
stonechild's page

Goblin Squad Member. 343 posts (460 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.

Hey guys,
I'm going to be moving on July 31st. Can I expect to have this order delivered to my current address by then?

Male Dwarf Ranger 4/Wizard 5/Temple Raider 6

Temple of Pelor in the Free City of Greyhawk. Late evening of the 3rd Godsday of Harvester 595 cy:

A scream breaks the silence of the night. Candles are lit and two middle aged women dressed in robes that mark them as Sisters of Light come hurrying down a narrow hallway. They stop before a unremarkable door and exchanged worried looks. One says to the other, "this is the 3rd in a week.' The other nods and murmurs a short prayer, "Blessed father of light, please spare Sapphire."
Opening the door they are met with an now-all too familiar sight, a young women suspended in the air above her bed, her back arched, arms outstretched, her head back in a now silent cry. Her open eyes have become pools of gold, her hair has become as flame, and trails of light race beneath her skin.
One woman says to the other, "I will summon the prelate." To which the other woman can only nod, while the first hurries off.
A short while later the first woman returns, with an elderly man right behind her. He looks in the room and then begins to pray. The words he speaks have a melodic ring to them, for they are they the speech of angels. "Shia lucia, whi haila anen fine etsa cine".

(Pelor, may your touch be light upon this young one).

He Then walks over to the young lady, and places his hand upon her. At his touch, her back straightens, her eyes close and she sinks to the bed. Her hair no longer appears to be on fire, but has become a reddish golden color and the light beneath her skin fades. To all appearances she is asleep.
Turning to the women, he says, "a third sun-touched? Let us hope that unlike the others she is strong enough to let us know what Pelor is trying to tell us. But only the dawn will reveal it, as we say. I have done all I can for her." Indeed, as he walks out of the room he looks five years older. "Please inform me when her conditions changes."

Temple of Pelor in the Free City of Greyhawk. Late morning of the 3rd Earthday of Harvester 595 cy:

The prelate of Pelor frowned, 'perhaps I shouldn't be so judgmental' he thinks after reading the scroll in his hand, 'after all Pelor is the God of new beginnings. But this one has caused so much trouble.' A knock at his door ends his train of thought. "Come in' he announces.
The door opens and a woman's head pops in. The prelate smiles and says, "Ah sister Heather, come to give me news about our young Sapphire, I trust?"
"Well prelate", says the woman, "I thought that I'd let her give you the news herself." The woman then opens the door and enters, followed by the young woman from the room. "Greetings prelate, I have come to thank you for your help, I fear the touch of the Sun-father was almost more than I could bear. But I have also come to share what our blessed Pelor had revealed to me."
"Indeed" the says the prelate, " I believed that Pelor was attempting to do something with you, and now seeing you I am sure of it. Please sit Sapphire, sister Heather I thank you for bringing her to me, but I must discuss things privately with her for now."
"Of course prelate," says the other woman who bows before leaving.
"Now, first let me say how delighted I am to see that you were able to pull through, Sapphire, "says the prelate. "I trust that whatever Pelor has revealed to you must be of importance for him to risk reaching out to you in such a direct fashion."
"I wish things were more clear prelate, " begins Sapphire "like my eyesight has become, for although my world has narrowed, what I can see is no longer impeded by darkness. The dreams that I have had are," as she freezes in mid sentence her eyes flare and her skin seems to illuminate. In a more husky voice she says:

An ancient darkness will come,
In order to bring about the end
It will extinguish the sun

To defeat a lesser evil in the north
The cambions right hand that was split
Must strive to redeem and seek to strike forth

Three from the temple shall go
Seek for the Mad Gods Key
In the old, the new will show

Sapphire freezes again, and returns to normal, except for her eyes which remain pools of gold. She inhales deeply and then, as if nothing had happened continues, "quite dark, and full of writhing shapes. I hear words I do not understand. Does this make any sense to you prelate?"
The prelate looks at Sapphire and says, "my dear it would appear that you have become a mouthpiece for Pelor, an oracle some call them. They are exceedingly rare, the last one who spoke for Pelor was over a hundred years ago. It is said that they are only created when light is fading but not lost, and they stand outside of the church."
As Sapphire digests what she was just told, the prelate pulls out three pieces of parchment. On the first two, he writes something, folds them shut and seals them with wax. He then writes something briefly on the outside. He then rings a bell on his desk. A you man enters the office and says, "what can I do for you prelate?"
The prelate responds, "take these to the person they're addressed to in all haste, Sampson. Thank you." As the young man gathers the letters, the prelate says, "and have a listing of the locksmiths in the city brought to me."
The young man acknowledges the request and swiftly leaves. Then the prelate writes the words that were just spoken down, so he doesn't forget them. He looks up at Sapphire and says, "tell me have you eaten yet today?"

