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So, I had this really cool idea to have a Goa'uld type race and adding them into my pathfinder campaign. While some changes are of course going to happen, I want alot of their bits to largely remain the same, and most certainly keep the general flavor of the Goa'uld.

Here's what I've got so far.

Goa'uld are tiny sized creatures that resemble worms, who have powerful minds and inate magical abilities that power most of the magical items they create. However, in order to use these items, and to truly be effective, they must claim a host. This host creature must have an intelligence of at least 3. Upon possecion, the Host gains the Goa'uld Host Template.

Goa'uld Host: In most cases, when a Goa'uld takes a host, they choose to completely dominate the mind of said host. When this happens, the Hosts mental ability scores (Int, Wis, and Cha) are all over ridden by the Goa'uld's own. The Goa'uld effectively gains all their class levels and may use all of their abilities. Any of these abilities that are restricted by alignment, however, are unusable if the Goa'uld's alignment differs from the hosts by more than one step. The Goa'uld may recall any and all of the hosts memories at will. a Goa'uld must succeed a disguise check if they are to successfully impersonate the host. This check takes +5 if they are of the same alignment, or a -5 if they are 2 steps different.

A Goa'uld host gains the following stats:
+2 Str and Con
+4 to Int and Cha (if the host is willing and dominant SEE BELLOW)
+4 bonus to saves against Poison and Diseases that effect the host
-4 against Poison and Disease that target the symbiote.
Immunity to Enchantments
Enhanced Vision: Normal Vision becomes Low Light Vision, Low Light Vision Becomes Darkvision.
Enhanced Regeneration: A Goa'uld host regains an additional 3 hitpoints /day/class level.
Naquadah Bloodstream: During, and after, the time a Goa'uld is using them as a host, they are able to use Goa'uld items.
Voice and Eyes of a God: A Goa'uld may gain an intimidate bonus equal to the Hit dice of Symbiote and Host combined by speaking in a deep, booming voice, and allowing their eyes to 'flash' for a moment. This ability can be activated as a free action, and immediately reveals the Goa'uld if it was attempting to hide it's presence before.

Willing Hosts: In the rare occasions that a Host is willing, and allowed free will, the host essentially gains all of these abilities, as well as a bonus of +1/hit dice the Goa'Uld has on all knowledge checks.

Goa'uld will almost always choose attractive humanoids as their hosts, Favoring humans and Elves most, however, they are not above 'hopping' hosts in order to survive.


Please tell me what you think about this, also, any ideas on what Items I should include, and what their stats would be, would also greatly be apreciated. Additoinally, I'd enjoy having help for hammering out stats for the Goa'uld symbiote, as well as a way to quantify the process of becoming a host.