Scarecrow Golem

stepanxol's page

13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I know I'm probably in the minority here, but I want to voice my concerns. I think Paizo may be working on too many "core" products, too quickly, and they are getting out too soon.

Now, before you say the new classes/mechanics (ie words of power) are all optional and not "official" or anything, I respond: A 20-lev base class is "core" enough; and I think that -- if one gets published -- it has to be refined and balanced enough to be 100% official (think APG).

So, I'd rather have a single, well-developed hardbound book every year (or even 18 months) than the current, announced avalanche. I'm excited as everyone for the gunslinger, magus and words of power; I simply believe that they need much more playtesting to be bulletproof & a worthy addition to the system.

We already have 18 base classes, do we really need 4 more in the next 6 months? Paizo thrives because so far it's been protecting the system, that's its first and foremost mission. I cannot but fear a wotc-like devolution, and that would be much worse than waiting a few months for a new class...


Hi Paizo, first of all, excuse me if I'm posting in the wrong place -- I haven't been able to find a better one :)

I am a customer from Europe (Italy) and, once again, I'd like to ask about subscriptions: as many Europeans, I find the shipping rates from the US prohibitive (moreso considering taxes), so I'm buying the odd PDF here and there and some books through

So far I've been happy with them, so I was wondering: why don't you just strengthen your partnership and simply use them to "funnel" through any subscription? This way I'd be able to get the PDFs as well!
I recently pre-ordered the newest hardcovers (GMG and APG) and don't feel like shelling out extra money to get the electronic formats as well...
