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Male Human Ranger 2/ Inquisitor of Abadar 3

Upon rising in the morning, Mikal seeks out Talathel. If you are up to it, I have a job we could do today. Some of the victims were the Duresu family, known for skirting some of the tariffs but in good standing with my church. I have a hunch their murders were not coincidental. It will involve us impersonating priests and possibly some breaking and entering. Are you up for it?

After receiving the missive from the Guild, He approaches the rest of the group to discuss how to proceed. I have a need to check the shop and home of the Duresu family for the church. I have two pairs of vestments and we willl be going in disguised as priests. We could use someone to act as a lookout. Once this is done, we could start to look into these burglaries.

After the discusssions, Mikal washes himself up and prepares his disguise using some extra padding to hide his armor under the vestments, and the folds of the robe to disguise his sword.

Disguise 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

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Below is a class I have made for my home campaign based on the sentinel class from Dragon 310. It is a class of holy warriors that have celestial patrons and are dedicated to protecting Golarion from devils and demons. They were born out of the ashes of the paladins of Aroden who had a desire to serve the powers of good without the fear of deicide stripping them of their abilities. I have put in te spoiler section as it is quite long.

I would appreciate any feedback you could give as to flavor and balance.


The Sentinel is a wandering crusader who patrols the width and breadth of the world, constantly watching for incursions from the Lower Planes. The Sentinel finds the endless hordes of demons, devils and other fiends to be the most offensive and dangerous threat to life. He has sacrificed much to become the perfect warrior, dedicated to preventing them from gaining any further foothold in the world he loves. They belong to a knightly order founded shortly after the death of Aroden, when the gods feared that further deicide was a threat. These holy warriors are not beholden to a single god for their power, rather, a whole host of celestials act as proxies ensuring that the death of another god will not result in the loss of their powers and ability to defend the world.

To the Sentinel, evil is simply that: evil. It can be hidden under a haze of entropy and chaos, it can masquerade under a hundred diabolically written laws, or it can revel in the truth of its cruelty. It makes no difference to the Sentinel, nor do the methods he uses to combat it. Often, a Sentinel uses the laws of the land and local governments to fight against incursions of evil, but just as often, he is forced to fight alone, against established tradition, and against the will of society.

Sentinels are most often neutral good, though a few lawful good and chaotic good sentinels do exist. Sentinels are not pledged to any one deity, rather, they are faithful to their order and their celestial sponsor. There strongholds are always located on the fringes of civilization and in hard to reach locations. As further protection, the warded so that no one may locate them by magical means or enter them without the blessing of a celestial host. Sentinels do not wear badges and membership in their order is usually a closely held secret. Other members are identified by code words and phrases that are bestowed by their sponsors at need, and only good for a single encounter. They also refrain from wearing heavy armor or clothing that would call attention to them or make them look more threatening than a common soldier.

Alignment: Any Good
Hit Die: d10
Base Attack Bonus: as Paladin
Saves: as Paladin

Class Skills: Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Knowledge (the Planes) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis)
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int Modifier

Spells per Day: As Paladin (see spell list below)

Level Special Ability
1 Aura of Good, Weapon Focus, Celestial Sponsor
2 Alertness, Detect Evil
3 Smite Evil 1/day
4 Fiendslayer +2, Censure Outsiders
5 Damage reduction 1/-, Consecrated Casting
6 Courage of Heaven (Fear), Weapon Specialization
7 Mettle
8 Smite Evil 2/day
9 Fiend Slayer +4
10 Damage Reduction 2/-
11 Courage of Heaven (Enchant)
12 Bonus Feat (see below)
13 Smite Evil 3/day
14 Fiendslayer +6
15 Damage Reduction 3/-
16 Courage of Heaven (Radius)
17 Fiendslayer +8
18 Smite Evil 4/day
19 True Sight
20 Celestial Ascension

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Sentinels are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with light and medium armor, and with shields (except tower shields).

Aura of Good (Ex): The power of a Sentinels aura of good is equal to his Sentinel level.

Weapon Focus: Through their strict training, the Sentinel receives weapon focus as a bonus feat.

Celestial Sponsor: Upon initiation, a Sentinel is sponsored by a celestial being who acts as a proxy for all the sentinel and conduit for his divine power. This celestial grants the Sentinel knowledge of the location of strongholds and passwords at need. The Celestial may also set tasks for the Sentinel that the Sentinel is oathbound to complete. The Sentinel may contact the celestial through prayer once per week at first level to seek guidance. The Celestial will always answer any questions as vaguely as possible in the hopes that the Sentinel will discover the answer for himself and thereby grow in knowledge and become a more independent agent for good. At some time after the Sentinel has reached 10th level, the Celestial Sponsor will send out what is known as ‘The Call’. This is a compulsion to seek out a candidate for initiation into the order and accompany him to a stronghold. At such a time, the Sentinel is also responsible for the first six months of the initiates training, by which time the initiate has bonded with a new celestial sponsor. After this six month training is complete, the Sentinel must make a choice, remain in the stronghold and take up a life of contemplation and prayer, or leave the stronghold and continue the crusade. If they choose to leave the stronghold, all memory of its location is wiped from the mind of the Sentinel and they are fated never to enter another Sentinel stronghold again.

