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Since I have to keep track of the events encountered by the group I'm running, I figured I might as well do it here, and maybe get some extra ideas and suggestions from you lot ;-)

So, Kingmaker AP, session 1: played on the 24th of march 2012

Tristan, Human male paladin of Iomedae (played by Wim)
Oswold, Human male Inquisitor of Iomedae (played by Marc)
Ar'sein, Human male Cleric of Iomedae (played by Carlo)
Feoré, Half elven female Rogue (scout) (played by Flore)
Myste, Half elven female druid (played by Bert)

Session dates:
start: 20th of Calistril 4707
end: 28th of Calistril 4707

First session was mostly about getting into character. We just finished playing a campaing that lasted about 15 years, so we could use some "get to know yourself"-time. That's why I decided to start the adventure path a bit earlier then written in the books: at the Swordlords citadel in Restov, for the official assignment of the first charter.

There, they met Maegar Varn while waiting for their audience, who gave them a bit of foreshadowing about the Stolen lands: mostly child's stories about fey, monsters, bandits, etc. They got along nicely, and the start of some territorial and mutual aid agreements were already made. Should prove to be interesting by the time we reach the VV. They also met the Iron Wraiths, played them out like arrogant bastards, so the relations there are non-existent :-)

After receiving their orders, being briefed and issued basic supplies, the group spent their last short night in comfort at the local temple of Iomedae, and set out at dawn (with the exception of Oswold - player was late for the session) travelling with a caravan from Brevoy to Oleg's. During the first day they also had the company of Varn and his group. Feoré did the scouting ahead, so no ambushes, and a quiet trip. They did notice a lone rider checking the group out, but no encounters during that night or the day after. During the last day of travel, they were hit by a serious snow-storm so they were happy to arrive at Oleg's and settled in so they could hook up with Oswold there.

The group was just informed about the situation at Oleg's, when Oswold arrived (he had been ambushed by two bandits on the way to Oleg's the day earlier, but drove off his assailants), so he was briefed aswell, and plans were made to confront the bandits.

Next session: the confrontation with the thugs, planned on the 28th of April 2012