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As a druid levels, their earlier form feats become low/no utility as they transform into only their latest and greatest form or the highest level heighten of a lower form.

In practice this makes it advantageous for druids to retrain out of lower level form feats and pick up something useful instead, but this can't be done due to prerequisite requirements.

At level 8-10+ animal form is strictly weaker than dinosaur form
At level 14+ most forms are weaker than dragon (animal, insect, aerial, elemental, dinosaur)

At level 15+ the wild order druid is better off not being a wild order druid and casting monstrosity form

One last note, constitution is a more appropriate attribute for form change uses per day vs strength which is ignored while form changed.

The idea:

1) move more class feats into the general feat bucket so that many more character concepts can come to life
2) make nearly all class abilities into class feats, even spell access
3) combine class and general feat allocations so that all classes have an equivalent feat total

This would approximate a better middle road between point buy game systems and class only systems. It would also work much better with multiclass archetypes which are currently only viable for high class feat classes (fighter+)