Alertness: Sentinels receive alertness as a bonus feat

Detect Evil (Sp): At will, a Sentinel can use detect evil, as the spell. A sentinel can, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is evil, learning its strength as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the Sentinel does not detect evil in any other object or individual within range.

Smite Evil (Su): Once per day, a Sentinel can call out to the powers of good to aid him in his struggle against evil. This ability is activated as a swift action and lasts for one round. When smiting evil, a Sentinel adds his charisma bonus (if any) on his attack roll and deals one extra point of damage per Sentinel level whenever he attacks an evil creature. If the creature hit by the Sentinel using smite evil is and outsider with the evil subtype, the bonus to damage increases to 1d6 points of damage per two levels the Sentinel possesses (rounded down, minimum +1d6) and the damage automatically bypasses any DR the creature might possess.

In addition, while the smite evil is in effect, the Sentinel gains a deflection bonus equal to his charisma modifier (if any) to his AC against attacks made by evil creatures. If the sentinel accidentally smites a creature that is not evil, he does not gain any bonuses an attack or damage rolls, but he retains the AC bonus against evil creatures.

The Sentinel gains additional smite per day at 8th, 13th, and 18th level to a maximum of 4 smites per day. Starting at 13th level, the smiting effect last for 2 rounds.

Fiendslayer (Ex): Sentinels gain a number of special benefits to combat evil outsiders. A 4th level Sentinel gets a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls against evil outsiders. On a successful attack, he deals an extra 1d6 points of damage. This damage stacks with any extra damage caused by smite evil ability. These bonuses increase to +4/ +2d6 at 9th level, +6/ +3d6 at 14th level, and +8/ +4d6 at 17th level.

The competency bonus also applies to Intimidate, Perception, and Sense Motive checks when those skills are used against evil outsiders.

Censure Outsiders (Su): Sentinels can censure outsiders, much as a cleric can channel energy. When a Sentinel uses this ability, he unleashes a wave of celestial power in a 30 foot burst. All evil outsiders in this radius must make a will save (DC 10 + Sentinels Cha modifier + Sentinels level) or be censured.

A censured outsider whose HD is equal to or greater than the Sentinels level become stunned for 1 round. An outsider who has HD equal to half the sentinels level but not equal to the sentinels level is stunned for 1d4 rounds and must make another Will save (same DC) or be sent back to its home plane as if it had been the subject of a dismissal spell. Only one outsider may be dismissed in this way by any single censure outsider attempt. If more than one outsider is forced to make the second Will save, check for the outsider with the lowest HD first. All outsiders within the radius that have HD less than half the Sentinels level are automatically dismissed with no additional saving throw allowed.

A Sentinel may censure outsiders once per day for every 4 levels he possesses.

Damage Reduction (Ex): Starting at 5th level, Sentinels have the ability to shrug off some amount of injury from each blow or attack. A Sentinel gains damage reduction 1/-, at 10th level, this increases to 2/-, and at 15th level it increases to 3/-.

Consecrated Casting (Ex): When a Sentinel reaches 5th level, spells cast by him are evil outsiders become more difficult to resist. The Sentinel adds +2 to caster level checks to overcome an evil outsider's spell resistance and a +2 to the DC of any saving throw the spell allows.

Courage of Heaven (Su): A Sentinel of 6th level or higher is immune to fear spells or effects. At 11th level, this immunity expands to include enchantment spells and effects. At 16th level and higher, these immunities extend to all allies within a 20’ radius of the Sentinel.

Weapon Specialization: Sentinels gain Weapon Specialization as a bonus feat at 6th level.

Mettle (Su): A Sentinel’s special training allows him to shrug off magical effects that would otherwise harm him. If a Sentinel makes a successful Will or Fortitude save that would normally reduce the spell’s effect, he suffers no effect from the spell at all. Only those spells with a Saving Throw entry of ‘will partial’ or ‘fortitude half’, or similar entries can be negated through this ability.

Bonus Feat: At 12th level the Sentinel gains a bonus feat from the following list: Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Persuasive, or Skill Focus.

True Sight (Sp): A 19th level Sentinel can use True Seeing as the spell, at will.

