the secret fire |

Here it is:
First, base Will save on the highest of the bonuses between Int, Wis and Cha.
Next, assign bonus skill ranks/level on the following formula:
Int: bonus skill ranks in Int-based skills only
Wis: bonus skill ranks in Wis-based skills only
Cha: bonus skill ranks in Cha-based skills only
Dex: bonus skill ranks in Dex-based skills only
Str: bonus skill ranks in Str-based skills, as well as Acrobatics, Intimidate, and Ride
What does this accomplish?
1) it gives the PCs more skill ranks, overall, which I think is generally a good thing. Low-Int PCs (especially Fighters and Sorcerers) often feel shockingly incompetent going by standard rules.
2) it advantages martial classes in terms of Will saves, giving them more freedom to seek out maybe a high Int or Cha score for flavor (or other) reasons without having to grind their teeth and worry so much about being dominated AGAIN.
3) it gets rid of the "my Wizard is a better swimmer/climber/rider/etc. than your fighter" scenario, which I think almost everyone agrees is silly. The classes end up being pretty much automatically good at what they're supposed to be good at, with some number of skill ranks to spread around on other stuff.
4) it helps MAD classes somewhat, and they generally needed help.
5) it makes Int, Wis and Cha all of roughly equal value, as opposed to the current situation where Cha is so often an absolute dump stat, even when the player doesn't really want to play another smelly curmudgeon.
6) It makes Con slightly weaker relative to the other stats, which is probably a good thing because Con is probably the "strongest" stat, overall, in the game.
I think this is a pretty good idea and will probably try it with my tabletop group. What do you all think? Are there any major problems with this that I am overlooking (besides the fact that Str has nothing much to do with riding a horse)?