Dragon Issue #311

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Special Update Series 2 of 3

They’re not just from dragons anymore. Alternate sorcerer bloodlines tap hidden resevoirs of power.
By Scott Carter

Monsters have been using templates, so why not spells? These new feats give wizards a spellcasting edge.
By Christopher Perkins based on an idea by Monte Cook

Clerics don’t just have to lean on a deity to get their power anymore. New cleric specialists present new paths to divine might.
By Ari Marmell

Grow closer to aspects of the natural world with these variant druid classes.
By Matthew Sernett

Bardic prestige classes that both capitalizeon the class’s versatility and provide new powers to make your bard sing.
By Patrick Younts and Jeff Quick

Ben Bova brings Orion back to DRAGON. Arthur could claim his birthright and become the next High King, but he must first avoid the pitfalls set by the timetraveling Creators who seek his destruction.
By Ben Bova

Give your fighter an edge with these feat combos and tactics.
By Michael Mearls

Hireling and cohort NPCs can be a burden or a blessing. Learn how to avoid the former.
By Johann Four

Dungeon Adventures Part 3
Dungeoncraft’s look at dungeons continues with several ways to make your dungeon denizens respond realistically.
By Monte Cook

Due to licensing restrictions, the PDF Download edition of this issue does not include Phil Foglio's What's New with Phil & Dixie, Gary Gygax's Up on a Soapbox or Guinevere's Fate by Ben Bova.

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This issue has a lot of neat variants for the core spellcasting classes, things that are very similar to PHB 2 and Unearthed Arcana.

That said, I'm looking at the Evangelist Cleric, and it seems a little light. No turning, and less armor proficiency...Has anyone played one? How was it?

I'd be interested in information on the Evangelist variant from this issue as well. Love the idea of the spontaneous divine caster. And Favored Soul is way broken in my opinion.

Has anyone played one of these? Do they hold their own as is or are they in need of a boost somehow?

Thanks in advance.

Bump! c'mon. No one has played/has an opinion on the evangelist cleric variant?

Silver Crusade

Hey Bian,
Give it some time. You are asking during working hours and most of uare at work. Since I work nights I happen to catch your post. As far as my opinion of an evenagilist priest? Well any cleric for starters can evangilize, how else do they spread their god's message? I do't really see them as an adenturing type person. They would stick to civilization and the cmmmon races. Of course there are always exceptions:1. The main focus of the campaign is an eveangelc priest who gets captured by heathens who then covnerts them to his faith who later then aid his home against an invasion of monsters. 2. The main character in the campaign has a mission to convert everyone he meets. He isn't worried about adventuring and exploration he just wants to spead his god's message to the exclusion of all else and has body guards (the other pcs) to help him.
I have never played one and don't have any interest in playing them. As I said I don't see them as an adventuring type per se. I would be more intereste in a warpriest or a daring explorer in service of the god of luck. I have that issue of Dragon and I can look if you need me to. I also have the complete divine which has an evengelic prestige class in there as well. Hope that helps.



First, thanks for the reply. Second, yes I need patience.

Anyway. I do have the CDivine book. And that PrC is more along the lines of an actual Evangelist. With the Oratory and Converting Heathens focus. The Evangelist in the Dragon issue is not so much. Maybe the name evangelist was just thrown out as a synonym for priest. It's basically a Spontaneous divine caster. It loses Turning and Armor Proficiency, gains Spontaneous casting like a sorcerer, and gains access to extra domain spells every 5 levels. It is described as almost an innate connection to their god, lacking formal training or affiliation with a church.

Talking the class over with my DM, the Dragon issue isn't clear on two things; If the extra domains grant the domain power, and if the Deity the cleric follows only ha three domains-which domains (if any) are fair game.

As it stands, My DM thinks it's not broken but maybe a little on the light side. He's currently debating what to add. Possibly an increase in skill points, or Bonus Skill Focus Feat(Diplomacy). The skill focus keeps within the Evangelistic feel.

I'm currently Playing a 5th level 3Ranger/2rogue character who follows Olidammara. And I'm contemplating taking alternating levels of rogue and cleric of Olidammara and am very interested in the spontaneous casting variant.

Our campaign is very role-play heavy and my DM and I are having fun with how my Ranger Gave Up the Wild as it were to Model himself after the "teachings" of Olidammara. In a combat heavy campaign this prolly would impair the character, but as it stands our sessions are a blast.

Sorry for getting so long winded. And thanks again for the response.


Well, I did go the cleric variant route for my next level. As an innate connection to their god seemed the main focus of the variant, me and my DM decided that giving the Worldly Focus(Cleric does not need Divine focus for spells) Feat made sense.

He re-dubbed it Personal Focus and added it as a 1st level ability. Seemed fitting as many have been campaigning for Eschew Materials for Sorcerers. He also renamed the class Apostle. But that's just my DM changing flavor.

Ranger3/Rogue2/Apostle1 - Not your everyday adventurer

Silver Crusade

Hey Brian,
Sounds like a smark DM you have. How has the game been going? Have you had as much fun as you thought you would or more? Let me know. I t hink an apostle would fit in more with an adventuring group anyway. Thanks.

Silver Crusade

Sorry I meant smart DM.

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