Luciano and Thomas, you both recieve a letter requesting your presence at the prelate of Pelor's office ASAP

Male Dwarf Ranger 4/Wizard 5/Temple Raider 6

Guys, go ahead an discuss what character's you'd like to make with each other as well as any details you'd like each other to know. Also feel free to just BS in this forum as well.

Hey all,
I was kinda bored today waiting for the family to show up for Christmas dinner, so I took a stab at revising the Archivist class from Heroes of Horror. Let me know what you think.

Hit Die: d6
BAB: poor
Fort: Good
Ref: Poor
Will: Good

Level/ Special
1/ Lore, Dark Knowledge (tactics) 3/day, Orisions, Scribe Scroll
2/ Dark Knowledge (puissance)
3/ Dark Knowledge 4/day
4/ Still mind
5/ Dark Knowledge (spell breach)
6/ Dark Knowledge 5/day
7/ Bonus feat
8/ Dark knowledge (foe)
9/ Dark knowledge 6/day
10/ Bonus feat
11/ Dark knowledge (foreknowledge)
12/ Dark knowledge 7/day
13/ Bonus feat
14/ Dark knowledge (dread secret)
15/ Dark knowledge 8/day
16/ Bonus feat
17/ Dark knowledge (binding)
18/ Dark knowledge 9/day
19/ Bonus feat
20/ Dark knowledge (immortality)

Class Skills: (4 + Int modifier per level) Appraise, Craft, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (all skills, taken individually), Linguistics, Perception, Profession and Spellcraft.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Archivists are proficient with simple weapons but not with armor or shields.
Spellcasting: As standard Archivist.
Lore: As the Bardic Knowledge ability.
Dark Knowledge: An archivist may affect aberrations, constructs, dragons, elementals, fey, giants, magical beasts, outsiders, plants, undead and vermin with his dark knowledge. Knowledge (arcana) applies to constructs, dragons, and magical beasts. Knowledge (dungeoneering) applies to aberrations and vermin. Knowledge (nature) applies to fey, giants and plants. Knowledge (planes) applies to outsiders and elementals. Knowledge (religion) applies to undead.
Tactics/puissance/foe/foreknowledge: As the standard archivist abilities, with the exception of being gained at different levels.
Spell breach: Beginning at 5th level an Archivist can lend assistance to his spellcasting allies. On a successful Knowledge check allies gain a +1 to caster level checks to overcome a creatures spell resistance. If the archivist succeeds on his Knowledge check by 10 or more, then this bonus increases to +2. If the archivist succeeds on his Knowledge check by 20 or more this bonus increases to +3.
Dread Secret: By speaking aloud a dread secret, an archivist of 14th level or higher can stagger a target creature for one round. Unlike other dark knowledge this ability can only be used against a single creature. If the archivist succeeds on his Knowledge check by 10 or more, then the target creature is dazed for one round. If the archivist succeeds on his Knowledge check by 20 or more, the target creature is stunned for 1 round.
Binding: Beginning at 17th level an archivist can prevent a creature from using it's spell-like abilities for one round. Like the dread secret, this ability can only be used against a single creature. The DC of this check is 15 + the creatures HD. If an archivist succeeds on his Knowledge check by 20 or more the creature is also prevented from using it's special abilities for one round as well.
Immortality: At 20th level the archivist learns the ultimate knowledge, the secret of immortality. He no longer has a maximum age and will never die of old age. Bonuses still accrue and any age penalties remain in place but never increase.
Still Mind: As standard archivist.
Bonus Feat: An archivist can choose from Skill Focus (any Knowledge), Spell Mastery, Spell Focus, Spell Penetration, any metamagic feat or any item creation feat.

Hey all, I'm going to be playing a cleric of Mystra and I wanted to do a coversion of the Spells domain. I appreciate any thoughts or construcive ideas. Thanks for your time.

Spell Domain
You love spells, you can never have enough prepared. You gain Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat.
Determined Caster: At 1st level you gain a +2 bonus to caster level checks and concentration checks. At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the bonuses to the caster level checks and concentration checks increases by 1 (+3 at 4th level, +4 at 8th level, etc.)
Perfect Casting (Ex): At 8th level, you have perfected the art of casting in combat, you no longer provoke attacks of opportunity for casting in melee.
In addition, if an enemy has special ability would prevent you from casting, you may make a caster level check, DC equals 10 + creatures HD. If successful, you cast your spell as normal. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to your cleric level.

