sgtrocknroll's page
Organized Play Member. 139 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.
At one point I saw a Fantasy Character Last Will and Testament but it was a long time ago.
Does anyone know where I might find one?
Looking for a List of Evil Descriptor spells for a sorcerer who is CN tempted toward Evil by her evil family heritage (not bloodline).
Not looking for anyone to say 'Any spell can be used for evil', just looking for spells Good characters aren't allowed to use...

Playing a 3rd Level Hal-Orc Sorceress in a Low Loot world where the GM makes us micromanage resources and still has us do months long caravan jobs for 50GP which we consider big money at this point.
There are no clerics and general populace fears magic.
Graca Goldtusk
Female Half-Orc Sorcerer 3
CN Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
hp 27 (3d6+9)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee longsword -1 (1d8-2/19-20) and
scorpion whip -1 (1d4-2)
Ranged light crossbow +4 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks bloodline arcana: arcane
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 3rd; concentration +7):
1st (6/day)—color spray (DC 15), identify, infernal healing, mage armor
0 (at will)—daze (DC 14), detect magic, jolt, mage hand, mending, prestidigitation, read magic, spark (DC 14)
Str 7, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 18
Base Atk +1; CMB -1; CMD 12
Feats Cosmopolitan, Eschew Materials, Extend Spell
Traits magical lineage, reactionary
Skills Appraise +6, Bluff +8, Craft (alchemy) +6, Diplomacy +8, Handle Animal +5, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (local) +8, Perception +6, Spellcraft +7; Racial Modifiers +2 Intimidate, +2 Knowledge (local)
Languages Other Language, Common, Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Orc
SQ arcane bonds (arcane bond [familiar]), bloodlines (arcane), metamagic adept, orc blood
Other Gear crossbow bolts (20), light crossbow, longsword, scorpion whip, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, cage, tiny, flint and steel, jewelry, grooming kit, mess kit, orc trail rations (5), riding dog, 98 gp, 14 sp
Special Abilities
Arcane When a spell level is increased by a metamagic feat, it gains +1 DC.
Bloodline Arcana: Arcane (Ex) When a spell level is increased by a metamagic feat, it gains +1 DC.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Deliver Touch Spells Through Familiar (Su) Your familiar can deliver touch spells for you.
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
Extend Spell Spell duration lasts twice as normal. +1 Level.
Familiar Bonus: +4 bonus on initiative checks You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Magical Lineage (Fireball) A chosen spell counts as 1 level lower when metamagic feats are applied to it.
Metamagic Adept (1/day) (Ex) Apply a metamagic feat 1/day without increasing the casting time.
Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Got a character whose parents were killed years ago that she wants to get a portrait done of them.
The character is an inquisitor so she cannot cast anything like simple image to show the artist what they look like.
Is there a spell that an NPC can cast that can get the image or get an idea of what the parents look like (in the character's eyes at least) in order to be able to project that image into the artist's mind so the painting is accurate?
Next session my 8th level Archer Inquisitor of Cayden is getting her first tier of Mythic.
Reading thru the book is a bit overwhelming. Any ideas as to what direction to go with this?
Starting a new campaign that has a hatred of magic and low cleric availability. (Pitchforks and burning stakes anyone?)
Wanting to play a half-orc sorcerer for the concept value, but I hate memorizing spells as I tend to memorize the wrong once.
Looking for a way to get healing as a sorcerer outside of Infernal Healing, and yes I know I can play a Witch, but those memorize so it's not in concept.
Any ideas?
Looking to design a Rod that acts as the 2nd level spell "Find Traps", how would I figure out price to buy retail?
Just got a +1 Bow enchanted.
Problem is need multiple types of arrows (Carrion Crown) and GM disallowed 'Abundant Ammunition' claiming it's brown.
As an alternative, he will allow me to enchant my bow such that I can change the arrow used into whatever material needed: for a +2 adder on the bow.
I know +3 weapons bypass silver. Considering I also use Cold Iron and Adamantium, is this +2 mod cost worth it? Or will a +3 weapon do the same thing?
During adventure paths, particularly Carrion Crown, there isn't a whole lot of time for a Crafter to create magic items.
Our GM won't allow crafting while adventuring, the slow process, to make up for it, so our crafter wizard, while flavorful is virtually useless at what he does.
Is there a magic item out there that can cut time down on crafting of magic items?
Heading to 7th Level going into Module 3 of Carrion Crown,
I get 2 3rd level spells and 1 2nd lvl spell known.
Thinking Detect Invisibility for lvl 2
Daybreak Arrows for Lvl 3
Thought of Magic Circle vs Evil, but it gives a will save....any ideas?
Starting the 2nd module for Carrion Crown with a 5th Level Inquisitor, low on knowledge skills, low on bluff/diplomacy, maxed on Intimidation and Sense Motive.
Starting investigation of Flesh Golem accused of murder, but not a bi investigator as a player, more of a monster hunter, tho with spells can get +17 on Sense Motive, +17 Per, and +10 Intimidate.
Best way to investigate as an Inquisitor in this situation?
Playing in Carrion Crown and need a 5th level feat for an Archer Inquisitor.
I have Point Blank, Precise and Rapid Shot so far.
I have it narrowed down to 4.
Extended Bane
Deadly Aim
Improved Monster Lore
Weapon Focus-Bow
I'm thinking WF only as a PreReq for Snap Shot...though I can't get that til 9th level, at which case I can start getting clustered shot and many shot anyway...
I know Tieflings can speak Infernal or Abyssal, being as they can be part Devil or Demon.
If a Tiefling was running a Bordello that catered to the unusual, what alignment/heritage would you think they have.
I'm making my first PFS character who is a rogue who works in a brothel of Callistria, and trying to has this out for an additional language...
Was thinking Inquisitor Archer for PFS but You don't get greater bane til you max your level and they way PFS magic items are, you are dependent on module based treasure, rather than being able to actually BUY an efficient quiver...
Any ideas? And how many quivers CAN one person carry effectively?
If you use the Bane ability, say vs Undead, and you have Arrows of Undead the effects stack?
Playing an inquisitor, who we all know is a buff machine, just like a bard.
Has anyone made a list of buffs and how they stack?
If you have a masterwork bow, and +1 arrows, do the to hit bonuses stack?
So I'm watching the Xena series on Netflix.
Trying to figure out how to write her as a character....
Ranger/Rogue/Monk mix is the best I can figure.
Any ideas?
Looking to go range monkey inquisitor, and my GM suggested mixing in 3 levels of fighter to get Armor Training 1, as the class also gets Martial Weapons.
Bought Fighter 1 / Inq 2, and was planning on waiting to level 7 before taking the second level of Fighter so I get Bane.
Is this a viable option, or am I better of sticking with Inquisitor?
And which is better, taking a 14 Str and taking a mighty composite bow, and 2H sword, or 14 Int for the skill points, the combat expertise tree, and +2 skill points?
Going to be starting the Carrion Crown adventure path soon and looking to play an Inquisitor of Desna as it seems to be the main good aligned god in Ustalav, unless I want to play one of the Paladin style gods in Saranae or Iomedae. Desna also has better domains for what I'm trying to do.
Question: My GM sees her as more of a "Hippie" goddess, though with the Liberation Domain available, I'm seeing more of a freedom fighter against oppression. And Ideas on how to roleplay an Inquisitor follower of this god?