
xyxrt's page

***** Pathfinder Society GM. 26 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 30 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Scarab Sages

Z...D... wrote:
The Pathfinder Season 2 scenarios did not drop with the Venture Officer batch. Got the ACG and SFS scenarios though.

Same here.

Scarab Sages 4/5 ***

Great news, now has anyone actually gotten them to work?

I have a brand new character (2006) that I tried to purchase the Iruxi ancestry boon for. Nothin happened other than the page refreshed.

Scarab Sages

So, per a conversation I had with Alex, I believe what is going to happen here is that GenCon GMs and volunteers will get an early drop of this adventure to run at GenCon, but that the broader release date will be late August. I'll send a link to this post to Alex and Tonya just to verify that my understanding is correct, and if there's any misunderstanding, I'll ask them to post again here with the clarification.

Thanks for looking into this. As I implied, releasing the first scenarios of the new season at GenCon is how it has been done for the past at least 8 years now (going all the way back to season 4 of 1st edition, which is when I started playing PFS). Seems like a significant change in policy is all.

Scarab Sages

Hey Michael,

I have the same question for this as I do the two new scenarios for season 2. Typically, the new season's scenarios are publically released at GenCon. I know these are all being ran at GenCon so was just curious why it had a release date of August 26.

Any insight? Is Paizo no longer going to publically release the first couple scenarios from the new season at GenCon?


Scarab Sages

This, along with 2-02, is supposed to be released at GenCon, correct? Why the available date of 8/26 then?

Scarab Sages 4/5 ***

I had indeed noticed that as well, Ryan. Just forgot to mention it. As of right now, my expectation is that I will have a table of 5 level 2s and a level 1. If that is the way it turns out, my intention is to run sub tier 3-4 without any adjustments except to give the level 1 a bump as described in the OP guideline. But, I will also get a feel for the party and choose the options based upon n what I feel they can handle, not roll randomly

Scarab Sages 4/5 ***

albadeon wrote:
Err, I think the scenario scaling is meant to replace the OP scaling. You don't apply both.

If you don't apply both, then what tells you that 16-19 challenge points is unmodified high tier?

Scarab Sages 4/5 ***

Thanks Robert, that's more or less how I was reading it too, but wanted to make sure that was the intent. I just think that they should be consistent. Based on how we both seem to be reading it, the gm has to combine the organized play scaling with the in scenario scaling. I'm fine with that, just wish it was a little clearer. For example, I assume that we would still give a level 1 player a bump if the table consisted of 5 level 2s and a level 1 for a total of 17 points.


Robert Hetherington wrote:
Having chosen Omamori Amulet I am somewhat worried about murdering them with the level 6 Dorobu with his agile +18 to hit for 2d6+4

I agree that this is going to be brutal. The 'easiest' encounter C (at least in terms of Acs and DCs) is probably the Paper Lantern encounter, but then there are a level 3 and a level 5 monster.

Looking at the tables on CRB pg. 489, if players are level 2 (which most of mine are), that's 180 xp (one creature at party level +1 is 60 and one creature at party level +3 is 120). That makes this an extreme encounter. Even if you run one of the other lines, the encounters all start with a creature that is party level +4, which is 160 xp (again an extreme encounter).

I understand that the fact that there will be 6 players at the table will help to mitigate the extremeness of the encounter, but it's still going to be brutal.

Scarab Sages 4/5 ***

I noticed something today when I started prepping this. The challenge point adjustments don't line up at all with what's listed in the guide to organized play, at least not in subtler 3-4. Also, there's no mention of 16 - 19 challenge points.

Which scaling am I supposed to use? If it's the one in the scenario, then what about challenge points 16 - 19? If it's the one from the guide, what adjustments truly need to be made?

Scarab Sages 4/5 ***

Ok, point of confusion. I ran this for my players over the weekend. When I went to report it, it told me it was repeatable. However, the quest does not have the repeatable tag on it. My understanding was it wasn't repeatable, but wanted to get clarification.

Scarab Sages 4/5 ***

Awesome, thanks. Somehow missed that.

Scarab Sages 4/5 ***

I see that there are runes that get ecthed onto weapons and armor (potency, striking, resilient, etc) to make gear magical. On pg. 580 of the CRB, it sounds like those get etched on using the Crafting activity. My question is this: does a character have to perform this etching themselves, or can they purchase that service? In other words, can they just buy a +1 striking weapon or a +2 resilient armor (provided they meet the level requirements of said gear), or do they have to use downtime to craft this themselves?

Also, if they can purchase these straight out, is it just the cost of the formula or is there an additional cost for the "etching service"?

Scarab Sages 4/5 ***

Hi All,

The second largest convention in the U.S. is coming up at the end of May. Phoenix Comicon had over 80,000 people in attendance in 2014, only San Diego Comicon was larger.

Phoenix Comicon brings out the top comic book writers and artists in the industry, features many genres from pop culture (anime, authors, horror, and steampunk) and presents a full weekend of events and activities for you and your family. Please see for more information.

Among these events will be an entire weekend of Pathfinder Society play. Players of any level of experience are welcome.

Come join us as we travel through the mythical realm of Golarion. During your travels you will: Explore dungeons, solve puzzles, fight various magical creatures, and possibly even slay a mighty kraken.

