The Plagued One

zZMattZz's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


So, My wife and I just started playing around with Tarot cards, and she REALLY wants to make a character that focuses on those cards heavily.

I've been trying to find some archetypes with witch's and oracles and they come close but not quite hitting the spot. She's very attached to her deck specifically, so I'm wondering if there is any way to translate or implement them (Tarot Cards) in place of what the Harrow deck idea is offering? I've been thinking about home brewing some concepts for her, but I don't have a team to game test for balancing. Any pointers?

So, My wife and I just started playing around with Tarot cards, and she REALLY wants to make a character that focuses on those cards heavily.

I've been trying to find some archetypes with witch's and oracles and they come close but not quite hitting the spot. She's very attached to her deck specifically, so I'm wondering if there is any way to translate or implement them (Tarot Cards) in place of what the Harrow deck idea is offering? I've been thinking about home brewing some concepts for her, but I don't have a team to game test for balancing. Any pointers?