, the layers, in a "horizontal" sense, can be as large as continents, so there's plenty of exploration to be done! After a brief list of common languages and terminology, the section spends several pages summarizing (with one-paragraph each) known points of entry to the Darklands. This part will be quite important for GMs, and the amount of flavour provided even in the capsule descriptions makes just getting into the Darklands seem like an exciting adventure in itself. I particularly liked the "Dread Dungeons" (a political prison in Galt that extends so far down that it reaches Nar-Voth), the Pit of Gormuz (an important site from a world-lore perspective as it ties in Rovagug, the Tarrasque, and more), and the Shadow Caverns (an important aspect of what's happening in Nidal). Next up is a section on hazards, including mundane dangers like getting stuck or lost, as well as more exotic threats like toxic fungi and radiation. This part is excellent, as it provides a wealth of detail to make travel in the Darklands really come alive--everything from travel time through different types of tunnels to dealing with bad air to navigating in total darkness (with a doubling of random encounter chances if the PCs use light sources!). Players will quickly realize they have far more than just monsters to worry about in a Darklands-based adventure.

The second part of the book covers Nar-Voth (the upper layer) in about 12 pages. There's an interesting, and coherent backstory to the Darklands that ties into other important aspects of Golarion history, including Earthfall, the Quest for the Sky, etc. The most common denizens of Nar-Voth (Derro, Duergar, Troglodytes, and Vegepygmies) each receive several paragraphs of description. Derro are still creepy as heck, but I was most surprised to read how something that seems really stupid like Vegepygmies can be given a surprisingly interesting backstory. There's also a couple of paragraphs each on other denizens of the layer: Dark Folk, Grimlocks, Gremlins, and Mongrelmen. The section concludes with several pages describing notable locations in Nar-Voth, and a useful map shows where these places are both from a Darklands perspective and from a surface perspective. There's some creative writing here, with my favorite location being the Court of Ether (an inverted-pyramid hanging from the ceiling full of dark fey!).

The middle of the book fittingly details the middle layer of the Darklands, Sekamina (14 pages). This can be summed up as the most "civilized" layer, as it's home to empires of Drow, surprisingly organized cities of ghouls, and more. The Drow are described in ways very similar to how they are in the Forgotten Realms, and I think there are some links provided to the Second Darkness AP. The stuff about ghouls was fascinating, and I could imagine some excellent adventures using their cities as a location. Other important races to receive focussed-coverage are Skum and Svirfneblin, with about a paragraph each devoted to driders, gugs, morlocks, ropers, Serpentfolk, and Seugathi. There's a really interesting mix of cultures and creatures in Sekamina, and lots of potential for a wide variety of stories taking advantage of the relationships and tensions between them. As with the previous section, this one ends with several pages detailing particular locations on the layer. Most are interesting, but I would have liked to see some adventure-hook ideas to help GMs provide reasons for PCs to visit them.

Orv, the lowest layer, is covered in ten pages. I thought this was the most original and interesting take on the Darklands. Orv is known, even to most inhabitants of Nar-Voth and Sekamina, only by legend. It consists of a series of immense chambers, some as large as surface nations, called Vaults--and they're full of different environments that could never plausibly exist through mundane means. Thus, they're thought to be almost terrariums of a sort, built by the mysterious and now-absent Vault Keepers. The only widespread inhabitants of Orv today are a scary race called urdefhans (detailed further in the next part of the book), but particular Vaults are home to creatures like neothelids, intellect devourers, and aboleths. There's even a "Lost World"-style Vault full of prehistoric creatures and dinosaurs. Orv is a strange and dangerous place, and perhaps a good alternative to plane-hopping for high-level groups of PCs who outmatch most things on the surface world.

The last section of the book is a bestiary. Five different creatures each receive a full two-page spread: Morlocks, Serpentfolk, Seugathi, Urdefhan, and Vemerak. All of the entries are well-written and the creatures fill a useful role from a GM's perspective. Because they each get a two-page spread, there's plenty of room to discuss the ecology of the creatures and detail a host of special abilities.

In sum, I would say the book is excellent and almost indispensable for adventures set in the Darklands. It's also one of those RPG books that can be read just for pleasure even if there aren't any particular games on the horizon planned.

Portuguese - Br


Com excessão de algumas meta tramas do cenário, mestres narrando Second Darkness ou fãs do Underdark (os fãs de drows conseguem melhores informações comprando as aventuras de SD) as darklands são um cenário bem aparte do Inner Sea e portanto bastante opcional. No entanto este livro contem praticamente tudo necessário para fazer campanhas em ambientações subterrâneas e isso o torna uma fonte de referencia necessária (já que a maioria da informações com excessão das fichas das criaturas, não se repetiu em mais nenhum livro). Também é importante para saber um pouco mais sobre raças e criaturas que são grandes antagonistas e outros cenários e que em Golarion até agora apareceram pouco.