Celestial Ascension (Su): At 20th level, you can call upon the power of the heavens. You gain immunity to acid, cold, and petrifaction. You also gain resist electricity 10, resist fire 10, and a +4 racial bonus on saves against poison. Finally, you gain the tongues ability, allowing you to speak with any creature that has a language.

Code of Conduct: A sentinel must be of good alignment and loses all class abilities if he ever willingly commits an evil act. The sentinel is most at home in the wilderness or frontier settings. He only journeys into large cities when absolutely necessary, and he avoids travel to other planes except in the most dire of need, since his vows require him to battle evil on his home planes. These vows call for him to protect the natural order of the world from becoming influenced or tainted by the forces of the evil outer planes. Additionally, the Sentinel is honor-bound to provide assistance to any town or outpost that is in need, to prevent the roots of evil from taking hold. Sentinels must always place the extermination of a fiend above all other priorities. Failure to adhere to this code can result in censure from his celestial sponsor and the loss of all special abilities until such time as atonement has been made. Extreme transgressions can result in expulsion from the Order and the sinner being hunted and destroyed by his sponsor.

Sentinel Spell List:

1st Level: Bless, Bless Water, Bless Weapon, Detect Poison, Divine Favor, Endure Elements, Hold Portal, Magic Weapon, Protection From Evil, remove Fear, Shield of Faith, Summon Monster I

2nd level: Aid, Align Weapon, Bear’s Endurance, Bull’s Strength, Consecrate, Eagle’s Splendor, Resist Elements, Sound Burst, Shield Other, Spiritual Weapon, Undetectable Alignment, See Invisible, Summon Monster II

3rd Level: Daylight, Dispel Magic, Dispel Evil, Invisibility Purge, Magic Circle vs. Evil, Magic Vestment, Prayer, Protection from Elements, Searing Light, Shout, Summon Monster III

4th Level: Break Enchantment, Death Ward, Dimensional Anchor, Discern Lies, Dismissal, Freedom of Movement, Holy Sword, Lesser Planar Ally

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Below is the write up for Torag I did for one of my players (they same one who i had to create a whole new deity for and then he decides he wants to go with Torag). I would appreciate your comments.

God of the Forge, Protection, and Strategy

Symbol: Gleaming silver hammer inscribed with runes
Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Craftsmanship, Strategy, Protection
Worshiper’s AL: All
Cleric’s AL: LG, LN, NG
Domains: Artifice, Earth, Good, Law, Protection
Favored Weapon: Warhammer

Torag usually appears as a stern faced bearded man with a powerful build. His upper body is particularly robust, with a barrel chest, broad shoulders, and arms knotted with muscle. He has large, unblinking eyes of liquid silver that perceive everything that encroaches on his domain. He always wears rune inscribed plate armor of unearthly intricacy and design. Torag is never found without his silver hammer, Tor-Angol, in hand.


Torag teaches the value of hard labor, honesty, dependability and vigilance. He encourages his followers to tackle their problems with vigor and persistence, like smiths hammering bits of metal into more desirable shapes. War and defense are to be treated in the same manner that a craftsman forges a blade, with careful planning and attention to detail. His followers are expected to fight in defense of home and country, and to be skilled in the arts of peace as well as war. It is the duty of all his followers to be vigilant and watchful of threats that may come to their borders.

Clerics of Torag

Cleric class variant: Lose Knowledge (Arcana)
Gain Spot

Torag’s clerics are active in civic life, tending to the needs of families and the community as advisors, judges, and arbiters of disputes. They see to the education of the young and especially to the training of apprentice smiths and craftspeople. They also sponsor works of craftsmanship that will have some value to the community and its defense. They are rooted in the realities of daily life and often toil alongside their flock. His clerics bless new homes and consecrate the forges and workshops of worshiper’s. They are strong, capable people with quick wits and combat skills. They train themselves and others in the arts of war, and especially self defense.

The Church of Torag

Temples of Torag always include a forge which is kept perpetually lit. Often there is a ceremonial forge in the sanctuary with a working forge elsewhere in the compound. They are usually on the edge of their community and include a watchtower in there design. His temples are simple yet strong, and offer some defense to the community. Often unassuming decoration or furnishing will have a dual purpose not apparent at first sight, greatly adding to the hall’s defense. On Oathdays, the Halls of Torag sponsor training in the arts of war to any within the community whom seek it. There are often hidden armories within the Temple, also, that can be accessed at need.

Visitors to Torag’s temples find the comfort of a warm, dry place to rest and regain ones strength. Those truly in need find that the cleric’s courtesy and generosity are bounded only by a desire to see the supplicant become self-sufficient and therefore a benefit to the community as a whole.