Also, Saturday night we will be running the end of Season 5 interactive special; Legacy of the Stonelords. At long last, the Pathfinders have reached the lost Sky Citadel Jormurdun only to find it already occupied by fiends and subterranean foes. The Society must mount an epic offense to explore the immense subterranean city while simultaneously driving off the squatters within. If they succeed, the Pathfinders may discover that the greatest prize is not the mountain fortress itself but the treasure that lies at its heart.

You can sign up for PFS events through Warhorn at

Hope to see you there!
Tom Martin
VC - Arizona

Scarab Sages 4/5 ***

Another issue is on page 16. "The improvised pool is murky enough to provide concealment against any attacks that travel through 20 feet or more of water, and a PC must succeed at a DC

In addition to supporting the ceiling, the pillars"

What is the DC, and what is it for?

Scarab Sages 4/5 ***

Please join me in welcoming a new VL in the greater Phoenix area. Aaron Motta has been playing/running PFS since season 0 and is a fantastic GM. All the players at his tables have a great time and speak highly of Aaron. He is very dedicated to making sure PFS is a success in all respects. I feel honored to have him as a member of the team.

Once again, welcome Aaron and congratulations.

Scarab Sages 4/5 ***

John, please don't take that as a personal affront. I disliked the scenario for what it was, not who was running it. You did the best you could.

Scarab Sages 4/5 ***

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Please join me in welcoming a new VL to the Grand Canyon state. Most of you know him as TriOmegaZero, Steven Schopmeyer joins the ranks here in Arizona.

He recently received his 5th star as a GM as well (150th table was the special at Paizocon this year).

Congratulations and welcome, Steven.

Scarab Sages 4/5 ***

Congratulations to TriOmegaZero for reaching 5 stars. You have been a fantastic contributor to the folks in Phoenix, and Arizona in general. Thank you for all you do for the community. It was a privilege to play at your 150th.

I'll always remember the carnivorous ooze fondly.

Scarab Sages

I'm very interested in playing the high level table as well. I have either a 10th level barbarian or an 11th level archer that could play in this.

Scarab Sages

What are the restrictions for character creation for this event? I know it's a level 5 character based on a 25 point buy with 10,500 gp worth of gear. However, are there any restrictions as to what resources we can use? How are we handling HP beyond first level, etc.?

Scarab Sages 4/5 ***

TriOmegaZero wrote:
I know Phoenix has had one run to completion of Eyes of the Ten, and is 3/4ths of the way through a second. I am not aware of any 12+ modules going off, and I don't have a number for the Seeker tables at Race for the Runecarved Key and Siege of the Diamond City, but I know there have been at least two by my recollection.

Quite right, Steven. We have 1 3/4 runs of Eyes (Part 4 scheduled for June 28), one Seeker table for Siege of the Diamond City, and one table for Race for the Runecarved Key, all within the last 10 months or so.

Scarab Sages

How is that fluff? The sentence before is talking about mechanics, as well as the sentence after.

Scarab Sages

There is some ambiguity in the description of Frightful Presence that needs to be clarified.

Per the Universal Monster Rules in the Bestiary:

Frightful Presence (Ex)
This special quality makes a creature’s very presence unsettling to foes. Activating this ability is a free action that is usually part of an attack or charge. Opponents within range who witness the action may become frightened or shaken. The range is usually 30 feet, and the duration is usually 5d6 rounds. This ability affects only opponents with fewer Hit Dice or levels than the creature has. An affected opponent can resist the effects with a successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 frightful creature’s racial HD + frightful creature’s Cha modifier; the exact DC is given in the creature’s descriptive text). On a failed save, the opponent is shaken, or panicked if 4 Hit Dice or fewer. An opponent that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to that same creature’s frightful presence for 24 hours. Frightful presence is a mind-affecting fear effect.

I'm not sure how to interpret that. In the first part it implies that you can be either frightened or shaken, but later it says shaken or panicked.

Is the first just a poor choice of words, and it is not describing the actual condition? To me, I can see the interpretation working this way...If a PC succeeds at the will save, he is shaken. If he fails but has more than 4 HD, he is frightened. If he fails and has 4 or fewer HD, he is panicked.

Any thoughts on this?

Scarab Sages 4/5 ***

I was at Jason's table for this scenario. Disclaimer, I have not read the scenario as yet, so don't know if things could have been handled differently or not. I was the only Chelaxian at the table, so really the only one this affected directly, but it could be problematic in the future.

In the first combat, our sorceress failed her sense motive check to realize the second wave of morlocks were friendlies so she fireballed them. Not having the stats for Bogipfen, Jason ruled that the 47 points of fire damage (she failed the reflex save) killed her. That made it impossible for me to get my faction boon for the scenario. I was playing a fighter with no skill in spellcraft (because, why would I). I succeeded at the sense motive, but didn't realize what the sorceress was doing. I mostly attribute this to just a bad mix of characters, but it is something that could happen time and time again.

Scarab Sages 4/5 ***

This October 4-6, 2013, journey to Tucson for Southern Arizona's premier tabletop gaming convention. From board games to RPGs, CCGs to Minis, you won't have to go on a quest to play your favorite games or discover new ones.

Scarab Sages 4/5 ***

Thanks to all of you. Hopefully I'll get a chance to meet some of you guys in person in a couple weeks at Paizocon.