Golarion: A World with a Chewy Lovecraftian Center!


Once again, Golarion breaks from the pack. Detailing the lands below, a complex somewhat orderly ecology exists miles below the surface. Serpent Men and the Culture of Ghouls replace the Mindflayers as rivals for Drow dominance. A must have suppliment. Check my full review: Into the Darklands

If you're a Lovecraft fan...


Then you will love this book. It takes the very best hollow earth 'bits' from the past hundred years or so and brings them all together in the vast, sprawling, and maddening Darklands of Golarion. It has ghoul kingdoms, demon-worshipping drow, hollow earth vampires, Howardian/Clark Ashton Smithian serpent people, massive caverns with dinosaurs, and even gugs. You can't go wrong with this!

Good structure


The first thought on Paizo's underdark treatment is they've done a very good job of keeping things segmented/customizable. The division of three layers, and regions reminded me a little of Ravenloft domains in a good way. The GM is not obligated to have everything in the mix but rather to focus on what they want.
Now to the content itself. There's some neat stuff, love the treatment of the derro, the Lovecraftian/Hodgson touches of the the third layer with gugs, ghoul empires and prehistoric beasties. Oh, and neothilids!
A great hollow earth pulp feel.
My main issue is with the Sekamina, the 2nd layer. Paizo's done a commendable effort with the drow but I think they would have been better to jettison entirely. Yep they're an iconic villain but thanks to Salvatore and FR I wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole.
Still all and all a good starting document to springboard ideas for campaigns/adventures. Recommended. PDF is good quality.

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Lisa Stevens wrote:

I believe that this product is scheduled to arrive in the middle of next week.


According to my local game store, it was pushed back to December.

Paizo Employee CEO

wspatterson wrote:
Lisa Stevens wrote:

I believe that this product is scheduled to arrive in the middle of next week.


According to my local game store, it was pushed back to December.

With Thanksgiving in there, it will probably be early December before it is available in game stores, that is true. It usually takes around 2 weeks from when it arrives in our warehouse to get through the supply chain.


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

wspatterson wrote:
Lisa Stevens wrote:

I believe that this product is scheduled to arrive in the middle of next week.


According to my local game store, it was pushed back to December.

It should start shipping to subscribers next week; the retail release date is December 10.

Liberty's Edge

Just got my PDF download of this, AP #16 and J4! That was the quickest ever!!!

I really like the pictures of the different layers in this book, great job. Have not done any reading as I just got to work....

Dark Archive

I seem to recall a paizo blog from quite awhile back talking about this supplement and material re intellect devourers. Is this the book that has info on the walking brains?

I can't wait to get home and look at this PDF. I'm glad I have my PDF for the latest Second Darkness, but since I'm not running that AP at the moment, I can wait a bit to see that . . . but this I'm really looking forward to perusing.

Sovereign Court

B_Wiklund wrote:

I seem to recall a paizo blog from quite awhile back talking about this supplement and material re intellect devourers. Is this the book that has info on the walking brains?

There is Intellect Devourer information, but it is sparse and evocative rather than deeply informative.

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
cappadocius wrote:
B_Wiklund wrote:

I seem to recall a paizo blog from quite awhile back talking about this supplement and material re intellect devourers. Is this the book that has info on the walking brains?

There is Intellect Devourer information, but it is sparse and evocative rather than deeply informative.

says the blob of eyes and mouths...

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

While I was grumbling to see the Neothid and Intellect Devourer stripped of their psionic stats, I was happy that you included psionic stats for the Seugathi. Shatter Mind Blank is nice for them, and I still see Seugathi Soul Knives.

I also love the Pech/Derro connection. Is it too late to replace Kobold with Derro in the Gnomes' enemy bonus? also, when will we see Pathfinder Spriggans?

Now I've got to track down Pelucider books.

Frog God Games

Matthew Morris wrote:
when will we see Pathfinder Spriggans?

It seems like there was some mention of spriggans in the PFCS maybe under gnomes. I do recall that many are found in the Mwangi Expanse, and that section may have information on them as well.

Sovereign Court

Greg A. Vaughan wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:
when will we see Pathfinder Spriggans?
It seems like there was some mention of spriggans in the PFCS maybe under gnomes. I do recall that many are found in the Mwangi Expanse, and that section may have information on them as well.

