
wolfpalidan's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Liberty's Edge

Help Please Played fantasy trip and some DnD back in the day just started playing with my Boy and his Buds a few years ago not as often as I would like. we been to Gen- con the last two years Heres the ? they cannot give me a reason but tell me I will not be able to run an Elf as an Inquisitor my boy says he dosen"t see any reason why I coulden't and iwould like to go with stealth and ranged weapons ANY AND ALL HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED

Liberty's Edge

played DnD 3.5 off and on many years get together 8/10 times a year and play last year was my first at GEN-CON had a blast returning this year. we played Blackmoor last year they went 4.0 my friend who GMs for us suggested Pathfinder this year everthing looks cool with Pathfinder. I did't have a credit card to pre order my core rule book hes hoping to get his before the 11th gen-con starts the 12th but his work schdule is heavy as well as mine my question is I decided to run a cleric is year anywhere i can go to find my spell +domain spell list or are they not that differan't from dnd 3.5 players handbook or blackmoors