stonewall's page

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My wife played a witch in our last campaign and every time she cast a hex she would say a rhyme, followed with a cackle and the group loved it.

I do not have a dice tower and I really don't see how they solve a problem but in general I am not a fan of gadgets sure a food processor can cut veggies much faster than a knife but then I have to deal with storage and cleaning of said device.

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I would dump Strength and go high Intelligence and Dex take the derv dance feat and roll into duelist, This wont solve all the damage issues but will give you enough AC to be a front liner.

Wizards only needing one stat and specializing being so sweet now have about as many castings as Sorcerers. I would say the best pick depends on your DM if the campaign is one simple combat after another then pick Sorcerer but if the DM makes good use of travel time, terrain and skills pick Wizard. Also if your allowed to craft the Wizard is going to be a bigger asset in a group.

I would love to see a complete rework of healing. I would like to see less of it in the game. This would change the role of clerics ( perhaps it could be somewhat like the old Marshall class) and maybe more people would be willing to play the class if they were not a slave to healing.

I hate the new smite evil and Archery seems Broken.

I would love to see feat lines used to cover old prestige classes an example would be combat reflexes, dodge, mobility, would allow for a new feat called blade dance which would allow you to take a full attack during a move action.

I was about to make the same post, It would be nice to be able to download additional encounter blocks that were 20-50% tougher.