I think Matt wants some crunch. Some usage in an scenario or AP. He wants a bad-ass throwdown between Lini and Throatwobbler Mangrove, 4th-level Spriggan Barbarian.

Mosaic wrote:

Gosh, I hate to say this but I just don't like the name "the Darklands." I mean, I 'll live with it or tweak it for myself, but it's the first Pathfinder name that just doesn't sit well with me.

Maybe just "the Dark" or "the Darkhollows" or "the Darkrealms" or (taking a cue from Bastion Press) "the Black," but the word 'lands' suggests above ground to me.

Like I said, I'll can deal with it, but is anyone else feeling the same way?

Valid Point. I agree..It's not bad; it just doesn't fit

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

so, is this supplement like others in the line, crunch-light and fluff-heavy? I have really enjoyed "classic monsters revisited" and "guide to Korvosa" (running CotCT right now), and I fully intend to run Second Darkness, but since I've converted all my games to 4e (ducks preemptively), my interest on this supplement depends on how much of the material can be readily imported.

So, could anyone who already has the supplement answer this one for me? roughly, what's the ratio of fluff-to-crunch in "Into the Darklands"?

Frog God Games

Mauricio Quintana wrote:

so, is this supplement like others in the line, crunch-light and fluff-heavy? I have really enjoyed "classic monsters revisited" and "guide to Korvosa" (running CotCT right now), and I fully intend to run Second Darkness, but since I've converted all my games to 4e (ducks preemptively), my interest on this supplement depends on how much of the material can be readily imported.

So, could anyone who already has the supplement answer this one for me? roughly, what's the ratio of fluff-to-crunch in "Into the Darklands"?

I'd guess about an 80/20 ratio to fluff versus crunch, and it may be even higher on the fluff side, iirc. It's a lot like the campaign setting book (on a smaller scale) in that its primariry dealing with descriptions of the places and cultures/races with crunch mainly limited to sidebars (how to adjudicate Darklands hazards, etc.). I would think you could incorporate it into a 4e game fairly easily with little to no work other than the half dozen or so new monsters that are introduced.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

I think this book actually contains a higher level of crunch than other Chronicles products. Not to say it's not still really full of flavor as well. I feel like Into the Darklands is the most dense book to date when it comes to crunch actually. It's hidden in every little nook and cranny of the text. But I agree with Mr. Vaughan that it's flavor-centric enough that you could use it in any edition.

Do you have any plans for a second part of Into the Darklands or a similar manual expanding the Darklands in any future? I love much of your job in Pathfinder Setting but the result of the Darklands amazed me and I need more of them.

Please excuse my poor english.

Frog God Games

artemis_segundo wrote:

Do you have any plans for a second part of Into the Darklands or a similar manual expanding the Darklands in any future? I love much of your job in Pathfinder Setting but the result of the Darklands amazed me and I need more of them.

Please excuse my poor english.

I'm not aware of any right now, but I sure hope so. :-)

Dark Archive

I haven't yet had an opportunity to read through the Into the Darklands - I'm still waiting shipment from Canada - but Underdark/Darklands have enormous role playing potential. I mean, who needs surface anyway? Therefore, there is a need of a product dedicated to the various races of Darklands. Just my opinion...

So when does this come out in print?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

MerrikCale wrote:
So when does this come out in print?

We've already shipped subscribers and other orders; the retail release date is December 10.

Vic Wertz wrote:
MerrikCale wrote:
So when does this come out in print?
We've already shipped subscribers and other orders; the retail release date is December 10.


Silver Crusade

I was going to order at (which of course goes through amazon for their book orders (boooo)). Anyways, they said the book wouldn't come out till Jan 09?? Anyone know what's up with that?

I'll probably end up ordering it through Paizo anyways, but I thought that it was odd that came up that way (Pathfinder-Endless Night, was ok, ships out the 10th this month).


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Haldir wrote:
I was going to order at (which of course goes through amazon for their book orders (boooo)). Anyways, they said the book wouldn't come out till Jan 09?? Anyone know what's up with that?

In my experience, the relationship between when we tell Amazon a product will come out, when they tell their customers a product will come out, and when their customers actually begin to receive said products is potentially the basis for an entirely new and complex branch of mathematics. I believe that when one determines the simplest equation to describe these relationships, one will have found the secrets of the universe.

Silver Crusade

yah, I hear yah there.

No worries thou, as I said, I'll probably get it from you guys when I can. (Did a order with target for some Christmas gifts, so figure heck why not tack on some goodies for myself, ha ha).

thanks Vic


OK this must be addressed somewhere but I'm clueless so I'll just ask here....I've just discovered Paizo and pathfinder in particular (awesome on so many levels - best world ever in my opinion speaking as an obsessive worldbook/supplement collector since the late 70s). This book is typically high standard, almost everything I wanted...

