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Wading through this, as someone who has the second edition books, I really can't see any reason to buy into the remaster. None of the changes are interesting enough to be worth the money - especially _not_ multiple Player core books that are essentially required because basic classes are split between these splat books. That's a WOTC level money grub. As it stands, I can take the core rule book & basic bestiary & dice and play. More than good enough. I understand the legal reasons for the changes and that some other changes are being hammered in using that excuse as well since you're going to version 2.5 (in all but name) anyway. But without a single volume softback, I won't be buying in and will simply keep using 2.0 instead, perhaps house ruling anything actually interesting (traits if the system is actually usable for example). I probably better buy one or two backups of the older core rule book while I can before this replaces them on the shelves. ![]()
I have not read the whole thread. As someone who has been dm a whole lot all I can say is that there is no circumstance for innocents to die that can be considered good. Period. End of story. Any character that kills an innocent without 100% perfect reason (and that player better be a damn good lawyer) will take one full alignment step towards evil. Instantly. Period. End of story. ![]()
Quite a while back (my copy is 1988) ICE did a "Mythic Greece" book. It was set up for Rolemaster & HERO but had all of the kinds of materials you're looking for to set up a campaign - weapons, monsters, divinities, etc. I'd think it would be very easy to convert that material over or even simply to use it as inspiration. ![]()
BPorter wrote:
This is one of the reasons I'm working on a conversion of Harn for Pathfinder. It's a low magic world, non-clerical healing spell users are looked at with (at best) suspicion, and a +1 masterwork sword is something to be passed down as a great heirloom while an actual enchanted blade probably belongs with the crown jewels. An easy partial solution in game is to shift to a historical money system. L/S/D where 1gp = 240 sp. where the sp is a silver penny while shilling and pound are mostly notational only. Change mundane item prices so that 1gp is now 1 sp. Magical item prices stay the same. Suddenly not everyone and their cousin is carrying a +6 dancing vorpal sword of luck... ;) ![]()
Specializations does sound like a reasonable way to handle the wheel. I've got a copy of the Gargun D20 release they did. It's a starting point for most things although, as you remembered, it's 3.0. I just like a world where a +1 sword is a really big deal and learning a new spell can be an adventure in itself. I also have a copy of Lionheart (Historical England in AD 1190) by them and I may just do a riff on that instead. In some ways it's easier to add a small amount of magic to a historical world than to take it away from a traditional fantasy world. Or I could just go high magic (Hooah!) & run Blackmoor :D Thanks for the thoughts! ![]()
Mageye wrote: I see a therapist for bipolar disorder and also am part of a assemblies of god church. Run, do not walk, away from that therapist. The lack of professionalism in this exchange is frightening and if it's that bad in that respect it will be elsewhere. As for your faith, if you feel there might be a problem, then I agree that discussing it with your pastor is far more appropriate than anything else. I personally don't see any problems with Pathfinder, or any other mainstream RPG for that matter, but then again I'm just an Episcopalian so what do I know? :) ![]()
Been thinking about Harn again. It's such a cool low magic gritty fantasy world but I've never much cared for the Harn Master rule sets. Every so often I'd get excited by it, buy another module & then ... So, has anyone here looked at a conversion? Changing to a L/S/D money system isn't all that hard (240 sp to the gp & change prices to sp from gp) & the clerics shouldn't be too hard. Any ideas about how to do the Shek P'var and maintain that distinctive flavor? Obviously the Wizard vs. Sorcerer split is there and Wizards must be in a Chantry. I'm not sure how to handle the fire & forget problem, though. Any ideas? ![]()
Roflganger wrote:
I would agree with the sentiment that everyone has access to the same things but I tend to say "core only" for both GM & Players. This is due to hideous experiences with that POS called "Unearthed Arcana" back in 1985. If I ever actually get a chance to run Pathfinder I might, eventually, allow APG materials... check with me in a year or three from now :eek: ;) That said, if there is something a PC sees an NPC using (feat, spell, gadget, etc) well, they're welcome to try to gain it. But that's an adventure or three in itself :) |