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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

IMO there is no reason to make new classes to the extent that paizo has gone. Honestly, you want to make a samurai, make a fighter give him a katana and some cool looking eastern armor and take feats and traits that compliment the class or take a rogue and take exotic weapons proficencies and stealthy feats and call him a ninja? If paizo was really interested in allowing people to customize thier characters why not expand the feats, traits, equipment, archetypes ect... to define who thier characters are instead of handing out a book that gives everyone the same cookie cutter experience of being a samurai or a ninja or a gunslinger and limiting the imagination of the player. IMO making more classes doesnt allow your character to become any more unique, all it serves is to water down the class selection and hamper the average player's ability to customize thier character and make them unique.
anyway thats mostly the reason why I stick to the core classes. All I am looking for is something in society play that was there before and is not now (rules for posions in society play).

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For those looking for poison rules, those are being moved to the FAQ (and will likely stay exactly as they were in the last iteration of the Guide. I'm in Indy already, and thus can't get them up until next week. In the meantime, please use the most recently published rules on the topic.
As for the rogue, that was an unfortunate error. While listing each and every class and their respective hit dice it probably overkill to begin with, we'll add the rogue to the table for starting hp and hp per level. In the meantime, use the same data as the rest of the d8 HD classes.

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OK, ten factions? An adventure I'm running this weekend only has the original 5 for their PA rewards. None of the adventures I bought for Society events I'm running have the newer 5 factions. What do I do now if a player shows up belonging to one of the unrepresented factions? Is there Errata for the Adventures?

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OK, ten factions? An adventure I'm running this weekend only has the original 5 for their PA rewards. None of the adventures I bought for Society events I'm running have the newer 5 factions. What do I do now if a player shows up belonging to one of the unrepresented factions? Is their Errata for the Adventures?
See "Adapting Previous Seasons" on page 24.

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What happened to Play, Play, Play?! How are we supposed to make Dragnmoon's head explode? ;-)
edit: I just HAD to be the first to point it out.
I was wondering when someone would notice this rule had been eliminated and incorporated into other areas of the guide. Kudos to you, sir!

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HP fix to rangers unless rangers no longer get D10?
I'm adding that the url to the faq has faqs instead and leads to a dead link. Let me know if this isn't the right place to post this
working link
link in document

Kung-Fu Joe |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

IMO there is no reason to make new classes to the extent that paizo has gone. Honestly, you want to make a samurai, make a fighter give him a katana and some cool looking eastern armor and take feats and traits that compliment the class or take a rogue and take exotic weapons proficencies and stealthy feats and call him a ninja? If paizo was really interested in allowing people to customize thier characters why not expand the feats, traits, equipment, archetypes ect... to define who thier characters are instead of handing out a book that gives everyone the same cookie cutter experience of being a samurai or a ninja or a gunslinger and limiting the imagination of the player. IMO making more classes doesnt allow your character to become any more unique, all it serves is to water down the class selection and hamper the average player's ability to customize thier character and make them unique.
anyway thats mostly the reason why I stick to the core classes. All I am looking for is something in society play that was there before and is not now (rules for posions in society play).
I don't quite understand your complaint.
Ultimate Combat DOES expand the feats, traits, equipment, and archetypes available-- rather considerably, as I understand it-- as well as adding an entirely new base class, and two new alternate classes. The claim of a "cookie cutter" experience for a Samurai, Ninja, or Gunslinger doesn't hold water, either, as these classes all receive a number of archetypes, as well. Sure, a fighter or cavalier could make for a passable samurai. But how would an archetype for a Samurai have been any better than the alternate class we received?
I really don't understand how having less options would make things more unique.

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Kyle Baird wrote:What happened to Play, Play, Play?! How are we supposed to make Dragnmoon's head explode? ;-)
edit: I just HAD to be the first to point it out.
I was wondering when someone would notice this rule had been eliminated and incorporated into other areas of the guide. Kudos to you, sir!
And made less "exploitable"!
Does the head not exploding dance

Ryan Kappler |
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Am I having a senile moment, or does the text on page 24 under Average Party Level not agree with the example?
In the example, 28 divided by 6 equals 4.66. It then says to round up to 5, and then add 1 for the sixth player, arriving at a final APL of 6.
However, just a few sentences before that, it specifically says to round that fraction of a number down. So, in the example, the APL should actually be 5.
Is this a typo, or do I need to go back to rudimentary math and comprehension?