What happened to mind flayers?

I have a sinking feeling I know the answer, but someone please put me out of my misery. My absolute favorite mastervillain/terrifying/horror monster...nowhere in sight *sniff*

Liberty's Edge

Steve Geddes wrote:

OK this must be addressed somewhere but I'm clueless so I'll just ask here....I've just discovered Paizo and pathfinder in particular (awesome on so many levels - best world ever in my opinion speaking as an obsessive worldbook/supplement collector since the late 70s). This book is typically high standard, almost everything I wanted...

What happened to mind flayers?

I have a sinking feeling I know the answer, but someone please put me out of my misery. My absolute favorite mastervillain/terrifying/horror monster...nowhere in sight *sniff*

Closed content. WotC's sandbox only.

Shisumo wrote:
Closed content. WotC's sandbox only.

I was right...


Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The Intellect Devourers somewhat fill in for them. Also, the illithid offshot, the neothelids are present (as a result of them being in EPH and subsequently being OGL-ized).

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I am very interested in this book. I regrettably had to steer clear of earlier works in this line because of the "typo storm" that hit when Paizo was working too hard to catch up their deadlines. I can't stand typos-they just distract me too much. Can anyone tell me if this book went to print after the great typo storm of '08? :)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Matthew Morris wrote:

While I was grumbling to see the Neothid and Intellect Devourer stripped of their psionic stats, I was happy that you included psionic stats for the Seugathi. Shatter Mind Blank is nice for them, and I still see Seugathi Soul Knives.

I also love the Pech/Derro connection. Is it too late to replace Kobold with Derro in the Gnomes' enemy bonus? also, when will we see Pathfinder Spriggans?

Now I've got to track down Pelucider books.

Well... there's still psionic versions of the intellect deveourer and neothelid online in the psionic SRD, and they work perfectly fine in place of the versions we gave in Darklands. So if you use the psionic version of the seugathi, you should definately use the psionic versions of the other two; I included the non-psionic versions for all the folks who don't want to use psionics in their games, not to trick fans of psionics into using "lesser versions." ;-)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

artemis_segundo wrote:

Do you have any plans for a second part of Into the Darklands or a similar manual expanding the Darklands in any future? I love much of your job in Pathfinder Setting but the result of the Darklands amazed me and I need more of them.

Please excuse my poor english.

Pathfinder 18 has a bit more about the Land of Black Blood. Beyond that... I certainly hope that we'll be able to do more stuff with the Darklands in the future some time!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Sayler Van Merlin wrote:
I am very interested in this book. I regrettably had to steer clear of earlier works in this line because of the "typo storm" that hit when Paizo was working too hard to catch up their deadlines. I can't stand typos-they just distract me too much. Can anyone tell me if this book went to print after the great typo storm of '08? :)

It went to print after the typo storm (an event we call "Gen Con" at the office). Whether or not there are too many typos in there for your taste is something you'll have to decide on your own, though.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Sayler Van Merlin wrote:
I am very interested in this book. I regrettably had to steer clear of earlier works in this line because of the "typo storm" that hit when Paizo was working too hard to catch up their deadlines. I can't stand typos-they just distract me too much. Can anyone tell me if this book went to print after the great typo storm of '08? :)
It went to print after the typo storm (an event we call "Gen Con" at the office). Whether or not there are too many typos in there for your taste is something you'll have to decide on your own, though.

thank you for your prompt and courteous response

I hope I wasn't too harsh in my query...

Dark Archive

Shisumo wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:

OK this must be addressed somewhere but I'm clueless so I'll just ask here....I've just discovered Paizo and pathfinder in particular (awesome on so many levels - best world ever in my opinion speaking as an obsessive worldbook/supplement collector since the late 70s). This book is typically high standard, almost everything I wanted...

What happened to mind flayers?

I have a sinking feeling I know the answer, but someone please put me out of my misery. My absolute favorite mastervillain/terrifying/horror monster...nowhere in sight *sniff*

Closed content. WotC's sandbox only.

The name is closed contend, but the concept is not. Ari Marmell (ala Mouseferatu at ENWORLD) has created the Phrenic Scourge. An OGL Mind Flayer version. Far more creepy and chtuluesque IMHO.

There are 2 versions of it.

1)The magic-using version by Lion's Den Press.

2 The psionic-using version by Dreamscarred Press.

I see the Mindflayers/Scourges as creatures from beyond the great tapestry. Servants of the Great Old Ones like the Neolithids.

