tanostimewalker's page

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Hey if some1 exspirienced could take a look at this item property and tell me if it seems balanced(party of 4 ppl all lvl 7) besides of the item prpperty, the sword is +2.

Property: Bloodthirster, This sword has 20 small runes ingraved in its blade, each a word for blood in 20 different languages. Whenever the bearer slays a living creature using the sword for the final blow, a number of runes begin to shine equal to the HD's of the slain enemy. In other words the sword has 20 blood charges, which can be activiated 1/every 3 days, to heal the wearer for 1d8+ the current number of blood charges. Activation occurs either by a standard action or if the wearer's HP goes below 0, the secondary activation occurs immediately and automatically as long as the owner has the sword in his possession and without any action required from the owner..

I know the wording is a bit off - not my native language.

Dunno if the 1/every 3 days is too much?
Is the heal to much?

I know this question have been posted many times. But I cannot seem to find an answer for it... Plz can any1 refer to a rule about how flying creatures and carry capacity works?

How we have done so far in my group:
Say we have a small augmented air elemental(fly speed 100, +17 fly, 16 str) - so it has a carrying capacity of
Light load: 76*0,75(because the creature is small) = 57
Medium load: up to 153*0,75 = 114,75
Heavy load: up to 230*0,75 = 172,5
So at heavy loads it should be able to carry some PC's with low carry capacity...
We play with
Light load: no penalties
Medium load; same penalties as for medium load on ground, 70 ft flying speed
Heavy load: same penalties as for heavy load on ground, but now fly speed of 40.

But ive heard some people say it used to be only up to light loads, and then no flying at all... but that doesn't make sense either...
It makes more sense it has a decreasing amount of flying capabilities related to increasing carry capacity.

I'm at little bit confused about the notation of number of uses pr spell like abilities...

For an example
a dretch has the following:
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd) 1/day-Cause Fear (DC 11), Stinking Cloud (DC 13), Summon (level 1, 1 dretch 35%)

Does that mean it can cast cause fear and stinking cloud once a day(as if its a wizard)
Or is it like a sorcerer(so it can "cast only one spell", and it has to be one of the three?