
same_random_hero's page

85 posts. Alias of samerandomhero.

Silver Crusade

So let it be written, so let it be done.
Also the Forrest within the grounds is forbidden and the third floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to anyone who does not wish to die a painful death.
Lastly, I am here.
Daniel farner

Silver Crusade

air crystals

Now where are my fly potions

Silver Crusade

Any games being ran tonight offschedule? I ran way of Kirin for a group on Thursday, if no one is looking to run I will run it again so long as someone has a flipmat. I left mine in Japan. -_-

Silver Crusade 1/5

Thanks for opening the improved familiar options!!! And for continuing to update the additional resources as products come out, it must be difficult with the tight scheduling on top of two major cons coming up quick.

Silver Crusade 1/5

To my fellow players of the magnificent Pathfinder Society,
A new thread has come about, in which a poster has inquired as to the proper protocol for a paladin of the oathbound archetype- who encounters a party member whose companion or familiar is an evil outsider.
I wish to make a solid point before I go further and stress that the OP had a legitimate question and I hope his ideas regarding it are given solid consideration.
Now, following this progressive idea forming about what to do was a storm of posts that nothing short of outright questioned the integrity and intentions of someone who came to the game table with an imp familiar.
I wish to without creating a firestorm in the threads, get a genuine consensus of PFS players and how they feel regarding my characters exotic friend showing up at their table.

Here has been my experience:

Most people playing are completely cool with an imp familiar at their table. If their character is strongly aligned with good, they certainly appreciate the imps presence being reduced.
While they have fun admonishing my infernal binders bad life choices, out of game they have no problem and may even be amused.
Others of less alignment bound characters are warm to the idea of the familiar healing the characters, boosting their ac, scouting, etc.

Your input is appreciated regardless of the stance you take,
May the Open Path be before you always,
Samerandomhero, an "imp-lover" :P

Upon reading my post again, i have decided to make it clear that the intent is to find out if a significant amount of PFS players have a genuine problem with it, and that maybe I should chill on the Chelaxian flavor a bit.

Silver Crusade 1/5

The PFS minilodge in Lacey, Wa is hosting a Beginner Box Bash this Saturday the 10th. The place is Olympia Cards and Comics and the fun starts at 1230.
Want to introduce friends and family to Pathfinder? Just want to throw some dice? Maybe meet some PFS players in your area?
Come on down to Gabi's awesome store Olympia Cards and Comics.

Place: Olympia Cards and Comics
When: 1230pm, Sat 10th DEC 2011
What: Beginner Box Bash. Lots of Fun.

Silver Crusade

A Beginner Box Event is being thrown at Olympia Cards and Comics this Saturday the 10th!
Everyone is invited to come!
Want to introduce some fiends or family to Pathfinder? Want to throw some dice with fellow gamers?
The fun starts at 1230 Saturday at the Olympia Cards and Comics in Lacey, WA.

Silver Crusade


Silver Crusade

I know Paizocon is the supreme awesomeness of cons and Paizo is as busy as ever, but I was wondering if there will be any Paizoey goodness going on this year.
I am asking regarding the awesome panels that Paizo did last year and such.
PFS will of course be there in the capable hands of those it was before.

Silver Crusade

Pure awesome sauce. the flumph versus the goblin paizo style. hang in there little dudes!!! :)

Silver Crusade

Please transfer my banquet ticket for Paizocon to the account of Hugo Solis.
I am going to keep the Paizocon ticket, but I am letting him have the banquet ticket. Sorry for the extra work, I do appreciate it and all that you do for us in the awesome customer service department. And I am sure Hugo will appreciate it as well.

-Daniel Farner

Silver Crusade

Despite the awesome products you are releasing, I am requesting the canceling of my subscriptions with the exception of the adventure path and the roleplaying line. I, knowing me, will likely resume all in a few months.

Secondly, there a few products that were shipped but have not reached me.
The products were sent to my former address while I was in Iraq but never reached me before my departure. This is overseas mail problems not you.
The Post Office is primarily responsible for forwarding the packages through the Military, back to the new address after one leaves theater before the mail arrives.
I am not looking for a refund or another copy being sent out, I am trying to see if they can be tracked or if you are notified of mail not being deliverable thus returned or forwarded.
The products were sent some time ago, but it takes awhile for the overseas bermuda mail triangle sometimes. That is why I have waited.
The products not received are the following:
order 1210346: AP #23
order 1213707: AP #24
order 1214082: Qadira, Gateway to the east
Any info to pass on to the Post Office and my supreme masters at Fort Lewis would be very appreciated.
I thank you very much for your time and look forward to adding the rest of the subscriptions back when I find a group of PF players.

Silver Crusade 1/5

Starting in early October, Pathfinder Society will be coming to Olympic Cards and Comics. I am working the exact dates with Gabby.

I am trying to get word out and measure interest as well.
If you would like to play or help GM scenarios with me, post here and/or email me at somerandomhero at gmail dot com.

I am also trying to get something together for a kind of Pathfinder Event day, probably the weekend the bestiary comes out(assuming of course that the dates become solid and known to me).
That is up in the air and being discussed with Gabby.
Any ideas or assistance would be appreciated.
I would think introductory scenarios for newcomers to Pathfinder would be good and maybe something for the "old guard" too.

Silver Crusade

::waits patiently::

Silver Crusade

I have updated my subscription address on my subscription page. This is where I would like them to go for now, thank you. I hope this reaches you in time for the order I made earlier this morning. Awesome products and awesome company! Rock on, Cosmo!! And thanks again.
[Edit: Address redacted]

A long time ago...... in a galaxy far,far away...