Nightmare Bat

xiN.'s page

Organized Play Member. 57 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

The Exchange

If I have 8 hours a day to craft, can I increase the DC of the spellcraft check to DC+5 and craft 2x 4h for 2000gp worth of crafting. And can I increase it by another +5 and do 4000gp per day?

As far as I can see the only limit is 8 hours max per day, and you can double your crafting speed for every +5 you add to the DC.

Am I right?

The Exchange

I'm looking for a RPG that rivals DnD/PFRPG in awesomeness and fun!

The Exchange

If you have the rogue talent Fast Stealth, can you take a 5 foot step to enter stealth?

(assuming you have cover/concealment etc.)

The Exchange

I'm looking for a gaming group to join. I don't really care about the software used but it has to be real time. I have Fantasy Grounds and Maptool.

I am willing to DM a campaign if somebody else is willing to DM a game where I am a player.

The Exchange

So what I want to know from you guys is how you go about finding treasure.

Is it as straightforward as just searching a place with a high perception roll or is there anything specific that you do?

How do you avoid walking past an item worth thousands of gold pieces?

The Exchange

Ok, so there seems to have been some confusion at our gaming table about UMD.

I had my familiar cast a spell from a scroll with UMD. I was under the impression that rolling below the target DC would result in a failed check, and that rolling a 1 would force me to wait 24 hours before trying again.

The DM however referenced this line in the "activate blindly" section of UMD


This mishap is in addition to the chance

for a mishap that you normally risk when you cast a spell
from a scroll that you could not otherwise cast yourself

Meaning there is a mishap when you normally cast from a scroll if it's not on your list of spells, even with UMD.

So basically my question is, can my familiar still burn through scrolls and charges on wands if he fails his checks?

The Exchange

If I am a human wizard, can I take flyby attack?

I don't have a permanent flight speed, but I do have access to it through spells.