Anthropomorphized Cricket

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Since they said that instead of using a formula to stat out monsters like they did in 2e they'll give it the stats they think it needs I was thinking what monsters are you hoping will be improved in the new edition.

personally I am looking forward to they fey getting reworked since there were many that conceptually aren't tricksters like the Nuckelavee who all had pretty terrible BAB despite the fact that they're fighters. Also I hope that they put in the weird fey protections that exist in the myths.

This is a thread I'm going to use to write random animals, plants or minerals that I come up with that would be cool for settings. I will also sort them into dangerous, useful and aesthetic categories so people can look up what they want

Feel free to comment and post your own ideas.


bane spores (dangerous):bane spores are a horrific fungal infection that spawns sharp mycelium similar to razor wire in anyone who's infected. These spores will only infect something with a compromised immune system if inhaled (fortitude DC 5 to negate) but after failing three times it begins its second stage.

The second stage is when the spores successfully implant into a body. The DC of the daily tests increases to dc 18 with failure causing 1d6 damage per days you have failed as well as 1d6 dexterity damage. When the victim dies or has his dexterity reduced to 0 it creates a bane spore patch that increases in radius by 5ft a day given sufficient food and releases a cloud of spores affecting anyone within 300ft of the plant.

If an uninfected individual makes contact with the bane spores they have to make a DC 18 fortitude save or immediately catch second stage bane spores. These spores also attract animals that are encouraged to eat them and any carnivorous Animal must make a DC 10 will save or their owner make a DC 10 handle animal check to not eat it. These must be removed with a DC 18 heal taking one hour or remove disease check for each previously failed test.

crackle pods (aesthetic): The trees that bear crackle pods are native to boreal forests. Similar to pine trees these trees have have cones that violently burst when ripe dealing 1 bludgeoning damage (reflex 10 negates) to any creature in the same square its in. these cones will also burst under a low heat and the seeds can be used in explosive related alchemy as well as a highly nutritious food when boiled to soften it.

arcana mold (useful):This mold can grow in any area outside of anti-magic fields as it eats magical energy. When consuming energy it produces a light purple light in a 10 foot radius with the radius doubling when its within or on a magical field or disappears in an anti-magic field. These properties make it used as an infinite candle as well as a magical detectors for adventurers. This is fairly expensive since a given sample doubles only once a year. It can also be eaten but it provides very little nutrition.

arcana mold candle 10gp - lb
this candle is a simple base with a blob of arcana mold on top. acts as a permanent light source in a 10foot radius.

Hope you guys find this interesting!

I often hear that you can balance martial and caster classes in combat by being more creative as a martial and using the environment to your advantage but I have never heard anyone who says it give examples so I made a post specifcally to ask for them.

Specifically I am hoping to see examples of when you or players in your group used the environment to your advantage, perferably using combat maneuvers as part of it. I want to get ideas of what I could suggest to players

(I know that I mentioned martial caster disparity at the start but please at least let this get to a few pages before argueing about it)

What's your favorite and least favorite class features in the game? Please explain why its your preferred or least favorite mechanic too.

My favorite mechanic is the implements for the occultist. It reminds me of a more streamlined version of incarnum with the investment mechanic. I also think that the mechanic can be made broad enough that a class can use that base mechanic as their main feature without spellcasting with slightly different rules and a couple more focus powers(which would be a cool homebrew come to think of it).

My least favorite is burn for kineticists. It just feels terrible to spend your hp to cast your abilities of buff your attack and damage and it negates the advantage of getting a high con. To me its like if a wizard lost skill ranks based on their highest prepared spell. I would be fine if they got a con based point pool for their abilities but 1 damage per level per point of burn is just harsh.