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Making my first character for Pathfinder Society, and I was reading an earlier version of the guide just a couple of days ago. I recall the faction section listing which classes are good for whichever faction - but that seems to be gone now.
Is this on purpose, that there are no recommendations, even though there's still the text "Some classes are harder to play in some factions than others." ?

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"I don't quite understand your complaint.
Ultimate Combat DOES expand the feats, traits, equipment, and archetypes available-- rather considerably, as I understand it-- as well as adding an entirely new base class, and two new alternate classes. The claim of a "cookie cutter" experience for a Samurai, Ninja, or Gunslinger doesn't hold water, either, as these classes all receive a number of archetypes, as well. Sure, a fighter or cavalier could make for a passable samurai. But how would an archetype for a Samurai have been any better than the alternate class we received?
I really don't understand how having less options would make things more unique"
My complaint is not about the expansion of feats, traits or equipment, i think that is great to an extent! my complaint is why is it nessesary to come out with alternate classes like the ninja when the mechanics for making a ninja are already in the book. But most everyone min/maxes anyway, so where as before most people play lets say a rogue,
then ultimate combat comes out with the ninja class, which is basically a rogue with hmm lets see a freaking ki pool and telents that put the original rogue to shame plus they can use much better weapons than a rogue, why the hell would anyone play a rogue anymore? now you have 30 new players all playing ninjas and suddenly youre not so special anymore. That is the cookie cutter experience IMO.
in addition adding classes makes it more difficult for GMs and players to keep up with the game, so now instead of having to remember how the 11 base classes worked, you then have to remember those plus the 6 out of the APG, plus the magus from ultimate magic, and now another 3 from ultimate combat. remembering every mechanic for 21 classes is damn near impossible, and everyone knows how having to look up everything hampers play. All I am trying to get at is that there is a lot of new content and quite a bit of it is blatent fluff.

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OK, ten factions? An adventure I'm running this weekend only has the original 5 for their PA rewards. None of the adventures I bought for Society events I'm running have the newer 5 factions. What do I do now if a player shows up belonging to one of the unrepresented factions? Is their Errata for the Adventures?
See "Adapting Previous Seasons" on page 24.
I have the understanding that the previous adventures were going to be revised to include the new factions. Is this still the case, and if so is there any sort of time-line set out for this?
Just curious as I have several players wanting to utilize their new factions, but are bummed because their missions are the same as the other corresponding factions at the table. They are looking for that sense of uniqueness.

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Lanorien wrote:OK, ten factions? An adventure I'm running this weekend only has the original 5 for their PA rewards. None of the adventures I bought for Society events I'm running have the newer 5 factions. What do I do now if a player shows up belonging to one of the unrepresented factions? Is their Errata for the Adventures?Mark Moreland wrote:
See "Adapting Previous Seasons" on page 24.I have the understanding that the previous adventures were going to be revised to include the new factions. Is this still the case, and if so is there any sort of time-line set out for this?
Just curious as I have several players wanting to utilize their new factions, but are bummed because their missions are the same as the other corresponding factions at the table. They are looking for that sense of uniqueness.
We currently have no plans to go back and revise three years' worth of scenarios. If your players only want to go only on missions made natively for their faction, they should play only Season 3 scenarios. Obviously, this cuts down significantly on the number of scenarios available to them, but we do not have the resources to make that level of revision to over 75 scenarios from Seasons 0-2.

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The last two pages should not feature the water mark on top and bottom of the page. At the moment the last page lacks this watermark. The reason for the need to remove them is simple; they are on top of the character sheet. If I wish to print out character sheets tailored to Pathfinder Society and hand them over, I'm hesitant to do so if my name and email address are visible there.

