
Ótmund Thrice-Honoured's page

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About Ótmund Thrice-Honoured



Dwarves have a well-earned reputation as a stoic and stern people, ensconced within citadels and cities carved from solid rock. While some see them as dour and humorless crafters of stone and metal, dwarves and those who have spent time among them understand their unbridled zeal for their work, caring far more about quality than quantity. To a stranger, they can seem untrusting and clannish, but to their friends and family, they are warm and caring, their halls filled with the sounds of laughter and hammers hitting anvils.


Hit Points: 10
Size: Medium
Speed: 20ft.
Ability Boosts: Constitution, Wisdom & Free
Ability Flaw(s): Charisma
Languages: Common & Dwarven. Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it's positive). Choose from Gnomish, Goblin, Jotun, Orcish, Terran, Undercommon, and any other languages to which you have access (such as the languages prevalent in your region).
Darkvision: You can see in darkness and dim light just as well as you can see in bright light, though your vision in darkness is in black and white.
Clan Dagger: You get one clan dagger of your clan for free, as it was given to you at birth. Selling this dagger is a terrible taboo and earns you the disdain of other dwarves.


Source: Character Guide pg. 19

Growing up, you never tried to lie to get what you wanted, and even when necessary, lying makes you uncomfortable. The especially faithful might even have thought that you were blessed by the dwarven god of duty, Kols. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Perception checks to Sense Motive and to Perception DCs against attempts to Lie to you. Furthermore, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy checks to convince others you speak the truth when you are telling the truth, and you take a –4 circumstance penalty to Lie and to your Deception DC against Sense Motive.


You claim a tangential but legitimate connection to one of Brevoy’s noble families. If you aren’t human, you were adopted by one of Brevoy’s nobles or were perhaps a favored servant or even a childhood friend of a noble scion. Whatever the case, you’ve had a comfortable life, though still a far cry from the one your distant cousins or close associates know. An expedition into the storied Stolen Lands seems like just the test to see if you really are worthy of the “noble” title.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Constitution or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost.

Choose one of the Brevic lineages:

Garess: Family ties to the Golushkin Mountain dwarves left its mark. Your family motto is “Strong as the Mountains.” You’re trained in the Crafting skill and the Architecture Lore skill. You gain the Specialty Crafting skill feat.


Some rangers believe civilization wears down the soul, but still needs to be protected from wild creatures. Others say nature needs to be protected from the greedy, who wish to tame its beauty and plunder its treasures. You could champion either goal, or both. You might be a scout, tracker, or hunter of fugitives or beasts, haunting the edge of civilization or exploring the wilds. You know how to live off the land and are skilled at spotting and taking down both opportune prey and hated enemies.

Key Ability: Strength or Dexterity

Hit Points: 10 plus CON Modifier


You'll see these key terms in many ranger class features.

Flourish: Actions with this trait are special techniques that require too much exertion for you to perform frequently. You can use only 1 action with the flourish trait per turn.

Open: These manoeuvres work only as the first salvo in the attacks you make on your turn. You can use an action with the open trait only if you haven't used an action with the attack or open trait yet this turn.

Press: Actions with this trait allow you to follow up earlier attacks. An action with the press trait can be used only if you are currently affected by a multiple attack penalty. You can't use a press action when it's not your turn, even if you use the Ready activity. Some actions with the press trait also grant an effect on a failure. The effects that are added on a failure don't apply on a critical failure. If your press action succeeds, you can choose to apply the failure effect instead. (For example, you may wish to do this when an attack deals no damage due to resistance.)

INITIAL PROFICIENCIES: At 1st Level, you gain the listed proficiency ranks in the following statistics. You are untrained in anything not listed unless you gain a better proficiency rank in some other way.

Perception: Expert in Perception.
Saving Throws: Expert in Fortitude & Reflex; trained in Will.
Skills: Trained in Nature; trained in Survival & trained in a number of additional skills equal to 4+ INT Modifier.
Attacks: Trained in simple weapons; trained in the rapier, sap, shortbow, and shortsword & trained in unarmed attacks.
Defences: Trained in light armour & trained in unarmored defence.
Class DC: Trained in rogue class DC.

CLASS FEATURES: You gain these features as a Rogue. Abilities gained at higher levels list the levels at which you gain them next to the features' names.

Level 1: Ancestry and Background, initial Proficiencies, Rogue’s Racket, Sneak Attack 1d6, Surprise Attack, Rogue Feat & Skill Feat.



The Golushkin Mountains form part of Brevoy's border with Numeria, and are located in what was the original kingdom of Issia before Brevoy became united.

The mountains are filled with a great deal of natural resources, such as iron, nickel, copper, silver, and tin. The resources are mined by the Golka clan of dwarves who lived in the dwarven city of Golushkin. House Garess has a good relationship with the dwarves, working the metal that they mine, and has built several strongholds, including Highdelve and Grayhaven, in the mountains beside the dwarves.


The Golka family leads the dwarves in Golushkin. Toval Golka, son of the current chief, is ward and now heir of Lord Howlan Garess of Brevoy. The outside world has lost all contact with the Golkas of Golushkin. This occurred at the same time as the Vanishing.