Hello all,
Admittedly, I am not a fan of large groups of characters doing arial acrobatics. Actual spellcaster fine, whole party no. So I'm musing over the following changes:

Fly has it's Level changed to: Sorcerer/Wizard 4, and it's Target changed to: you.
However I can see the need at higher levels for the group to be able to travel rapidly so,
Overland Flight has its Level changed to Sorcerer/Wizard 6, and its target changed to: You plus one willing creature per three caster levels.

Additionally I absolutely detest teleportation for long range travel, but I don't want to totally remove it from the game so I'm proposing these changes:

Teleport has its Target changed to: You. In addition the chance to arrive off target for an area increases to 25% for "very familiar", 35% for "studied carefully", 50% for "seen casually" and 60% for "viewed once".
Quite an increase in the danger level there, I feel that only high level mages should be able to reliably teleport and move groups so,
Greater Teleport has its Target changed to: You plus one willing creature per three caster levels.

In case you don't see it, I am a big fan of the journey and using the environment as a challenge. But I understand that at higher levels sometimes you have to get there "now" so I didn't want to remove the teleportation/fly option altogether, just make it more difficult. I don't have any problem w/ dimension door since it's a short range thing. Likewise I have no problem with gates or portals or backroads/crossroads or other permanent magic.

So I wanted to get opinions on the changes to the spells as well as solicit any suggestions on other spells that I may want to review/change.


First off, like many folks I really like the Arcane Duelist bard archetype. But I'm wondering about bladethirst ability, specifically the special abilities that can be granted to a weapon.
For example bane seems to me to be an ability that should be in there. I can totally see a bard channeling enough hate into a bardic music effect to cause the weapons to echo that hate.
Also we have shock and shocking burst but not corrosive, flaming, frost or sonic or their associated burst abilities. Why one type and not the others?
Not meaning to nitpick (okay maybe a little) but I was just curious on the reasoning (if any) behind this. Once again, I love the options that were put out in the APG.
Now, if we could just get an ability or feat that would allow more than one bardic performance to be in effect at one time...

I guess I should mention that we are playing in Greyhawk :)

I pretty much just converted the Argent Savant PrC into what you see. I wanted some help with the spells and bloodline feats if you all would be so kind, as to give me suggestions. Also I would like to know what you think overall, i.e.too powerful, not powerful enough, just right, etc.. Constructive criticism please.
As always thank you for your time.

While in the womb you were touched by the Argent, the primal element of magic. Known as force to the uninitiated, your relationship to the Argent allow you to have a greater influence on the fundamental building blocks of magic.
Class Skill: Knowledge (arcana)
Bonus Spells: mage armor(3rd), levitate(5th), tiny hut(7th), resilient sphere(9th), wall of force(11th), forceful hand(13th), ethereal jaunt (15th), protection from spells(17th), crushing hand(19th)
Bonus Feats: Combat Casting, Dodge, Improved Counterspell, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Knowledge [arcana]), Spell Focus, Toughness, Weapon Focus
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell with the force descriptor that deals damage, it deals +1 damage per die rolled.
Bloodline Powers: You can manipulate the Argent in order to create greater effects with your force spells.
Decastave (Sp): Starting at first level, as a standard action you can summon a quarterstaff made of force. Treat this as a standard quarterstaff, in all respects including combat feats that that does force damage instead of regular damage. You can summon this decastave once per day per every two sorcerer levels you possess and it lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3+ your Charisma modifier. As a force effect the decastave can effect ethereal creatures but does not effect creatures immune to force.
Force Armor (Ex): At 3rd level whenever you cast a force spell that grants an armor or shield bonus, that bonus is 2 higher than normal. At 11th level the bonus is 3 higher and at 17th level the bonus is 4 higher
Ablate Force (Ex): At 9th level you subtract your charisma modifier from damage dealt by any force spell or effect. A force spell producing multiple attacks, such as magic missile is considered a single attack for this purpose; deduct the charisma modifier from the total damage dealt by the spell, not the damage dealt by each individual missile.
Enduring Force (Ex): At 15th level any force spell cast has it's duration doubled as if the Extend Spell feat had been applied but without an increase in casting time or level. In addition the DC to counter or dispel your force spells increases by 4.
Unbind Force (Su): At 20th level you gain immunity to damage from force effects. Also you learn how to unweave a force spell or effect and liberate it's magical energy. As a standard action you can make a caster level check against a single force effect within 60 feet. If you succeed on the caster level check (DC 11+ opposing caster's level), the effect is unbound. This immediately dispels the effect and deals 1d6 points of force damage per level of the dispelled spell to all creatures and objects within 10 feet of the unbound spell. In addition you gain a +4 to caster level checks to overcome spell resistance with a force spell.

Looking at the PFC I was thinking that it could get 3/4 spell progression without breaking it. Make it have a requirement to be able to cast 2nd level spells.
What do you guys think, balanced/broken/not enough? Appreciate your input.