Dragon d20 Special


List Price: $7.00

Our Price: $2.00

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First Watch
The latest d20 news

Open Game License
The real rules of the game

What the Heck is the d20 System?
The genesis of the concept, from the man who started it all
by Ryan Dancey

All’s Fair in Lovecraft and Warcraft
Adapting the material of others, from Shakespeare to Scooby Doo
by Mike Selinker

Pattern Weavers
New hero templates for the Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game
by Owen K.C. Stephens

Beasts of the Wheel of Time
Twenty-six Wheel of Time creatures to ride, eat, or fear
by Robert Jordan and Owen K.C. Stephens

First Look: Dragonstar
Why hold a magic item when you can implant it directly into your body?
by Greg Benage

The Black Talon Ss’ressen
Unveiling the Lizardfolk of Arcanis
by Henry Lopez

Black Riders and Bone Horses
Sometimes, Death’s pale horse is more dangerous than his scythe.
by Wolfgang Baur

Firearms of Freeport
Give these guns a shot (or two) in your campaign.
by Chris Pramas

Head to Head: Mini-Adventures
Thirty-six adventures can’t all be gems.
by Jim Bishop

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Is this available in PDF format?

Customer Service Representative

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Unfortunately, no. If it is not listed for sale as a PDF it is unavailable.


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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Hey I have this issue!

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Dragonhelm wrote:
Is this available in PDF format?

Is it the Wheel of Time stuff in this issue you are interested in? I know the show just recently came out, so perhaps it's piqued the interest of some RPG folks.

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For Wheel of Time RPG material, you could look at the Pathfinder conversion done by Jesse Jack Jones here. It is free and easily accessible, unlike the original RPG or the article about it in the Dragon d20 special.

Good to have some free WoT stuff by Jesse Jack Jones for PF1e out there, David knott 242. ;)

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