Lars Lundberg wrote:
Sly Boots wrote:
Lars Lundberg wrote:
Helping monsters!!!! are we playing the same game!!!
Anyway, I can definitely see this one being a recurring thorn in the side of an adventuring party. First thing I thought of was the PCs coming to the aid of a 'monster' (I see a metallic dragon, but I just like dragons, heh) that is being targeted by the hunters. It's potentially very tear-jerky if they fail, which I love. Will vote for!
Maybe this is just a pet peeve but realistically, no character would be helping monsters of any shape or size. As players we know the difference between a metallic dragon and a chromatic dragon but even in a world of magic and wonders its still the dark ages, comparatively speaking. In our own enlightened time now we can hardly stand anyone who has a differnt skin tone, religion, or social status. It just stretches the boundaries of logic to think that characters would go out of their way to help anything not of their own race.
Wow, I disagree completely, and not just because I suspect you mean 'species' and not 'race' in regards to this org. You can't apply the words 'realistically' to how ANY PC will react in ANY fantasy role-playing game; it's all made up, you can do anything. How much of role-playing games stretches the boundaries of 'logic' in the first place? Do you think magic is logical? How about gods that grant spells? And how a PC will react to an appeal from a sentient beast is where you draw the suspension of disbelief line, huh? What if you have players who don't want to role-play a horrible racist? I'll just ignore what you said about the real world, here, also.
In MY RPGs, players whose PCs are of good alignment should feel obliged to help sentient beasts who are also of known good alignments, ESPECIALLY if that beast came to the party specifically, as is possible with this organization. If I was playing a good PC in such a campaign, I would try and convince party members to help. Lumping everything under the heading of 'monster' as bad is pretty narrow. I would be bored.