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Mysterious Stranger wrote:

In the end it is still up to the GM.

I just wanted to amplify this. It is what you are told it is.

Personally, I don't tell the players what the DC is they are trying to hit; only if they've made it or not.

Yeah, I'm probably overthinking it. It is a Construct, though so it's immune to many things.

I guess I'll go with the latter of what you said, that it was reconstructed over time.

Quixote wrote:
Who says looters need to destroy everything in their path? Any tomb raider worth their salt should be able to bypass threats and get to the goods instead of brawling it out with everyone along the way.

You're not wrong, but in this case the vault is a single 5 foot square and the encounter is unavoidable.

In the Creature section it says the ancients left a guardian here to guard the treasures.

Under development it says that the vault was looted long ago. If that's the case why is there still a guardian?

Am I missing something here? Shouldn't the guardian have been defeated when it was looted?