zeitgeistclown's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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I know that you can use it to recolor things, and some people use it to recolor hair and stuff, but what about using it to apply clown makeup as a magical effect? Would this work?

Yeah, in the entry for the portable grinder, it talks about how the swappable tank that collects the polyfluid weighs 1 bulk when empty, but doesn't state it's capacity.

How much polyfluid can a portable grinder tank hold?

You've convinced me. I'm officially a convert to the Create Demiplane spells.

Thanks much!

Is there a metamagic feat that would let me increase the internal area of my Mage's Magnificent Mansion? Going from 3 ten foot cubes per level to, well...more?

Also, could you use permanency on the MMM spell?

The key unlocks nothing. However, it can lock anything.


Okay, the Snake Style feat allows you to do piercing damage with an unarmed strike. My question is: Can that count as the light or one-handed piercing weapon that the Swashbuckler uses for most of his abilities?

Picking up the ability at level one gives you a 10' cube. Picking it up at level three gives you a 30' cube. So here's my dumb question: If you pick up the ability at level one, can you automatically add on the additional space once you hit level three?

Many of the dragon's guards are undead -- zombies, skeletons, and the like. Deep in the midst of it's horde is a tiny chest made of expensive materials (the replica of a Secret Chest). If the larger chest is summoned forth from the ethereal plane, it is found to contain a multitude of smaller boxes, pouches, and other containers, each holding a single lich's phylactery.

The dragon trades his services as a well guarded vault for undead minions to aid in it's protection.

(There are actually a lot of interesting scenarios you can come up with based on the premise of a dragon acting as a safe-deposit-box system for powerful and evil entities.)