I could have sworn I had a review posted, but I can't find it.

Scarab Sages

Tharen the Damned wrote:
Shisumo wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:

OK this must be addressed somewhere but I'm clueless so I'll just ask here....I've just discovered Paizo and pathfinder in particular (awesome on so many levels - best world ever in my opinion speaking as an obsessive worldbook/supplement collector since the late 70s). This book is typically high standard, almost everything I wanted...

What happened to mind flayers?

I have a sinking feeling I know the answer, but someone please put me out of my misery. My absolute favorite mastervillain/terrifying/horror monster...nowhere in sight *sniff*

Closed content. WotC's sandbox only.

The name is closed contend, but the concept is not. Ari Marmell (ala Mouseferatu at ENWORLD) has created the Phrenic Scourge. An OGL Mind Flayer version. Far more creepy and chtuluesque IMHO.

There are 2 versions of it.

1)The magic-using version by Lion's Den Press.

2 The psionic-using version by Dreamscarred Press.

I see the Mindflayers/Scourges as creatures from beyond the great tapestry. Servants of the Great Old Ones like the Neolithids.

That Ari! He's OK in my book!

Liberty's Edge

Is it me, or does the priest on p.32 have man-boobs? (Actually, they are much sexier than man-boobs though.) Is this a new drow trait for Paizo's dark elfs?

Liberty's Edge

Great sourcebook, at last i could read it and i just loved the book and the places it showed me :)
very fun, lots of fun, horror and pulp!

i can't wait to sail the underworld's Silent Sea

Liberty's Edge

Steve Geddes wrote:
Shisumo wrote:
Closed content. WotC's sandbox only.

I was right...


still in one of the images, there is silhouethe that very much looks like one of them

Dark Archive

So I take it that Skum were reworked to fill the role that Kuo-Toa filled? Is it because the KT are not OGL?

Frog God Games

David Fryer wrote:
So I take it that Skum were reworked to fill the role that Kuo-Toa filled? Is it because the KT are not OGL?

Pretty much, though with some different twists.

Dark Archive

Again, let me say what an awesome book this is! It's just great, but waaaaayyyy too short. I can't wait to see a sequel... There's some stuff I'd like to see; like an equipment section. I guess there would be enough leftz out that would justify a second book. So, ppl, please buy this great and useful book, so Paizo can't back out of releasing a second one. Well, at least it worked with CMR...

Frog God Games

Absinth wrote:
Again, let me say what an awesome book this is! It's just great, but waaaaayyyy too short. I can't wait to see a sequel... There's some stuff I'd like to see; like an equipment section. I guess there would be enough leftz out that would justify a second book. So, ppl, please buy this great and useful book, so Paizo can't back out of releasing a second one. Well, at least it worked with CMR...

Say on, by all means. There was indeed an equipment appendix that didn't make the cut. More Darklands! Huzzah!

Liberty's Edge

Steve Geddes wrote:
Shisumo wrote:
Closed content. WotC's sandbox only.

I was right...


I am sure that they aren't hard to convert. I plan on doing so. Along with the other "Closed Content Critters"

The picture of the Aboleth *finally* makes me realize why so many find them to be such awesome antagonists - Very very cool.

Just wondering here...

Where are stats for the gugs and the dire corbies? Both beasties get mentioned in the Guide, but I don't remember seeing their stats anywhere.

That said, love the book. Great work!

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Eric Hinkle wrote:

Just wondering here...

Where are stats for the gugs and the dire corbies? Both beasties get mentioned in the Guide, but I don't remember seeing their stats anywhere.

That said, love the book. Great work!

Dire Corbies I'd have to look for, but Gugs are from Crimson Throne, Skeletons of Scarwell :)

EDIT: And the Dire Corby is from Tome of Horrors Revised :)

Gamer Girrl wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:

Just wondering here...

Where are stats for the gugs and the dire corbies? Both beasties get mentioned in the Guide, but I don't remember seeing their stats anywhere.

That said, love the book. Great work!

Dire Corbies I'd have to look for, but Gugs are from Crimson Throne, Skeletons of Scarwell :)

EDIT: And the Dire Corby is from Tome of Horrors Revised :)

Thanks for the help. One more reason to finish my Crimson Throne collection before the drow/Darkans one...


Eric Hinkle wrote:

Just wondering here...

Where are stats for the gugs and the dire corbies? Both beasties get mentioned in the Guide, but I don't remember seeing their stats anywhere.
That said, love the book. Great work!

Check the monster index on page 64, it tells you where to find stats of all the weird monsters mentioned in the book.

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