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The last two pages should not feature the water mark on top and bottom of the page. At the moment the last page lacks this watermark. The reason for the need to remove them is simple; they are on top of the character sheet. If I wish to print out character sheets tailored to Pathfinder Society and hand them over, I'm hesitant to do so if my name and email address are visible there.
We don't control the presence of the watermark on a per-document basis—it's not placed on the last page of *any* multi-page file, and changing that to the last two pages would not be ideal.
We'll see about putting up the PFS character sheet as a separate, non-watermarked download. (In the meantime, you can match up the back of the PFS sheet with the front of a standard sheet, as I think the only difference on the front of the sheet is the PFS logo.)

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FYI for the next update.
It seems a sentence got garbled from 4.0 to 4.1.
Changing your faction costs a number of Prestige Points equal to 3 times your character level. Changing your faction does not alter your Fame score.
Changing your faction costs a number of Prestige Points equal to 3 times your character level, but does not alter your faction does not alter your Fame score.

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On page 6 under "Finding a Game", it states the following:
The easiest way to find a local game is to visit paizo.com/pathfindersociety and click on "Find Events in Your Area". From there, you can search by zip code and radius of travel to find events that have been registered in your area.
I can find no link for "Find Events in Your Area" on the page. The closest link I found was entitled "Get Involved", but that page did not have a place to enter a zip code.

Chris Lambertz |

On page 6 under "Finding a Game", it states the following:
The easiest way to find a local game is to visit paizo.com/pathfindersociety and click on "Find Events in Your Area". From there, you can search by zip code and radius of travel to find events that have been registered in your area.I can find no link for "Find Events in Your Area" on the page. The closest link I found was entitled "Get Involved", but that page did not have a place to enter a zip code.
We've since updated the page to include some elements that are mentioned in the guide. You can also navigate to Events by clicking "Events" in the grey sub menu at the top of the page.

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Do you have a Zip File opening program? If not, check for WinZip or 7-Zip, which should be free.
On the Paizo product screen, hit "Get PDF", or whatever that says. Go to "My Downloads" <up top, near the right>, and search for the "Pathfinder Society 4.2 Guide to Organized Play" <or something similar to that>. Click on it, and then push OPEN. The screen shoud refresh, and scroll back to the product. It should say something like "personalizzing file, click back in 10 seconds". Just wait a little, and reclick it, hitting OPEN again, and wait for it to download the zipped file. Open, anf under whatever PDF reader you have, hit File and "Save a Copy".

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Is it still true that players cant use the craft profession anymore to create magic items? Also is it true that players can't play catfolk race in pathfinder society? I was told this by a player in our session other night and this would keep my scribe cleric from making cure light wound scrolls if its true.

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Both are true (no magical item creation allowed and all the core rules races only plus tengus/aasimars/tieflings- or if you have a special chronicle allowing a different race, you can use that). You could just "buy" cure light wound scrolls at the normal price though or even "purchase" a 50 charge cure light wounds wand for 2 prestige points.

Sniggevert |

The FAQ says that GMs need Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, Pathfinder Society Field Guide, and Bestiary. But the Guide to Society Play says "a GM should have access to all books in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game line of hardcover rulebooks, whether a physical or electronic copy."
Which is correct?
The Guide was JUST updated to a new version, so it is the most relevant one.
The Society Field Guide has been removed from Core Assumptions, and the GM's can use all electronic info (i.e. PRD) for prep.
I assume the language in the FAQ will be updated at a later time to match the new Guide.

thejeff |
The FAQ says that GMs need Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, Pathfinder Society Field Guide, and Bestiary. But the Guide to Society Play says "a GM should have access to all books in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game line of hardcover rulebooks, whether a physical or electronic copy."
Which is correct?
That sounds problematic. I'm not even sure which books are hardcover rulebooks.
If that's enforced, I will not start GMing for PFS.
It raises the financial bar a long way.

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All of the hardcovers are made available in electronic form on the PRD. Right now these are the hardcovers:
Core Rulebook
Gamemastery Guide
Advanced Player's Guide
Advanced Race Guide
Bestiary 2
Bestiary 3
NPC Codex
Ultimate Campaign
Ultimate Combat
Ultimate Equipment
Ultimate Magic
And the just released Mythic Adventures